LASTING∞IMPACT – Future Gohan vs Kanade Amou! DBX!




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Everything was… dark. Faint. Blurry. Everything in the area was obscured by a fog being washed away by the rain. The ground looked partially faded, and whatever landmarks could be made out looked like they didn’t belong with one another, like pockets of the world placed in without much thought. Large land masses stretched up into the blank sky, buildings of both pristine condition and fallen over amongst themselves littered the areas as well, and whatever plants there were had no greens to speak of. Trees without leaves, dead hunks of wood leaning against one another. Hell, some of the mentioned were even floating in the sky.

Everything looked like it didn’t belong. This was how a young, orange-haired woman would describe what she saw anyway. She was… lost, both literally and in thought. She… where was she? What… what was she doing here? It’s also important to mention that this woman was dressed oddly, to say the least. She was in some sort of battle gear as a way to describe it, and in her right hand looked to be a large spear.

The young woman brought a hand to her head, trying to recall how she got to this place. She was performing at a concert with someone else, but then-

“Who are you?” Spoke the voice of a gruff-sounding man, causing Kanathe young woman to jump in surprise, clenching her Armed Gear tightly as she spun around. She looked on at an adult figure shrouded in the shadows of a floating building.

“… Kanade. And you are…?” She asked with hesitation to the young man with her back turned to her. There was a stretch of silence before he broke it.

Gohan.” He responded before turning around and taking a few steps forward into whatever light existed in this void of a world, allowing Kanade to get a good look at him. He had short black hair and a few scars on his face and wore an orange gi. But most surprising of all, to Kanade at least, was the fact he was missing an arm, his left specifically. Gohan looked at Kanade with a stern expression.

“Where the heck am I?” Kanade asked, a hint of hostility in her voice. Gohan closed his eyes before responding. “I’m not sure myself… but you’re the only person I’ve come across since I’ve gotten here. But given how I got here, I have an idea as to what this all this.” He said, looking at the unfitting terrain around him.

“And what’s that?” Kanade responded, raising an eyebrow.

“A test. A test to see who is worthy to keep on living.” Gohan said. For a moment, Kanade was confused as to what Gohan had meant, but then it hit her like a freight train to the face. She… She remembered… She was fighting. Fighting monsters called Noise that attacked the people at the concert. Her partner and herself were the only ones that were able to fight these creatures. But then, somebody got hurt… and then she…

“That’s… right. I… I died?” Kanade remarked, not wanting to believe what she was saying. “This… doesn’t feel real…” She continued, looking at her hand as she spoke.

“And if we’re both here… that means we have to truly move on… we have yet to prove ourselves… that one of us is worthy to keep on living…!” Gohan remarked, catching Kanade’s attention.

“I won’t go easy on you. I have people I have to protect, so I have to live!” Gohan remarked, getting into a stance and raising his arm up as he locked eyes with Kanade. Kanade smiled, getting into a stance herself, gripping her armed gear tightly.

“I don’t think I fully understand what’s going on, but I won’t go easy on you either!” She responded. There was a moment of silence before both made a leap toward one another.


Kanade thrust her armed gear forward toward Gohan as he swerved out of the way of the attack, attempting to throw a punch at Kanade though she was quick to duck underneath the attack. The duo flew past one another as a result of not making contact with either of their attacks, but once they had both landed, Kanade spun around and made a rush for Gohan.

Kanade began swinging her armed gear while advancing forward toward Gohan, with Gohan dodging each swing, with the occasional raising of his arm to knock the weapon away. After a bit, Kanade made a downward slash, to which Gohan jumped back in response, watching as the weapon struck the ground, sending out a shockwave from the impact. Gohan stuck out his arm and fired a blast of blue-colored energy the size of a grapefruit from it.

Kanade ripped her armed gear from the ground and spun around with it in her grasp, easily knocking Gohan’s blast back toward him. Gohan simply took to batting the thing away with a clenched fist, the attack being sent flying off into a distance building and exploding against it upon contact. Kanade glanced over to where the blast had hit then quickly turned her attention back to Gohan, who was making another rush toward her.

Kanade sidestepped an attempted kick from Gohan and swung her armed gear at him once again. Gohan twisted his body around the attack, placing his hand on the flat side of her weapon, using it as some form of leverage to spin around and deliver a strong kick to Kanade’s face. The result of the sudden impact sent Kanade flying back, armed gear still held firmly.

Kanade stuck her armed gear into the ground as a way to stop her momentum, noticing Gohan was trailing after her. Planting her feet on the ground, she quickly made a leap straight over Gohan, who had attempted to kick Kanade. Kanade, in return, spun around and slammed the flat side of her armed gear into Gohan’s back, eliciting a grunt of pain from him while forcing him forward.

Gohan quickly spun around, throwing his arm out, and launched a small blast of energy towards Kanade who had just landed. She ducked out of the way of the attack, rushing towards Gohan afterward as he started to make leaps backward, firing out more blasts of energy towards Kanade as he did so in an attempt to gain some distance. As the blasts drew closer, Kanade swatted them away with her armed gear as she grew closer and closer to the young half-Saiyan, eventually piercing her weapon into one of the blasts.

“Huh?” Gohan exclaimed as a smile appeared on Kanade’s face. She spun around and threw her armed gear toward Gohan like a javelin. Gohan took on a defensive stance, his body tensing up as he raised his arm. Once the armed gear was close enough, Gohan moved out of the way ever so slightly and slammed his palm into the flat side of the weapon, launching the weapon high into the blank sky.

Both looked up at the soaring weapon, though when Gohan looked over at Kanade he watched as she started leaping from debris to debris, closing the distance between her and her weapon remarkably fast. Gohan quickly stuck out his arm and started firing ki blasts at Kanade with a steady pace, though each one just barely missed its target.

Eventually, Kanade made one last leap off of a floating piece of a building, grabbing hold of the handle of her weapon. The tip of Kanade’s armed gear began to spin rapidly as if it were a drill being powered. In response to this, Gohan stuck his arm out in front of him and started firing out a rapid stream of ki blasts from his hand. As the attacks rapidly approached, the spinning of Kanade’s weapon grew faster and faster.

Soon enough, it began to string up a strong wind current around itself, one strong enough to not only begin to form a small tornado around her weapon but also draw in Gohan’s blasts. Gohan stopped his barrage as soon as he noticed his attacks were being sucked in. What he also noticed, was a smile on Kanade’s face as she rocketed back down the ground, swinging her armed gear into it, sending a large tornado straight towards Gohan, to which Gohan took up a defensive stance in anticipation of the attack’s impact.


The cyclone easily overtook Gohan, and he did his best to stand his ground against the powerful torrent of wind, though once Gohan’s blasts started to make contact with his body from within the tornado, the more his defense began to falter. Not every blast hit him, a lot whizzed right past the half-saiyan, but the ones that did slowly started to force him back. Eventually, his footing gave away and he was carried along by the gust of wind, straight through a pale building.

Soon the tornado attack dissipated and Kanade made a mad dash towards Gohan. She’s got the upper hand, so he has to capitalize on it as best she could. Where Gohan had been covered in a huge cloud of dust, but she was certain she could-

“Huh?” Kanade muttered, stopping on a dime, noticing a bright, shining golden light from within the dust cloud. As it dissipated, Kanade made out a figure, most certainly Gohan’s, with his hand held openly in front of his forehead, a golden light emanating from his palm, and it looked to be growing even brighter.

“MASENKOOOO!” Gohan shouted, throwing his arm out in front of himself and firing a large yellow beam of energy from it. In a panic, Kanade jumped to her left, just barely able to get out of the way of the large beam as it sped right past her, effortlessly tearing through the ground and anything else that got in its way. Once the attack dissipated, Kanade and Gohan took a moment to breathe, with Kanade glancing in the direction Gohan’s attack traveled in, taking in the carnage it had unleashed, before turning her attention towards Gohan, as he began advancing towards Kanade.

“You’ve got a lot of power under that hood… It wouldn’t be good to let it go unchecked.” Kanade remarked, her grip on her armed gear tightening.

“I used this power to fight to my last breath. Nearly every second I lived, I lived in battle, all so I could protect people from… ‘them’.” Gohan responded, a faint clear aura pulsating around him. Kanade remained silent for a second as she took in her opponent’s words.

“I’m not going to give up just because I heard your sob story. I have people I fight to protect as well, so I’m not backing down.” Kanade said, rushing towards the man. Gohan brought up his arm in response as Kanade began swinging her weapon in an attempt to hit the Saiyan, though he simply started moving out of the way of the attacks, dodging and ducking underneath them.

After avoiding an overhead swing from Kanade, Gohan spun around, kicking Kanade in the chest, forcing her across the terrain somewhat. Kanade prematurely stopped herself and leaped back toward Gohan. Gohan opened up his right hand and gathered a ball of ki into it. Quickly, Gohan sidestepped another of Kanade’s attacks and threw his arm at her, ki blast still in hand.

Kanade’s response was to lean back as far as she could, avoiding the attempted attack while also swinging her leg upwards, kicking the ki blast out of Gohan’s hand and high into the sky. Kanade quickly spun around to a stand, carrying her momentum in such a way that lead to her taking another swing at Gohan, though he simply made a leap high into the air, catching up to and catching the ki ball that was just knocked out of his grasp.

Gohan propelled himself toward the ground again as Kanade jumped back in anticipation as Gohan’s feet slammed into the ground. Surprising to Kanade however was Gohan’s next action. Instead of throwing the ki ball at her, he simply threw it at the ground at his feet, causing it to explode into a large cloud of smoke, engulfing the 2. Kanade attempted to keep up her guard as best she could, but due to her lack of sight on her opponent, she wound up leaving herself wide open for a clean hit, specifically Gohan landing a strong punch across her face.

Kanade recoiled back for a second before attacking in front of herself in an attempt to hit Gohan, though all she wound up hitting was the smoke-filled air in front of her. After her failed attack, she felt something strike her in the back of the head as Gohan slammed his Knee into the back of her head, disappearing again as soon as Kanade attempted a counterattack. This song and dance repeated with Gohan landing a hit on Kanade, and her failing to hit him back for his pot shots.

Eventually, Kanade grew fed up, raising her armed gear above her head and swinging it down at the ground as hard as she could, and with a strong yell. Her armed gear slammed into the ground, creating a powerful shockwave, instantly dispersing the smoke cloud… and revealing Gohan in front of her, just far enough away from her weapon to have avoided being hit by it, with her arm held behind herself.

“HIYAH!” Gohan shouted as he threw his arm up at Kanade. She couldn’t react in time as Gohan’s fist made contact with her lower jaw, the sheer power behind the attack was enough to effortlessly send Kanade flying high into the sky, armed gear in hand. Kanade cried out in pain as she flew upwards, grunting a bit as her body broke through smaller floating pieces of debris.

A white aura flared up around Gohan as he took off toward Kanade, trailing after her in an attempt to follow up, though stopped himself when he watched Kanade reorient herself as she flew backward, planting her feet onto a floating piece of debris behind her, and pull back her arm, aiming her armed gear towards Gohan. As Kanade threw her weapon, Gohan brought up a spherical barrier around himself in an attempt to block the attack.

But Gohan wasn’t prepared for the armed gear to suddenly increase in size several times over after Kanade threw it at him. As it traveled toward Gohan, Kanade jumped from her perch and delivered a strong kick into the hilt of her weapon causing it to suddenly accelerate towards Gohan.


It struck Gohan’s energy shield for a moment before effortlessly shattering it. In a panic, Gohan grabbed hold of the giant weapon, holding himself just barely away from its sharp tip as the two of them struck a large dead tree, causing it to burst into a cloud of dust and smoke. Kanade landed on the ground, taking in some deep breaths as her armed gear came flying out of the cloud, Kanade caught it without a second thought, holding it at her side as she looked on at the cloud. She wasn’t the most confident that attack did Gohan in, but there always was a chance, especially considering the tree that was there was basically no more.

“…” Kanade looked at the cloud of smoke and dust as it dissipated. She was doing her best to try and see through it. Eventually, though, she was able to see something within it. It was a human figure, undoubtedly Gohan, standing hunched over, or so it appeared to Kanade. Her grip on her weapon tightened as she mentally prepared herself to continue the fight, but then something odd happened.

With a flex of Gohan’s body, he let out a shockwave which instantly cleared out the dust cloud around him, revealing himself standing slightly hunched over and breathing heavily. He had some cuts and scratches but otherwise appeared fine. With his eyes locked on Kanade, he bent forward slightly, gritting his teeth together, a clear aura surrounding him, small rocks on the ground starting to rise up as Gohan’s power grew.

Kanade kept herself tense, ready to react to whatever her opponent was about to do. Yet she raised an eyebrow as Gohan’s white aura began to take on a yellow-gold tint to it, more and more small pieces of debris rising into the air. Their eyes locked for a moment, and that’s when it finally happened.

Steam Community :: :: Future Gohan
Gohan’s hair turned a glorious golden color in a flash of light and a sudden shout.

The light given off by Gohan’s intense golden aura spread across the vague terrain, almost appearing to bring life back into it. Kanade couldn’t look away from Gohan. This sudden transformation he’d undergone was… mesmerizing so to speak, she was finding it difficult to act.

“I’m not gonna be pulling my punches now. Get ready…” Gohan remarked, tensing his body up before leaping towards Kanade. In a slight panic, she brought up one of her arms to defend against Gohan, only to be too slow and receive a strong punch to the face. Despite the pain, Kanade swung her armed gear in retaliation, only for Gohan to bring his arm up and grab hold of it.

With a shocked expression, Gohan’s grip tightened on the weapon and he delivered a swift kick to Kanade’s mid-section which sent her flying back, her grasp on her weapon slipping as Gohan held onto it. Now without a weapon, Kanade picked herself up off the ground and watched as Gohan stuck the weapon into the ground and flew towards her at a great speed. Kanade attempted to raise her arms up in a defensive position, only to feel Gohan grab hold of her arm.

She wasn’t able to act as Gohan swung Kanade over his head and slammed her straight into the ground, eliciting a cry of pain from her. Gritting her teeth, she grabbed Gohan’s arm with her own free arm and spun around as best she could, sweeping her legs underneath Gohan, knocking him off balance and snapping his focus just long enough for her to break free from his grasp and jump to her feet and make a run towards her weapon.

Gohan quickly reoriented himself and took off towards Kanade, intercepting her quickly and forcing her to stop in her tracks, a look of concern on her face. Gohan smirked before throwing a punch at Kanade’s face. Though to his surprise, she was just barely able to avoid it, his fist just barely grazing her cheek. She quickly retaliated by grabbing his arm and doing her best to throw him back over her shoulder.

But Gohan wasn’t about to let himself be tossed around so easily. While she was still holding onto him, Gohan started spinning around in place, his golden aura flaring to life as he did so. After a few seconds of spinning, Kanade let go, going flying back as Gohan stopped his spinning instantly, throwing his hand forward and firing a ki blast in Kanade’s direction.

Yet Kanade still found herself smiling as she flew back. Without even looking at where she was going, she extended her arm out to her side and grabbed hold of the handle of her armed gear, yanking it out of the ground thanks to her momentum. Again, without looking, Kanade planted her feet onto a concrete wall, leaping off of it with such force that it shattered into dust. Kanade held her armed gear in front of herself like a lance.

Gohan quickly took off into the air as a means to evade Kanade’s attack, watching her whiz past his previous location and slide across the blank ground in an attempt to stop herself. With a slight smile, Gohan extended his hand in front of himself, letting loose a barrage of ki blasts at Kanade in a steady stream. Kanade looked up at the condensed rain of energy blasts heading her way and shifted her stance somewhat.

Kanade then began spinning her armed gear above herself, akin to a propellor blade. Each blast that made contact with her spinning weapon was simply destroyed, bursting into small puffs upon contact. Once she was sure she had negated the last one, she pulled her armed gear behind herself and threw it as high as she could into the air where she anticipated Gohan to be, only to be left in a stage of confusion. He was just pelting her with his ranged attacks a second ago, and she threw it in-


“GAH!” Kanade cried out as Gohan’s fist made contact with her stomach. There was a moment of slowness as Kanade took in the pain, before Gohan followed up with a swift kick to her face faster than the blink of an eye, forcing her to the ground. She lay there for a second as Gohan looked down at her, watching her slowly begin to push herself up off the ground. He was about to think of his next course of action, but his train of thought was cut off before it could start as Gohan caught little flashes of light above him.

When he looked up, his eyes widened in shock. Falling from the sky like rain in a monsoon, was Kanade’s armed gear. Only, it wasn’t just one, it was hundreds of them, potentially thousands. With his attention elsewhere, Kanade sprung to her feet, slamming her shoulder into Gohan, knocking him to the ground. His attention shifted between Kanade, who had a cocky smile on her face as she made a leap backward, and up at the imminent rain of Kanade’s attack.


Instinctively, Gohan got up and quickly turned his attention to Kanade, who was simply confused that he was focusing on her but watched him quickly raise his arm up, hand in front of his forehead. She was expecting another of those energy beams from before, but instead, Gohan shut his eyes and shouted “SOLAR FLARE!” which let loose a bright flash of light from Gohan’s location.

Kanade witnessed this flash and was forced to close her eyes, wincing in discomfort as she used a hand to also cover her eyes. Now knowing she wouldn’t interfere, Gohan turned his attention back to her previously launched attack, which was already starting to make contact with the ground, each blade exploding into smoke upon impact with the ground and whatever other structures and debris there were. There were so many of them… Gohan rallied himself and started knocking away any that got close to him.

Albeit his defense wasn’t perfect, so he still had to dodge a stray if it got close, and even then he was still taking a few. Some grazed past him, leaving behind small cuts, one even across the bridge of his nose, and one even exploding upon hitting his chest. Still, even though it was like a minefield was being set off, Gohan still remained strong. Eventually, the attack subsided, and Gohan looked over at Kanade as she caught her armed gear in her hand while rubbing her eyes with the other.

Kanade opened her eyes, squinting somewhat as she made out what she assumed to be her opponent, Gohan, dashing toward her once again. Things were still a bit blurry so she couldn’t be exactly sure, but never the less she made a leap up into the air in an attempt to evade his strike and hopefully counterattack. Who she presumed was Gohan sped right past her, yet right after it did, she felt something grab onto her leg.

What she assumed to be Gohan was simply a large chunk of concrete that Gohan had thrown at her. Now, with her in his grasp, Gohan immediately took off high into the air, slamming her into stray pieces of floating debris as he flew up. Eventually, Gohan got high enough to where he stopped his ascent and started diving straight for the ground again, ready to slam Kanade into the ground at a blistering speed… if it wasn’t for Gohan’s grip loosening when Kanade slammed the hilt of her armed gear into the back of his head.

Utilizing him as a jumping-off point, Kanade made a jump toward a floating piece of debris, staggering a bit as the debris shifted under her feet. Her breathing started to get noticeably heavier as she looked on at Gohan, who extended his arm out in front of himself, firing a ball of energy toward Kanade. Kanade thrust her armed gear, stabbing through the ki blast, popping it like a balloon.

Kanade pulled her weapon back and made a leap to another floating piece of debris as Gohan shot another ki blast at her, which destroyed her prior platform with ease. This repeated for a bit, with Kanade jumping from platform to platform, as Gohan kept destroying them, causing a lot of dust to start to build up around the duo, eventually leading to the pair losing sight of one another.

Yet they still knew exactly where each other was. Gohan kept his eyes locked on Kanade’s location as Kanade made a leap from her final platform towards Gohan, holding her armed gear behind herself. In response, Gohan pulled his arm back, hand clenched into a fist. They both drew close to one another, Kanade swinging her armed gear toward Gohan and Gohan throwing a punch toward Kanade.

The result of this interaction was Gohan striking Kanade in the face, and Kanade slamming the side of her weapon into Gohan’s face. There was a shockwave that cleared the dust around them as a result of their attacks before they were both sent flying, Kanade higher up into the air, and Gohan back towards the ground.

Kanade groaned in pain as she reoriented herself, gripping her armed gear tightly with bother her hands as she held it above her head. Her body gave off a faint golden glow as she swung her arms downwards as hard as she could, creating a large crescent-shaped shockwave as a result that started making its way directly after Gohan.


Gohan looked off in Kanade’s direction, overcome with shock as her attack sped toward him. He couldn’t react in time as it made contact with his chest and carried him straight into the ground, or more specifically a large pile of debris that exploded into a cloud of smoke and dust upon his impact. Kanade on the other hand simply fell back to the ground, landing… not gracefully that’s for sure.

She landed on her feet, but almost immediately fell to her knees in pain. The glow that had surrounded her for that attack now faded away as Kanade held herself up off the ground with her hands, breathing heavier than ever, clearly exhausted beyond belief.

“Damn it…” She mumbled to herself. Things were starting to get a bit blurry for her as her exhaustion was slowly taking hold of her. On a whim, she looked up at where Gohan was sent flying into, watching the cloud of dust that surrounded him be forcibly dissipated as Gohan let his golden aura flare up around himself. He was just as exhausted as Kanade was, perhaps a bit more so, but he was at least standing, while Kanade has only begun to pick herself up off the ground.

“… I’m ending this…” Gohan remarked, his aura flaring up like wildfire, clearly charging up something big.

“Ka… Me… Ha… Me…” Gohan chanted as he pulled his arm back, pooling energy within his hand, forming a ball of energy in his hand that slowly got larger and brighter. Kanade fully picked herself up off the ground and up to a stand, staggering a bit as she steadied herself.


Gohan thrust his arm forward, letting loose a large blue beam of energy from his hand, one that completely obliterated everything in its way, tearing through the ground without any effort as it sped toward Kanade.

And yet, Kanade simply smiled. “Guess this is as far as I can go… or maybe, I can go just a bit further.” She said, raising up her armed gear above her head, opening her mouth, and started singing.

As Kanade sang, a purple light draped the area around her, alongside what looked to be a dome of energy emitting from her body, expanding outwards.

In a moment’s notice, Gohan’s beam made contact with Kanade’s own attack, both pushing against one another at full force. Gohan’s energy beam started to grow weaker, being pushed back by Kanade’s still-expanding energy blast. Gohan could feel his arm going limp… he was exhausted, and it was beginning to show. His arm started to fall limp, slowly and steadily, which caused his beam to weaken more.

“… NO!” Gohan shouted, gripping his hand into a fist before pulling it back behind himself once again. “I’M NOT GIVING IN! I’LL PUT MY VERY LIFE ON THE LINE IF IT MEANS A PEACEFUL FUTURE CAN EXIST!” Gohan shouted, throwing his arm back into the beam, while also taking steps forward. In response, the beam regained its lost girth, and maybe even grew a bit larger as it pushed against Kanade’s attack, Gohan slowly getting closer with each step he made.

“Tch!” Kanade could feel blood starting to leak from her mouth. The Superb Song was a suicide move for her, so she knew she was dead either way… But that didn’t mean she could let herself go and die just like that. With the blast still going, Kanade lowered her armed gear, held it behind herself, and started to walk forward, not noticing pieces of her armor start to chip off and float away.

By now, both of the fighter’s attacks were growing more and more unstable. The power the pair was putting into their last stands was clear as day. Kanade’s purple dome was spiking in random places, and Gohan’s beam shook slightly, with these effects growing more prevalent the closer they got to one another.

And, when they eventually met face to face, both looking at one another with a look of determination, their attacks reached their limit. Both had burst, exploding outwards like balloons filled with too much air, the colors of the two blasts melding together into a light show of epic proportions, all with them at the center.

And yes, they were still fighting. Unphased by what was going on around them, they inched closer and closer to one another. Gohan pulled his arm back with his hand clenched into a fist. Kanade pulled her arm back, hand held firmly on the cracking handle of her armed gear.

There was a pause, broken by Gohan and Kanade thrusting their arms toward one another. Gohan’s fist made contact with Kanade’s face as Kanade’s armed gear penetrated through Gohan’s shoulder. As quickly as they had made contact, they had been thrust away. A shockwave was created by their impact, instantly dispersing their combined explosion and throwing the pair back.

As they flew back, however, they both felt… content. Their bodies gave off a faint green glow as it appeared like they were being carried away by fireflies, their bodies becoming more and more transparent as they flew back. It was like they were fading away. But even as this was happening, some final thoughts passed through their minds…


“I’m not needed anymore…”


“Someone stronger will raise up in my place!”

Both Gohan and Kanade had vanished within a flash of green light, their very spirits carried along by some otherworldly wind. Had they been deemed worthy to keep on living? Or had they moved on? We can’t know for sure. The void fell silent, except with two new additions to the scenery—a large spear of sorts, and an orange gi attached to it.

Only time would tell if any other restless souls would find what these two had left behind…


This Battle’s outcome is…

Future Gohan's Creati (Mirai Gohan x Yaoyorozu) - The tears of a Saiyajin: Gohan's rage and sadness - Wattpadcutepresea on Tumblr


Size isn’t Everything – GT!Son Goku vs. Carol Malus Dienhelm! | DBX!





West City: Roughly 5PM…


Explosions littering streets and buildings, people screaming in terror from monsters of unknown origin, and trying desperately to escape with their lives, to mixed results. Things weren’t entirely right at the moment for those in West City. Some unfamiliar enemy was laying siege to the city so many of our heroes called home. Just who was behind this assault? Well… nobody would exactly discern.

Our Heroes had been split up to fight the mysterious foes. They appeared… inhuman. Their bodies impossibly pale for a human, their hair striking colors, their outfits had a distinct flair to them… and one of them had giant clawed hands which shot giant crystals and fire from them. That was probably a dead giveaway. These were beings known as Autoscorers, living dolls created to serve their master.

By their sides, and all around them for miles, were monsters of some kinda, appearing in distinct shapes and colors, and yet having an appearance like their bodies were filled with TV Static. With each one our heroes managed to blow up, they left behind a faint red mist. There were a special type of monster, called Alcanoise. Whatever buildings and unfortunate bystanders were touched by these things were disintegrated into nothingness.

This truly was a hellish time, especially during what could otherwise be considered an era of peace, but at the least Goku and his friends could hold their own from all these… things.

But, where was Goku himself? He wasn’t in the battle, at least not currently. At the moment, he was flying through the air at an astonishing speed, towards an odd energy he sensed while helping people evacuate. It was unreal, like nothing he had ever sensed before. Once he got a general feel for it, he took off towards it, confident this is where he’d find the mastermind behind all this.

“I’ve gotta find them… And quickly!” The pint sized saiyan thought to himself as he continued flying through the air. He could feel the energy growing stronger and stronger, meaning he was getting closer and closer to its source…

Until finally, he was finally at his destination. The heart of the city, standing atop the tallest building and onlooking the destruction, was a young girl with blonde hair, some of it in a wildly long braided ponytail, wearing a simple red dress with long black sleeves, and red footwear. She was so fixated on what was unfolding that she didn’t even realize Goku hovering in the air behind her.

“HEY!” Shouted Goku, catching the girl’s attention. “Are you the one behind all this?” Goku continued, the girl staring at him with a noticeable glare, taking in this floating child’s appearance. His outfit was a blue gi with orange pants. He had a wild hair style and what appeared to be a… Monkey’s tail casually flowing in the winds. If it weren’t for the monkey’s tail and the fact he hovering in mid-air, she might’ve brushed him off.

“Carol Malus Dienhelm.” She stated coldly, beginning to raise up her left hand. Goku’s body tensed up, sensing a sudden spike in energy coming from her. In front of her outstretched hand appeared to be 2 rings made up of red hexagons appeared, one bigger than the other. “Engrave it in your memory. It will be the last name you’ll ever hear.” She simply stated before a large swirling torrent of flames overtook Goku. It flew across the sky at an incredible speed, effortlessly toppling whatever buildings it crossed paths with.

Soon after the flames stopped, Carol took a moment to admire her work. Smoke littered the landscape, and she could still make out explosions far in the distant parts of the city, clear signs her Autoscorers were still battling it out with these people. “Pathetic.” She remarked, before suddenly noticing a bright golden flash emanating from behind herself. She spun around quickly and laid her eyes on the kid she had thought she just incinerated.

But something was evidently different about him. Gone was his wild black hair, instead it was almost all pointed upwards, and had taken on a brilliant golden color. The same went for his tail too, which had previously been brown, it now too glowed a faint golden color. Goku took a stance, his eyes locked on Carol, with her eyes lock on him as well.

“You’re not going to get away with this.”


Goku launched himself across the sky, his fist held in front of himself as he attempted to throw a punch straight at Carol, only for it to make contact with a large translucent barrier that materialized in front of her. Shocked by this, Goku propelled himself backwards, sticking out both his hands and firing a barrage of ki blasts at the barrier. Each ki blast exploded on contact, inflicting no visible damage onto the golden barrier.

Goku pulled his arms back and took off into the air, circling around Carol while gathering up a visible ball of energy into one of his hands. Carol simply kept her eyes on him as he flew through the air. Once Goku had made it to behind Carol, he rushed at her again. Carol, in response to this, brought up her hand once again, this time summoning a set of green hexagon plated rings. Within a moments notice, a flurry of green tornadoes spewed out of them, straight towards Goku.

“Tch!” Goku quickly brought up his arms in front of his face in a defensive position as best he could, the violent winds overtaking him and pushing him back bit by bit. Opening his eyes within the tornado, Goku mustered up the might and effectively leaped out of the attack, making a beeline for Carol, his energy filled hand held behind him. With a shout Goku thrusted his arm forward, sending a large beam of energy straight towards Carol.

Much like his punch and ki blasts from earlier, Carol brought up a barrier to which the beam connected with, it exploding once it made contact with it with no visible damage to the barrier at all. As the smoke obscured their visions of one another, Goku took a second to try and think of the situation.

“Hmm… I can’t hit her directly, what should I do…” He thought to himself. Somewhat lost in thought, he took notice of a shimmer blue like from within the cloud of smoke. Not sure what this meant, he quickly found out as he was blasted by a cyclone of water, carrying him back through the air and into the side of a skyscraper. Once the stream had ceased fire, Goku shook the water off of himself and took in his surroundings. It looked like some for of office building.

He glanced out the hole that was made with his body, noticing a red ring like before had materialized in front of it. When Goku started to glance around all the other windows that this floor had to offer, he noticed more of those red rings. She was planning on burning the building to ashes, with him still inside of it! Thinking fast, Goku grabbed hold of a computer monitor and looked above himself, raising up his free hand and shooting a beam of ki, easily cleaving through it and the floors above.

Right as he heard a snap of Carol’s fingers, he took off into the air, getting out of the building just in time, watching as a stream of flames from each ring utterly decimated the building. Taking off towards Carol once again, Goku tossed the monitor he had grabbed straight at her, while taking off in a seemingly random direction. Carol looked over at the monitor heading straight towards her and simply tilted her head out of the way of it.

“Got you!” Goku shouted from behind Carol, bringing her to a state of shock. She spun around and thrusted her hands in front of herself, a large red ring forming and spewing out a stream of fire, which Goku countered with a large beam of energy firing from hands which were outstretched in front of himself. The 2 attacks pushed against each other fiercely, the power given off by the two of them was intense.

Ultimately Carol’s own attack overpowered Goku’s, sending him flying down straight into the streets below.

“Jeez, you’re tough to crack.” Goku said as he got up from the small burned crater he was thrusted into, wiping a bit of sweat away from his forehead as he looked up at Carol, still hovering in the air above him, yet this time she held some odd looking crystals within her hands. Without saying a word she tossed all of them aside, them falling to the ground and cracking open, summoning odd looking red hexagons on the ground.

Confused by this initially, Goku would quickly figure out what the heck these were for as slowly rose these odd looking monsters. The same ones that were fighting alongside those pale women from all around the city.

The Alcanoise were brought into battle.

Goku looked on at the army of these monsters, a sense of anger bubbling up within him. “So you’re responsible for these things attacking huh?” He remarked, looking up at Carol, perched on top of a building. Without a word from her, she simply waved her hand, and the Alcanoise began to charge forth towards Goku.

Goku’s fiery aura flared up, clinging to him as some sort of skin tight suit as he jumped straight into a line of the Alcanoise with this fist held in front of himself, easily cleaving through about a dozen of them before changing paths and cleaving through about a dozen more of them, repeating this a few times before weaving his way through their outstretched arms and blasting any that got too close with small blasts of ki, all the while Carol just kept watching.

As Goku kept tearing through more and more, the more of the Alcanoise that seemed to reappear. It was like for every one he took out, 2 more were showing up. In the moment he pondered what to do, he left himself open for a fraction of a second. He felt one of the Alcanoise wrap one of its arms around his own. In response to this, Goku spun his whole body around, throwing the Alcanoise straight into its brethren.

Yet after he did that, 2 more repeated the action, and so did he. Then 3 more, and yet another spin from Goku. With each additional one that attempted to grab hold of him, the more weight they were beginning to add, and the more difficulty Goku was having driving them off. With one violent shout, Goku released a shockwave of energy, destroying whatever Alcanoise has clung to him… for but a moment.

By now they were starting to get a tad bit overwhelming. Goku attempted to take off into the air as a way to at least try and get away from these things, but found himself unable to get anywhere with them still grappling onto him. He was thrust back into the ground, with what remained of the army of Alcanoise proceeding to pile on top of him. Carol looked down with a smile on her face.

She was about ready to head out, until she heard a faint… rumbling. She scanned her surroundings, noticing a lamp post subtly shaking, as well as glass from nearby buildings that hadn’t been damaged was beginning to crack. Putting 2 and 2 together, she looked down and noticed a faint golden light peaking through gaps in the Alcanoise pile. She watched them slowly start to rise up, as if something was pushing them all off at once.


And with one violent shout, an explosion of golden light came from underneath them, releasing a burst of energy that destroyed whatever Alcanoise were within proximity to the Saiyan, revealing his change in appearance. Gone were his eyebrows, now replaced with a single furrowed brow, and his hair had grown out to an absurd proportion, now longer than his entire body and with a faint electrical aura surrounding him.

Goku looked up towards her with an angry expression on his face and immediately took off towards her, his fist held out in front of himself.


Carol was taken aback by the young mans sudden hair growth and eyebrow loss that she barely had time to summon forth a barrier in front of her, blocking Goku’s attempt at a punch. Or at least, partially stopping it. The barrier cracked upon Goku’s fist making impact with it, much to her shock. She dashed backwards as Goku destroyed the barrier with a follow-up punch, quickly following after with a sense of vigor.

Carol twisted her body in mid-air, avoiding an attempted kick from Goku, although upon attempting to retaliate to this, Goku spun around, landing a direct hit across her face. Carol yelled in pain as she was sent flying towards the ground, her body smashing through the top of a building on its way down. Mid fall, Carol opened her eyes and took notice of Goku rushing straight after her.

“DIE!” Carol yelled out as she raised her hand ahead of her, summoning 2 red hexagon plated rings which let loose a tornado of flames straight towards Goku. Goku didn’t even try to dodge it, this time, flying straight through the attack, not bothered by it in the slightest. “WHAT?!” Carol shouted as Goku emerged from the flames in front of Carol, not a single burn on him. In a state of shock Carol left herself wide open, allowing Goku to grab her by her hair and start to forcefully drag her through the concrete of the streets.

After a bit of this, and slamming Carol through the front of a large clothing store, Goku made a good chunk of distance backwards, his electrical flame-like aura surrounding him once again. He watched Carol slowly start to recover from within the building she was thrashed straight into. Goku moved his hands to his right side, both open, and began to charge up energy.

“Ka… Me…” With each bit of his chant, Goku’s energy increased even further, the ball between his cupped hands growing larger and shining brighter.

“Ha… Me…” by now Carol was back on her feet, sore from what had just transpired. She looked over in Goku’s direction, noticing the blinding light emanating from his side. With a smile, Goku thrusted his hands forward.

“HAAAAAA!!!!” He shouted, firing a large blue beam straight for Carol. She cried out in surprise, bringing up a barrier in front of herself in a desperate attempt to block the attack. Within making contact with the barrier, it immediately started cracking under the pressure of Goku’s destruction wave. Carol gritted her teeth, determined to stop this. That was, until the barrier shattered, and the beam overtook her.

Carol screamed in pain as she was overtaken by an explosion, one powerful enough to destroy the building she was in. Goku brought his hands up in a defensive stance, blocking any little bits of debris that flew his way.

After a little bit, Goku lowered his arms and looked on at the cloud of dust, which was already dissipating, showing a large pile of rubble in its wake. Goku looked on at it in silence before that silence was eventually broken by Carol, shouting as she forced the rubble on top of her away with some burst of energy, breathing a bit heavier than earlier, and beginning to wipe some dirt off her face.

“You took that like a champ.” Goku remarked as Carol looked at him in disgust. “Don’t offer me your pity.” Carol responded in a clearly agitated tone as Goku’s body tensed up again. A faint golden glow surrounded Carol as she hovered into the air once again, albeit this time not very high up. Just as Goku was about to act, he took notice of several of those barriers that Carol was using to shield herself from Goku’s attacks appearing around the 2 of them, forming a dome of sorts.

“What are you doing?!” Goku asked looking over at Carol, noticing a 2 large golden hexagon plated rings surrounding her, one above her head, and one around her ankles. The golden like surrounding her growing brighter and brighter by the second.

“Disposing of you.” Carol stated coldly. Realizing he didn’t have much time to work with, he charged into one of the barrier in an attempt to break through them to escape, yet this time he didn’t have much luck breaking through. He kept punching and kicking yet couldn’t break through. Damn it, did he spend too long in Super Saiyan 3 and now his power was drained? He glanced back over at Carol and noticed a smirk on her face.

Whatever she was planning to do was sure to happen at any moment now… he needed to think fast… That’s when it hit him. Quickly he brought up 2 fingers to his forehead, and begun to concentrate. With his child body the Instant Transmission technique was incredibly unpredictable, practically unusable, but this was Goku’s only shot to get out of this makeshift prison.

“C’mon…! Workworkworkworkworkworkworkworkwork…” Goku thought, desperate for his Instant Transmission to finally work. He stood there concentrating his energy for what felt like hours, desperate as they come. Figuring it wasn’t working, he’d have to think of a new way of escape. But when he opened his eyes he found himself vanishing from sight, much to Carol’s bewilderment.

“WHAT?!” Carol shouted as a huge explosion of light erupted from her body.


Goku, reappearing atop a building close by and witnessing a large explosion of light and energy overtake the area they had been previously fighting in. Goku brought his arms up in his best attempt to shield himself from any stray bits of debris.

After it was all said and done, Goku looked on at the large cloud of dust and smoke that the explosion brought on. And while he couldn’t see it, he was sure the crater from the explosion would’ve been massive. He breathed a sigh of relief.

“It was a miracle I was able to get out of there in time.” Goku remarked to nobody inparticular. As he was about to act further, suddenly a mature, womanly voice boomed through the air.

“Don’t speak of Miracles in my presence!”

Followed by somebody playing what sounded like a harp. Once they were done, a brilliant line shined through the cloud of dust, causing Goku to squint his eyes. All of a sudden, he could feel a sudden increase in power coming from the center of the crater. As Goku wondered what was going on with Carol, he found himself being pushed back slightly by a shockwave emanating from within the dust cloud, which also had the added effect of getting rid of it.

At the center of the crater was a grown woman, with facial features reminiscent of Carol’s own. The outfit she wore was almost absurd. It was purple, and rather spikey, with what appeared to be wings on her backside, and a cap with 4 colored crystals in it. Carol had dawned her Faust Robe, Dur da Blá.

“Woah, what the heck happened to you?” Goku questioned, watching Carol slowly bring her hands up, a faint shimmering emanating from around her knuckles.

She simply responded with “I’ve grown up.” before flinging to arms out to her sides, sending wires of sorts tearing through the ground, straight towards Goku. In a panic, Goku dashed out of the way of them, quickly firing off a large ki blast towards Carol, which she effortlessly caught in her hands, holding it there as she examined it.

“The ability to utilize ones life energy as a fuel. You and I aren’t so different.” Carol remarked, crushing the ki blast with ease and flicking her wrist, sending more wires tearing through the ground towards Goku. He jumped into the air to avoid it, firing a barrage of ki blasts towards Carol, most of which not making contact due to her wires cutting them off and blocking them, or from just plain old missing.

With a smirk, Carol took off towards Goku. He wasn’t able to react to Carol driving her fist straight into Goku’s stomach. Spit and a bit of blood came flying out of Goku’s mouth as he exclaimed in pain, only for Carol to grab hold of Goku’s face and throw him into the ground. Immediately after, Carol jumped into the air and spun around, throwing her arms backwards, wrapping her wires around Goku, binding him within them.

As Goku struggled to break free, Carol begun spinning around and around in such a way that Goku’s body repeatedly made contact with the ground, over and over and over and over again. Once she had her fill she flicked her wrist and the wires let go of Goku, sending him flying straight into a fire hydrant with it bursting with a torrent of water. Carol landed gracefully onto the ground, a confident smile on her face as she looked on in the direction she flung Goku to.

With a wave of her hand, a multitude of the hexagon plated rings appeared in Goku’s trajectory, each one a different color. All at once, they spewed out something different. One wind, one fire, one water, and one looked to be just a beam of pure energy, all converging onto Goku.

Suddenly, Goku’s eyes shot open and he thrusted himself upwards, out of the way of the attacks, moving his hands to his side and beginning to charge up another one of his beams.

“Ka… Me…” Goku began to say as he rushed towards Carol. With a wave of her hand, her wires were sent flying straight for Goku. Goku’s course of action was to dodge and weave his way through and past the attacks, making his way closer and closer to Carol.

“Ha… Me…” His chant grew more intense, and so did the ball of energy within his hands. He was getting closer and closer to Carol. His resolve unwavering, he just needed to get in and it would be over… he hoped.

Finally within about 8 feet of Carol, Goku thrusted his arms forward with a loud shout “HAAAAA!” letting loose a beam of energy straight in Carol’s face. The beam overtook her within an instant and blasted off straight into the sky, parting the clouds with ease.

After Goku had put as much energy as he could into his attack, he ceased its fire, looking on in horror at Carol, who was completely unharmed, her hand outstretched in front of herself and her index finger extended… right in the path his Kamehameha was fired from.

Overcome by a feeling of pure shock, he left himself wide open to Carol punching him square across the face straight into the ground below. he laid in a crater, unconscious. His Super Saiyan 3 form vanishing as he reverted back to base form.

Without even moving, Carol summoned a gigantic red hexagon plated ring appeared above Goku. There was a brief pause before the Saiyan was engulfed in a torrent of flames. Carol simply watched the spewing flames burn further and further into the ground, until the ring eventually vanished, leaving behind a massive cloud of smoke.

She simply looked into it as time ticked on by, watching the large cloud start to slowly dissipate. That was when she noticed… somebody standing in the center of the crater. A grown man, with red colored fur covering most of his exposed upper body, with somewhat wild spiky black hair and an expression that said clear as day that he absolutely was not happy to see her.

Super Saiyan 4 had been unleashed.

Carol looked on in disbelief, clearly taken aback by her opponents sudden transformation. “W-What have-” Carol remarked in disbelief on what he had just become, to which Goku cut her off.

“You were right. You and I really aren’t so different.” he said, looking at and forming his hand into a fist. “We both get stronger when we take on our true selves… assuming this is all who you really are?” He remarked, shooting Carol a look. Disgusted by the way he had spoken to her, Carol swung her arm to her side, sending a wave of her wires straight for Goku.

With a smirk, Goku disappeared from view, much to Carol’s shock. Reappearing behind Carol. “Over here.” Goku said as Carol spun around, thrusting her fist straight into Goku’s face. The shockwave from the impact was enough to shatter the windows of whatever buildings were left standing.

After landing the blow, Carol quickly dashed backwards, waiting for Goku’s next move. He simply remained still, his head tilted up and to the side as a result of Carol’s strike. Slowly, her started to twitch, moving his head forward and bringing a hand up to his cheek, wiping away a small amount of blood.

Goku looked at his hand for a moment and smiled, looking over at Carol.

“This isn’t going to be an easy fight. I like it that way.” Goku said, shaking the blood from his hand as Carol glared at him.

Both rallied themselves, looking towards one another with a look of seriousness, both slowly beginning to rise back into the air, ready for the climax of their fight to begin.

“The real fight starts now.”

“I’ll make you disappear, along with this world.”

Within a moments notice, both vanished from mortal sight, a series of powerful shockwaves originating from high within the sky, the cause of which would be an utter mystery to any normal onlookers, but to us, we know what the cause of these was. Goku and Carol clashing dozens of times per second, fighting at speeds incomprehensible, their blows connecting with each others.

Both eventually reappeared after another powerful shockwave shake the land down below. Carol extended her arms outwards, a multitude of red hexagon plated rings appearing behind her which shot out streams of fire straight for the Saiyan, who in turn took off into the air, easily evading the streams. Goku flew straight towards Carol, vanishing from her view once he was face to face with her.

Goku reappeared behind Carol, his arm pulled back ready to land a punch, only to find himself suspended in mid air as soon as he tried to, like he was being held back. He glanced around and took notice of a faint shimmer of wires wrapped all around his body. Carol turned back towards him with a smile on her face, backing up slowly and summoning a golden ring in front of Goku, which immediately fired a beam of energy, carrying him back.

As the beam ceased its fire, Goku recovered quickly and made another beeline for Carol, though this time, instead of vanishing right in front of her eyes, he started darting all around her, leaving behind what looked to be a sketchy counterpart behind. Initially confused, Carol started glancing around herself, noticing more and more of these after images appear. Scoffing, Carol swung her arms upwards, sending her wires through just about every afterimage, dispersing them with ease.

But with each one dispersed, the more Carol wondered where the real Goku was. Eventually all the afterimages had faded away, leaving Goku gone from sight for the second time. Giving into her gut, she raise up her hand above her head, summoning a transparent barrier, to which Goku threw a punch straight into. Realizing his sneak attack had failed, Goku jumped off the barrier and took a more direct approach, rushing straight for Carol head on.

Carol’s response was to simply move out of the way, flicking her wrist as Goku flew on by and causing some of her wires to wrap around his wrist, stopping him in his tracks. With a swing of her arm and a spin in her body, tossing Goku straight into a building down below. Carol looked down at where she had just tossed away the saiyan, starting to lower herself down towards it.

Then a large blue beam came shooting out of the hole Goku was flung into, heading straight for Carol. Last second, Carol moved out of the way from Goku’s surprise attack, only to get greeted by another one as Goku appeared out of nowhere, landing a punch onto Carol’s face. As she flew upwards, Goku took the time to move his hands back to his sides, charging up another of his ever familiar beams… yet this one appeared red.

“Ka… Me… Ha… Me…” Goku chanted, the red sphere of energy growing brighter. And then with one last shout “HAAAA!!!” Goku thrusted his arms forward, firing a large red colored beam of energy up towards Carol. It reached her in record time, resulting in her not being able to bring up a defense to counteract it. The attack hurt, making her feel a faint burning sensation all throughout her body.

Eventually the beam subsided, and allowed Carol to witness Goku charging straight towards her once again. Goku held his fist out in front of himself. Then, before Goku could land another hit on Carol, he found himself being held in place.

Once again, Goku had been put to a complete halt by the multitude of wires wrapping themselves around him. He glanced up at Carol, who had a smile on her face, finding a clear sense of joy in having ensnared the saiyan. Then, Goku smiled, bringing confusion to Carol’s face.

“Hehehe…” Goku chuckled as he violently pulled his arm backwards resulting in Carol being pulled forward to her shock. She didn’t have the time to stop herself and soon had Goku throw is arm forward, hand clenched into a fist, landing a direct blow onto her chest, catapulting her across the sky with Goku quickly giving chase, the wires previously holding his body in place now simply falling off of himself as he flew.

Carol reoriented herself, summoning 2 golden hexagon plated rings above her shoulders which fired off beams of energy towards Goku. Goku stopped himself and quickly thrusted his hands in front of himself, shooting out 2 balls of ki which flew forward and connected with the beams, exploding upon contact and leaving clouds of smoke in their wake, obscuring their views of one another.

Goku put both of his arms ahead of himself, firing a multitude of ki blasts through the smoke cloud towards Carol, who responded by gathering a mass of her wires in front of herself, forming a propeller of sorts which the ki blasts made contact with, exploding before they could reach Carol directly. Eventually the smoke dissipated, and so did the barrage of ki blasts. Goku was gone, but to where Carol thought.

That question would soon be answered as, appearing from high above was Goku, rocketing towards Carol with his leg extended in front of himself. Carol brought up a barrier in front of herself, only for Goku to shatter it and strike Carol once again in the face, catapulting her into a building, with Goku remaining hovering within the air. Goku watched the building crumble and fall onto Carol, only for all the debris to be sent flying off of her in a burst of energy, Goku casually knocking aside any that drew to close to himself.

Once it was all done, Goku looked down at Carol, in the center of a small crater, breathing rather heavily as she rose to a stand, a very slight stagger as she did so.

“Hate to break it to you, but your body has reached its limit, anyone can see that.” Goku stated coldly as Carol wiped some dirt away, looking up at Goku with a look of disgust and anger. “Call it quits now before something bad happens.” He continued, crossing his arms. Carol grinded her teeth together in frustration.

“I don’t have any limits… An Alchemist can’t have limits!” Carol said starting in a low tone before turning into a violent shout, a violent golden light surrounding her body. Goku was overcome by shock. Her… Her power was increasing! But how? She was running out of power just a moment ago, so just… how?!

“I’ll sacrifice whatever it takes to achieve my goals! And right now, that means slaughtering you!!” Carol shouted, the golden light raging around her like a violent flame. Goku instinctively brought his hands up to a defensive stance as Carol let out a shout, letting her power flare up more and more, eventually laying her eyes on Goku and taking off towards him with her fist held behind herself.

Her wires began to move once again, yet not to restrain Goku, no, this time they started forming around Carol’s held back hand, morphing into the shape of a drill, and actively spinning. Knowing things wouldn’t be good if he stuck around, he took off into the air with Carol not far behind at all. Goku glanced behind himself and took notice of Carol quickly closing whatever distance he had made.

Abruptly Goku came to a stop and twisted his body around Carol’s attempted attack, causing her to overshoot and fly ahead somewhat. When she turned around, she witnessed Goku raise his right arm above his head, a yellow buzzsaw of energy materializing above his palm, growing to a size slightly larger than a frisbee. Not wanting to find out what Goku’s attack had to offer, she rushed straight for Goku, her drill covered hand held out in front of herself.

For Goku’s response, rather than simply throw the buzzsaw he had created, he swung is arm the blade continuing to hover just above his palm, clashing with Carol’s drill hand, both shaking violently as they clashed, both Goku and Carol pushing against the other. Eventually both pulled back only to charge towards one another once again, swinging their weapon clad hands at each other repeatedly, only for them to clash together as if they were having a simple sword fight.

While this was going on, Goku had some time to ponder to himself. “How can she keep getting stronger like this? She wasn’t nearly this strong earlier, so how?” Goku thought to himself as he continued to clash with Carol’s attack, eventually ducking underneath an attempted stab and delivering a powerful kick which sent her flying back. As she flew backwards, Goku took this opportunity to toss his makeshift weapon straight towards Carol.

When Carol looked over she witnessed the spinning buzzsaw of energy soaring straight towards her, specifically towards her head. Her course of action was to thrust her drill covered hand straight into it, sparks flying as she held the disk of destruction back, cracks forming on her own hand. With a shout, her pierced straight through the attack, watching it shatter like glass, alongside her hand drill.

She took a moment to breathe, and so did Goku. They’ve been running at full throttle for a while now, and it was starting to take a toll on them, whether they wanted to admit it or not. There was a palpable silence as the two of them kept their eyes locked on the other, waiting for them to make a move.

“Why are you doing this?” Goku asked, breaking the silence, catching Carol off guard. “Everyone has their reasons, whether good or bad. So why are you doing all this?” He continued. Carol remained silent for a moment as her expression morphed into one filled with distain.

“I don’t remember.” She responded, confusing Goku. “I don’t remember… And I DON’T NEED TO! ALL THAT MATTERS IS DISECTING THIS WORLD!” She continued with a powerful shout, the golden aura returning to her once again, with Goku sensing another spike in her power. He tensed up as Carol dashed towards him, her wires shining faintly as she pulled her arms back, but as she swung her arms towards Goku, the wires began to glow a vibrant golden color.

“I’LL CRUSH EVERYONE THAT STANDS IN THE WAY OF MY REVENGE!!” Carol shouted with vigor as Goku brought up his arms in order to block her attack, which connected with the saiyan, sending him rocketing back, Carol trailing after him. She kept swing her arms at Goku sending the wires after him once again. Goku quickly regained control of himself and flew straight for Carol, weaving in between.

Upon getting in close, Goku delivered a strong kick straight into Carol’s chest, sending her flying back. As she flew, Goku took notice of the wires trailing after her. Once he noticed these, he quickly grabbed hold of them and gave them a strong yank, stopping Carol’s forced flight and bringing her straight towards Goku. In the little time he had, he pulled back his right arm and gathered up ki into it, forming a blue sphere of energy within.

Once Carol got close enough, he thrusted his arm forward, slamming the blue energy sphere straight into Carol’s face resulting in it exploding and sending them both flying back. Carol’s back hit the side of a building as Goku landed atop one across from it, his breathing heavier than ever. Carol didn’t seem to be moving, so he took this as an opportunity to rest and try to think things through.

“… everything…” Carol muttered to herself. “Everything I’ve done… I won’t let it be stopped now… I won’t… I CAN’T!” She shouted, bursting forth from the building she was embedded into, her golden aura returning to herself yet again. A large golden hexagon plated ring began to gather behind herself as Goku looked on in worry.

“NOTHING WILL HOLD ME BACK IN MY GOALS, ABSOLUTELY NOTHIIING!” She screamed, with 4 additional smaller hexagon plated rings appeared, 1 red one above her head, one blue one to her left, one green one to her right, and another golden one below her feet.

“BEGONE AT ONCE!!!” Carol shouted before firing a large multi-colored beam of energy and destruction from her body which rocketed straight towards Goku. The speed in which it traveled was incomprehensible. Goku had no chance to even begin to get out of the way of it.

That’s when things slowed down for Goku. Moments before it would’ve connect with Goku, the beam appeared to slow to a crawl, allowing Goku a moment to breath.

Goku closed his eyes.

Deep breath in.

Deep breath out.

He pulled his arm back, a mysterious golden glow spreading through his body, originating from his arm.

Then, he opened his eyes, and leapt straight into the beam, his perception of time returning to normal as he traveled straight through Carol’s attack, appearing almost unaffected by it, much to Carol’s utter shock.

“N-No… How?! WHY?!” Carol overcome with a rush of emotions shouted as she let out everything she had left in her. “Why do you fight?!” She continued, watching Goku speed through her attack and straight towards her.

“To grow stronger… I want to grow stronger, to face stronger and stronger foes, and overcome any challenge!” Goku shouted in return as the Golden Ki around his body effortlessly tore through Carol’s beam. Above every other emotion she was feeling, Carol was overcome with anger, especially after Goku’s retort.

“Grr… So you’re just as selfish as the rest of them! You’ll be shattered alongside this whole planet!” She screamed from the top of her lungs, her power increasing further, and so did a faint sense of unfamiliarity. Her memories were being burned by the second to fuel whatever she had left in order to put down her foe. And yet, even with this power, Goku was still trucking through her attack, albeit not easily…

“There’s… Another reason too…” Goku muttered, his voice strained, catching Carol off guard. “What?!” Carol replied.

“I also want to… Protect… MY!” Goku said, his voice growing more intense on top of the golden glow surrounding his body growing more vibrant. With last shout, Goku released a shockwave of energy from his body, dispersing Carol’s overwhelming attack nigh instantly, striking one final emotion into her. Fear.

In a desperate attempt to stop Goku, she summoned 3 barriers in front of herself, A red one, green one, and blue one, each one smaller than the last. Goku then, thrusted his fist forward.



Bursting forth from Goku’s body was a dragon with the same likeness as the Eternal Dragon itself, albeit colored gold. It roared as it tore through Carol’s shields as if it were a bullet ripping through a sheet of paper. Her eyes widened in fear as the dragon’s roar echoed through her very soul, its jaws opening wide straight in front of her.

The Dragon appeared to carry Carol back along its path. The dragon soared through the city, weaving effortlessly around buildings and through the streets. The longer that Carol was within its grasp, the more her power began to fade. Her armor was chipping away, the pain she was feeling growing more and more. Eventually the large dragon took off into the sky itself, tossing Carol ahead of itself, only to speed up after her.

And once it got close to her, its jaws clamped shut, her body overcome with a wave of pain as the golden dragon burst into an explosion of golden light, enveloping the city itself.

And when all was said and done, remaining in its aftermath, was Goku, still inn his Super Saiyan 4 form, breathing heavily.

He had won this fight, through and through.

And yet, as the light died down, Goku caught a glimpse of his foe, Carol. Hovering in the air, reverted back to her child form, albeit with some scratched up clothing. She had a dazed look on her face, her whole body overcoming with feeling of numbness and… the sense she was missing something?

Carol looked down at herself in a confused fashion, not being able to keep herself suspended in midair anymore, her body beginning to fall back down to earth.

“Why am… I… Fall… ing…?” Carol muttered before falling into unconsciousness as she fell towards the ground. Completely drained, physically and mentally, she had no hopes of surviving a fall from this height in the state she was.

That was until Goku grabbed hold of her arm, stopping her fall. He looked down at the unconscious girl with a serious expression on his face.

“… You and me are going to have a talk.” he said before taking off towards the lookout, Carol held firmly in his grasp.


This Battle’s winner is…

Animated gif about dragon ball in gokuism by Jackie Girl



“So you’re saying you don’t remember anything?” spoke the Namekian guardian of earth Dende, directed towards Carol, sitting on her knees on the marble tiles of the lookout. Carol shook her head.

“I can’t remember a thing, I apologize.” She said. “I keep trying to think about what you’re asking, but I come back with nothing. All I can recall is… falling…” She said, a bit of a sad tone to her voice. Dende brought a hand to his chin as he began to ponder this, meanwhile Goku, who was still in his Super Saiyan 4 form observed with his arms crossed.

“She shouldn’t just forget everything that happened in our fight… is she trying to fool us?” Goku thought to himself, wondering what her deal was. Since she was brought to the lookout, the strange foes attacking the city had retreated without warning. Was it because they were without a leader now or what? Just what was their agenda…

“You said your name was Carol, right?” Goku said, walking towards the pair. Carol turned to face Goku, a confused look on her face. “Carol? Is that… My name?” She asked, to which Goku nodded.

“Yeah, at least that’s what you said to me before. Are you willing to help us if it means getting your memories back?” He asked, watching as Carol perked up. “Yes! if it means finding out who I am… I’ll help however I can!” She said, to which Goku smiled.


Inside what looked to be a throne room of sorts with an assortment of gears up above and below, and a large platform with 4 individual pedestals, arrived the Autoscorers, Garie Tūmān, Micha Jawkān, Phara Suyūf, Leiur Darāhim, each of which holding a particular object in their hands.

“Ugh, that was hardly any fun at all, those kids could barely keep up.” Spoke the one dressed in blue, Garie.

“That guy was super grouchy, no nonsense, and no fun!” Micha complain, flopping to the floor, letting one of the objects she had roll onto the floor.

“Micha, did you seriously damage one of these things?” Phara remarked, noticing the cracks in said object, watching Micha go ahead and grab it.

“It already had cracks in it when I got it!” Micha responded, with Leiur speaking up as well.

“Yes, it appears like they all are cracked in some degree.” Leiur spoke, examining the one she had, turning it over within her hands. What she said causing Garie and Phara to properly examine the ones they had as well. Throughout their orange, spherical surface was an assortment of cracks.

“Odd. Still, even with Master out of the picture for the moment, she still had us seek these things out. Once the remaining ones are gathered…” Garie spoke.

“Master’s vision will be realized.”

NEW(tm) List of all my planned Fights.

This is an updated page featuring all the VS related fights I plan on writing in the future. In no Particular Order. Expect some things to change around every now and again.

These are NOT Claims, if you want to write any of these, go right ahead.

Comments on Roots & Bets are always appreciated!

(Researched Fights)

Royal Blue – Blanc vs. Vegeta (Neptunia vs. Dragon Ball)
Collaboration with Shaft.

Just gotta Roll with the Punches – Sonic The Hedgehog vs. Hibiki Tachibana (Sonic the Hedgehog vs. Symphogear)

Azure Flash – Cagliostro vs. Mai Natsume (Symphogear vs. BlazBlue)

Battle Loving Invasion – Boros vs. Turles (One Punch Man vs. Dragon Ball Z)

Let the Children Play – Peashy vs. Gotenks (Neptunia vs. Dragon Ball)

Cover Up – Katsuragi vs. Yang Xiao Long (Senran Kagura vs. RWBY)

S Class – Erza Scarlet vs. Genos (Fairy Tail vs. One Punch Man)

Blow it out your ass – Ryuko Matoi vs. Chris Yukine (Kill la Kill vs. Symphogear)

Dangerous Relic Dance – Shantae vs. Meloetta (Shantae vs. Pokemon)

Dragged into this World Ending Nonsense – Lillie & Nebby vs. Alice & Hydranoid (Pokemon vs. Bakugan)

Frozen Hope – Esdeath vs. All Might (Akame ga Kill vs. My Hero Academia)

This is Love – Rachnera Arachnera vs. Anna Nishikinomiya Remaster (Monster Musume vs. Shimoneta)

Deceitful Reflections – Shadow the Hedgehog vs. Iris Heart (Sonic The Hedgehog vs. Neptunia)

Angelic Systems – Dark Pit vs. Astraea (Kid Icarus vs. Heaven’s Lost Property)

(Non Researched.)

Battle of Doubled Up Power – Kefla vs. Gogeta (Dragon Ball Super vs. Dragon Ball GT)

Positively Perfect – Kirby vs. Neptune! (Kirby vs. Neptunia)

Explosive Rounds – E-123 Omega vs. Dingodile! (Sonic The Hedgehog vs. Crash Bandicoot)

I am the will of my blade – Satsuki Kiryuin vs. Tsubasa Kazanari! (Kill la Kill vs. Symphogear)

Gear Grinding Battle – Metal Sonic vs. Poppi! (Sonic The Hedgehog vs. Xenoblade Chronicles 2)

Cold Blooded Love – Tohru vs. Miia! (Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid vs. Monster Musume)

Cool weapon you got there! – Ruby Rose vs. Rex & Pyra! (RWBY vs. Xenoblade Chronicles 2)


Domestic Execution – Kuroko vs. Stain – The Fight!

Imortal: “Alright, the combatants are set, and the arena is ready!”

Pants: “So grab some snacks, a drink, aaaannnndddd…. Enjoy!”


Monday. 7:47 AM.

“It seems like we can expect minor showers throughout the-“


“Reports say the Hero Killer is still at large after his encounter with-“




“Ugh… there’s nothing ever good on in the mornings…” The voice of a woman spoke as she lazily tossed a remote control aside onto her coffee table and stood up, stretching. She stood tall. Really tall, with incredibly long hair practically flowing down her backside. Her arms were slim and lacked any real definition of muscle, shockingly so considering her assets were rather pronounced, and if one were to look at her face, they’d see two almost dead looking eyes staring back at them.

This was Kuroko Koumori, up early for her job, much to her annoyance. She’d wanted the day off so she could have some “fun” with Chiyo since Hinako and Rinko were staying with a friend for some Birthday party, but alas she was phoned up the night before. She casually walked over to her kitchen and picked up her phone which was laying on the counter.

She stared at it for a few seconds, then it started to ring. She tapped accept and lifted it up to her ear.

“Yeah… What’s up?”

8:23 AM.

The sound of rain hitting the roof of a car was what Kuroko heard as she absent-mindedly continued to drive down the road, before turning a corner and slowing down, eventually pulling into a parking spot out in front of a police station. She pushed open her door and opened up an umbrella to shield herself from the rain. She looked over to the front of the police station, and there as a man out front waiting for her, Tougo Mitsurugi. Kuroko soon had a disappointed look find itself on her face.

“Aww… Where’s Chacha-chan?” Kuroko said in a disappointed tone. His neutral expression didn’t change as he looked at her.

“She’s away on sick leave. Bad seafood. Come on, I’ll give you the details.” He said as Kuroko sighed, following the man into the Police Station and past the main entrance area into the back. Immediately upon entering the backrooms, Kuroko spotted somebody sitting at a table. A teenager with messy green hair.

“Hey, who’s the kid?” She casually said, catching the kids, and the mans attention. Mitsurugi stopped then turned around, motioning for the kid to get up, which he did, quickly hurrying over to his side.

“This is Izuku Midoriya. He will be working with you today.” he said motioning towards the young man. Kuroko looked down at him as Izuku looked up at her.

“U-Uh, hey, nice to be working with you!” Izuku said, reaching his gloved hand out towards Kuroko in an attempt to offer a hand shake. Kuroko simply looked at him leading to an awkward silence before Mitsurugi spoke up again.

Ahem. The reason this young man is working with you is due to his experiences with the individual you will be dealing with. There were others involved but they are busy. Care to explain, Midoriya?” He said, looking down at the student, who perked up. “Y-Yes, Well you see-” Izuku stammered, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a photograph of an individual, one obscured by darkness, but with some key traits still visible, a man with 2 glaring eyes beneath a tattered mask, a red scarf, and holding a long sword, dripping with what appeared to be blood. “A while ago, some friends and I had an encounter with this guy, the Hero Killer Stain, though he ultimately did escape from us when we thought we had him tied up, I at least know first hand what his quirk is so they brought me here to help you in bringing him in. And that Photo was taken last night in the north side of town and-“

“Alright, I’ve heard enough. Let’s go.” Kuroko said as she stuffed the photo lazily into her pocket and grabbed hold of the young hero’s shirt collar and began dragging him with her as she walked out of the building, Izuku surprised and confused by her up-front behavior. Before they left the building entirely, Izuku overheard the man speak.

“You have full permission to deal with things your own way.” Her own way? What did that mean? Before he could really dwell on that, Kuroko responded. “Yeah yeah, I know.” she said before the two fully left the building.

Soon enough, Izuku found himself outside in the rain, being dragged towards a pretty nice looking car. “Get in.” Kuroko said coldly as she walked around to the other side and got into the drivers seat, Izuku quickly hopping into the passenger seat and clipping on his seatbelt. The car revved up and soon they were speeding out of the parking lot off towards their destination… well, that’s what Izuku was hoping for anyway, but as soon as they got onto a main road, Izuku noticed they were heading in the wrong direction.

“Uh, Kuroko-san was it? We’re going the wrong way.” Izuku said.

“No we aren’t.” Kuroko coldly stated. Izuku looked at her confused. “But Stain was last spotted in the north side of-” He began to say before Kuroko cut him off.

“And with an eye-witness passing the information off to the police, why would he stick around a spot that would be so clearly investigated and highly monitored?” Kuroko said as she continued to drive. “Hmm… yeah you’re right… and he’d want to get as far away from the scene of the crime as he could, so that would mean he would have-” Izuku thought aloud before Kuroko once again cut off his train of thought.

“To be on the south side of the city, yes. A lot of shady parts down there, perfect for somebody like him to hide out in until it’s time to kill again.” Kuroko said, Izuku nodded, a smile on his face. “Yeah, he’s got to be there!” he responded with enthusiasm, half expecting Kuroko to respond with the same enthusiasm as him.

“Yep. Now shut up.” She said coldly as she continued to drive. “U-uh, oh, ok…” Izuku responded, settling down in his seat, remaining silent for the remainder of the drive.

A little bit later…

“We’re here.” Kuroko coldly stated, abruptly stopping the car on the side of the road in a rather… scummy part of the city. It was devoid of people, and the buildings for the most part looked dead and lifeless, even more-so with the rain and dark grey clouds above blocking out the sun. Both got out of the car, Izuku pulling up the hood on his hero costume to protect himself from the rain, while Kuroko opened her umbrella.

“So where should we-“

“You search that area, I’ll take a look over here.” Kuroko said codly as she pointed behind herself with her thumb, not even letting Izuku finish, or attempt to follow as as she proceeded to walk forward without sparing him even a glance. “… She’s kind of creepy…” Izuku thought as he proceeded to start walking the other way.

As Kuroko looked over her surroundings, she took note of how sad the neighborhood felt. It was clear at one point, maybe before all these random blokes got their magical super powers n stuff, that this place was bustling with life and activity, but now it looked as if only those with nowhere else to turn to called this dump home. Rusted up trash cans, brick and cement walls falling apart, buildings with boarded up windows, yet some light still shining through, implying some people were still living in this god forsaken part of the city.

After a bit of walking, Kuroko stopped then looked to her right. She found herself looking upon the entrance to a parking garage of some sort, the gate of which was wrapped in Police Tape stating DO NOT CROSS. Call it a hunch, but Kuroko hoisted herself over the gate and walked on inside, closing her umbrella and walking up the ramp to the first story. When she got up there, she took a look around the floor, the lights inside brightly illuminating the place which was a pleasant surprise… well, a good chunk of them were out, and some flickered but eh.

There were some surprisingly nice cars around honestly. Well, nicer than she would have expected. Maybe somebody was storing some cars here they stole, out of the public eye, and used the police tape to keep people from trespassing and finding them? Who knows. In any case, Kuroko took a few steps deeper into the parking lot before she heard a mans voice speak up.



Kuroko paused after hearing the raspy voice speak loudly. It was him. She casually looked over her shoulder, noticing the man standing atop a rusted car missing its wheels, looking directly at her. Kuroko examined his attire, reaffirming in her mind that this was indeed who she was looking for. “And just why would I do that?” She commented, grabbing hold of one of her guns from its holster while tossing her umbrella onto the ground.

“Why are you here? Do you not value your own life?” Stain spoke, grabbing hold of a long sword from his back and gripping it tightly in his hand, hopping down from the car and keeping his eyes on Kuroko. She scoffed at his remark. “Oh please, I’ve never valued my life in the first place. If you’re going to threaten somebody, try a bit harder.” Stain groaned as he pointed his sword at Kuroko.

“If you don’t leave, I won’t hesitate to kill you. This is your final warning.” He said, the seriousness in his voice very clear. Kuroko scoffed, giving Stain the impression she wasn’t taking him seriously which, admittedly, she wasn’t. “Sorry but I’m not leaving until you’re dead.” She remarked, twirling her gun casually in her hand. “That’s just my job and I want to get paid at the end of the day.” She continued. Stain looked at her with disgust.

“So those so called heroes employed lowlife scum to kill me?” He remarked, a small smile forming on Kuroko’s face. “Well technically I just gotta deal with you, but I have full rain to do whatever I want with you, and so I’m just going the easiest solution, which of course means you have to die.” She responded. Stain narrowed his eyes.

“… You’re utterly rotten…” Stain said, looking Kuroko straight in her eyes. Kuroko simply cracked a light smile. “And you smell rotten.” She responded. Both kept their eyes on one another, silence filled the area, underneath the faint sound of rain.

Stain cracked a smile of his own, his long bumpy tongue escaping his mouth and licking his lips as he gripped his sword even tighter. “You’re the worst of the worst… I’ll make sure to kill you slowly! I’ll make sure scum like you is purged from this world!” he said proudly, Kuroko gripping her fire-arm tightly as she eyed down the Hero Killer.

“And I’ll make sure you won’t see the sun rise again~!” She remarked, aiming her gun towards Stain as Stain tensed up.

( )


The sound of a gunshot was heard loud and clear as Kuroko quickly aimed her pistol at Stain and pulled the trigger, sending a bullet flying straight for the Hero Killer, as Stain in response ducked under the bullet and made a dash straight for Kuroko, sword gripped tightly in his hand as he closed the distance in an instant. Kuroko looked down at her opponent, who was now 2 feet away from her, ready to end her swiftly.

Kuroko lifted up her leg and trust it forward even so slightly, the heel of her shoe making contact with Stain’s blade, stopping the blade on contact and forcing her back a surprising distance. Her back quickly made contact with one of the concrete pillars of the garage. She looked in Stain’s direction and noticed a small throwing knife flying her way. Without even flinching, Kuroko brought up her gun and shot at the small blade, shooting it to pieces.

Kuroko then looked up and noticed Stain in mid air, arm held back with sword in hand. Kuroko quickly jumped to her face away from him as he swung down at Kuroko’s previous location, his slash leaving a sizeable indent in the concrete. He landed on the ground and looked over at Kuroko, quickly moving out of the way of another bullet and dashed at Kuroko once again as she fired another shot at him, this time with Stain making a clean slice directly through the bullet as he closed the distance yet again.

“Hup.” Kuroko, instead of repeating her previous defensive tactic, simply jumped up into the air, straight over Stain’s attempted killing blow. Stain looked up at Kuroko and had wanted to follow up his attack, but was met with a kick to the cheek, forcing him back as well as leaving a muddy footprint on his face. Upon getting her feet back onto the ground, Kuroko aimed her gun straight at Stain and fired another shot, though Stain was able to move out of the way of it, grabbing onto and quickly throwing another small blade at Kuroko as she twisted her body around to avoid it.

As Kuroko pointed her gun at Stain again, she noticed he was gone from the spot he once was. She looked over and watched him run up the ramp up to the next level. She rolled her eyes and sighed. “Couldn’t have made this easy, huh?” She remarked, casually walking towards and up the ramp after him. Though before officially entering the third level’s garage, she stopped at the top of the ramp, watching as he leapt out from the corner and threw another knife at Kuroko, this one aimed straight at her head.

And unlike before where she either dodged the weapon or just shot it out of the air, this time Kuroko caught it before it could make contact with her face, casually pulling up her gun once more and firing at Stain, and much like before, he made a clean slice through it before making a leap backwards. Kuroko simply kept her gun aimed on him as she twirled the small knife in her hand.

“You really are-” Kuroko began to say before she stopped, overhearing somebody yelling for her.

“Kuroko-san! is everything ok? I heard Gun shots!”

“Ugh, this kid…” Kuroko thought to herself, looking in the direction she heard Izuku’s voice come from. Once noticing this, Stain smiled, making a mad dash at the distracted woman, sword pulled back, ready to bisect her. Kuroko glanced back at Stain, noticing that he indeed had closed the distance in an alarmingly quick matter. Though Kuroko didn’t seem to care. She simply rose up and swung the small knife she had previously caught, the 2 blades clashing against one another.

As they both pushed against one another, Kuroko raised up her gun as a smile found its way onto her face. Stain looked up and quickly recognized the threat, dashing backwards away from an attempted gunshot. Not wanting to give him much time to breath, with a flick of her arm Kuroko tossed the knife in her hand straight towards Stain, who instinctively brought up his sword, blocking the thrown weapon with it.

Using what little she had gained, she dashed over to the wall of the garage, looking out a small window and watching the hero in training run past the garage she was fighting in. She breathed a side of relief as she took a step to the side as Stain thrusted his sword straight at Kuroko’s location, embedding it straight into the concrete. Instead of taking the time to aim at her opponent giving him time to just move out of the way, Kuroko simply allotted to striking Stain in the face with the handle of her gun, forcing him back, sword still in hand.

“You wanna give up yet?” Kuroko said, leaning back against the concrete wall, gun still held albeit not aimed at the Hero Killer. Stain looked at her with an annoyed expression, his grip on his sword tightening as he made another lung for Kuroko, with Kuroko sighing in response. “Always gotta be stubborn…” She said as she ducked out of the way of his attempted swing which tore through a part of a car she was beside, before running forward, tossing something behind her onto the ground as she did so.

As Stain turned back to look at Kuroko, he couldn’t help but notice something rolling towards him on the ground. It was a grenade with the letter E printed on the front of it. Immediately recognizing what was about to happen, he looked up at Kuroko, who had a simple smile on her face.

“Have fun!” Kuroko remarked before ducking behind a concrete pillar and plugging her ears with her fingers, leaving Stain to his demise.


On the sidewalk a handful of blocks away Izuku paused his running pace, stumbling a bit as she turned around in shock, hearing the sound of an explosion. “That couldn’t have been Kuroko… Could it? Crap…” he mumbled, looking in the direction he heard the explosion come from. It took Izuku a moment before he started running in that direction.

Cutting back to the fight, we see Kuroko cautiously peak out from behind her hiding place to take in the carnage. It wasn’t the most powerful explosion she had, but she could still get a good feeling for how strong it was, given the large hole in both the concrete floor leading into the lower level, and the roof, leaving a, well, hole open to the sky, rain dropping down through it slowly clearing away the smoke and dust brought up by the explosion, though it wasn’t nearly as much rain as earlier.

As Kuroko stepped out from behind the pillar, she took notice of the small throwing knife embedded in the back of the concrete pillar she was just hiding behind. She grabbed its handle and yanked it out, inspecting it for a moment before using it to block a knife thrown at her from the dust cloud, a small tink could be heard as it hit and fell to the ground.

“Tch. So you’re still kicking huh?” She remarked as she looked up at the hole in the ceiling, making eye contact with Stain who was perched on the hole’s edge. She shook her head “It’s never easy…” she mumbled as she rose up her gun and took a shot at Stain, to which he quickly backed out of the way of the bullet, disappearing from view. Growing a bit more annoyed, Kuroko put the small knife in her pocket so she could grab hold of the rope on the end of her gun.

Waltzing over to one of the open concrete windows, she lifted herself through it and tossed up her gun, its handle wrapping around the railing at the top. Just as she was about to climb up, a familiar voice was calling up to her.

(Music Stops)

“Kuroko-san! Are you ok?!” yelled Izuku as he looked up at her. She sighed in annoyance before reaching down into her back pocket, holding onto the rope with a single hand. After a second she tossed something down to Izuku, which he was able to catch, holding it in his fingers he recognized it as Car Keys.

“If you want to be useful, follow along in the car, aside from that, don’t interfere.” She said to Izuku, hoisting herself up and out of view before Izuku could properly respond. Izuku looked down the street at the car they had arrived into the area in and then back at the keys in his hand.

“… Wish I knew how to drive…” he thought to himself, making a dash for the car.

Meanwhile up with Kuroko, she hoisted herself up and over the railing to the top of the parking garage, watching Stain as he jumped from the opposite side to another rooftop. Knowing She didn’t have a lot of time on her hand, she ran after Stain, aiming her gun at him and taking another shot, watching as it whizzed past him. Upon reaching the edge of the lot, Kuroko didn’t even hesitate as she leapt across to the other rooftop watching as Stain jumped across to the next one, with Kuroko doing the same once she reached it. And this happened again. And again, and again for a handful of roof tops.

“He’s just going to keep running…” Kuroko thought to herself as she noticed Stain preparing to make another jump. In response to this, Kuroko aimed her gun, not at Stain, but at the edge of the roof he was about to jump to. And after Stain left the ground, Kuroko took her shot, the bullet flying through the air, making contact with the brick lining the edge of the, blowing it to pieces. Right before Stain’s foot could make contact with it.

Upon landing on the ruined brick, it crumbled upon his weight, causing him to stumble and fall down into the alley below, his body hitting an air conditioner on the way down before crashing onto a pile of trash cans and garbage bags. Kuroko looked over the edge of the rooftop with a slight smile on her face, casually leaping down while holding onto a pipe on the side of the building to control the speed she descended at.

Landing on the ground with a soft tap, Kuroko watched as Stain quickly got up, grabbing hold of his sword embedded in the trash beside him and make a leap for Kuroko. In response to this, Kuroko looked over to her left and grabbed hold of a metal lid to a garbage can, holding it in front of herself as a shield, blocking Stain’s attempted slash, a loud clanging filling the alley.

Kuroko slid across the wet ground, still holding onto the trash can, which now had a large dent in it where Stain he struck it. She lowered it brief to get a look at Stain, only to realize that she should raise it up again, using it to block another follower up slash which sent her further back across the ground. Stain kept up the assault, striking the lid of the trash can Kuroko was using as a shield, denting it more and more as he forced her back further and further across the ground.

As Stain pulled his arm back for one more slash, giving Kuroko the opening she needed. Quickly, Kuroko jumped back, out of the way of Stain’s downward sword swing, and within a moments notice, threw the trash can lid she had been using to defend herself with as if it her a frisbee. Once Stain looked over at Kuroko, he was greeted by a spinning piece of metal flying straight into his face, knocking him back.

“Lights out.” Kuroko said as she took another shot at Stain. To her surprise though, Stain ducked out of the way of the gunshot and ran straight for Kuroko letting out a yell as he did so. Gritting her teeth, Kuroko jumped back to gain some sort of distance, now out of the alley and into a more public space. Despite the still lightly drizzling rain, there people out an about, some with umbrella’s and one with jackets.

And one woman caught Kuroko’s particular attention. She was… quite frankly, stunning. Long blonde hair kept out of the rain’s grasp by the umbrella she was holding, a beautiful face elevated by a stunning make-up job, and a nice rack on display due to a not very concealing choice in top. Kuroko couldn’t be happier at the sight. As Stain got close, Kuroko lifted up her leg and landed a strong kick to Stain, sending him flying through a nearby brick wall.

Without even taking her eyes off the woman, she casually approached her, a probably not so innocent smile on her face.

“You know it’s not safe here Doll-Face~ The name’s Kuroko, and after I’m done my work here, I’ll gladly show you a good time~!” Kuroko said in a cheery tone, stuffing a folded up piece of paper into her cleavage as the woman blushed heavily. “Now run along, you probably don’t want to be around for this.” She said, causing the woman to glance at the approaching villain then back at Kuroko, catching the hint, and jogging away in the direction she was previously coming from.

“DON’T TURN YOUR ATTENTION AWAY FROM ME!” Stain shouted, attempting to skewer Kuroko on his blade. Without thinking about it, Kuroko side stepped Stain’s attack and grabbed hold of his wrist. With a firm grip, Kuroko lifted Stain over her head, intending to slam him into the ground. As he was clearly over her head, she noticed in Stain’s other hand was another knife, but this one was larger and had a serrated back.

Kuroko tilted her head unnaturally to the side she narrowly avoid a swing before she finally slammed Stain into the ground, eliciting a cry of pain from him, as well as cracking the concrete a bit too. Stain looked at Kuroko, watching her raise up her leg, preparing to stomp Stain’s head in. Stain quickly spun around, attempting a sweeping leg kick, though Kuroko simply jumped backwards in order to avoid it watching Stain spring to his feet as she did so.

Kuroko glanced around the area. While most of whatever people there were had run off, there were a few stragglers watching on the sidelines with their phones out, clearly taking pictures. 

“… It’s not safe to use guns here, I need to get him somewhere more secluded…” Kuroko thought to herself as she glanced back at Stain, making a charge for her again. Stain swung his right arm, bringing down his sword, watching Kuroko move to the side in order to avoid it which in turn caused him to swing with his other hand, the one with the knife. In response to this, Kuroko swung her gun straight at it, causing the knife to become embedded into the firearm itself.

Kuroko pulled her arm back, yanking the knife from Stain’s grip while using her other hand to deliver a swift palm strike forcing Stain back. Using the time she had, she yanked the knife out of her gun examining the large gash that was now in it. An annoyed expression finding its way onto her face as she repeatedly pulled the trigger, a faint clicking filling the air. It was busted.

Kuroko glanced back up at Stain before throwing her useless firearm at him, watching him make a clean slice through it. “… At least I still have another…” She remarked, making a dash towards Stain, stolen knife in hand. Though instead of charging in himself, Stain jumped backwards, reaching behind himself with his free hand and pulling around a set of throwing knives.

Stain swung his arm, tossing the blades straight at Kuroko. Kuroko stopped herself and quickly started using the knife in her own hand to block and deflect one, the blade flying through the air and stabbing into the ground in front of the bystanders. Taking the hint, the man and whoever else was left began to make a break for it, running as fast as they could away from the area.

Kuroko quickly glanced in the direction the stragglers ran off in, casually knocking another knife out of the air that was thrown at her without even thinking. “That gives me more wiggle room.” She thought to herself as she looked back at Stain, watching him charge at her again. Kuroko quickly got into a stance, twist the knife in her hand around so the sharp side was facing in against her.

As Stain swung his sword towards Kuroko, she rose up her arm, catching the sword within in, creating a loud clanging sound. Both stood their ground, pushing against the others bladed weapon, the faint sound of metal grinding against itself could be heard. Neither wanted to give in, not even in the slightest.

Then, Stain smiled, causing Kuroko to raise an eyebrow. She glanced at the knife in her hand and that’s when she noticed a crack had started to form in it. Letting her guard down, Stain applied just a bit more pressure onto his arm, a crazed look starting to find its way as he applied more and more pressure. Kuroko’s arm began to buckle, a look of concern finding its way across her face, Stain’s smile growing wider.

With one last strong push, Stain sliced clean through Kuroko’s weapon, ready to completely end-




Stain stared forward, eyes wide as his ears run due to the sound of the gunshot. His eyes remained still for a few more moments before they drifted to his sword. Where it had been clashing with Kuroko’s stolen blade, the entire top of it was gone, a gun replacing where the knife once was, a twisted smile on Kuroko’s face evident. Stain stumbled backwards, taking in the situation that had just transpired.

He wasn’t even able to see Kuroko move, let alone somehow pull out her other gun and aim it up at him. At the very least he wasn’t harmed, but that was the least of his concerns. He glanced up at Kuroko, and could practically feel something oozing off of her. Her entire figure was shrouded by a black fog of sorts, the only visible details on her body were her eyes and mouth, and both looked scratch and distorted as they stared Stain down.

Stain shook for a moment before resolving himself, his grip on his busted weapon tightening.

“I WON’T LOSE TO THE LOWEST OF LOWS IN HUMANITY!” Stain shouted, throwing his broken sword straight at Kuroko, the sword making direct contact with her chest.

… and then phasing right through Kuroko. Taken aback by this, Kuroko’s being appeared to melt down, and fade away, but before it could fade away in its entirety, Stain watched something roll towards him from within.

In front of Stain was a Grenade, just like before, except this one had the letter A on its front.

(Music Stops)


From her little alley alcove, Kuroko peaked out at the large cloud of smoke and dust whipped up by the explosion. She kept her eyes on it, watching the cloud as it dissipated, revealing the carnage the explosion had caused, a large crater in the middle of the road, and whatever parked cars that were close enough had their windows completely shattered, some having some dents in them as well due to their proximity to the explosion.

But most curious of all the carnage and destruction, was a manhole cover with a huge whole within it resting on the side of the crater.

“… Damn it…” Kuroko remarked, knowing Stain had squirmed out of this explosion as well. Kuroko started running down the alley.

“Don’t run.”

Kuroko paused, looking up above her, seeing Stain perched upon a rusted up balcony attached to one of the walls of the alley, a red aura practically emanating off of him as if he were lit on fire.

Stain made a jump, landing at the entrance to the alley, in his hand a large knife with a serrated back, similar to the one he had earlier that Kuroko had stolen.

“You’re not going anywhere until you’re dead.” Stain said coldly. Kuroko scoffed, her arm, gun in hand, resting at her side while her other hand rested on her hip.

“Neither are you. You really couldn’t have made this just a bit easier by dropping dead earlier?” Kuroko asked, Stain grinding his teeth together in anger. Kuroko continued: “I mean, seriously. You’ve given me nothing but problems all morning, after this I’ll have to have a long shower-” Kuroko said before being abruptly cut off.

“SHUT UP!” Stain shouted, raising up his knife, anger filling his tone. “You’ll die right here, right now. I’ll make sure of it!” he remarked. Kuroko smirked, her grip on her gun tightening.

“Then prove it~” She simply responded.

The tension between the 2 could be cut with a knife. 

(Big thank you to Shaft for commissioning this track as a gift, means a lot!)

Stain made the first move, lunging himself at Kuroko as she pre-emptively moved to the side to avoid his swing, quickly ducking underneath his attempted follow up and slamming her elbow into his Chest, forcing him back against one of the walls in the alley. Kuroko took a shot at Stain, but he quickly ducked under it, swinging his arm upwards, though Kuroko also quickly moved back, quickly ripping off a rusted pipe on the wall and using it to block Stain’s follow-up attack.

 Kuroko casually tossed the pipe up into the air as she rose up her leg, delivering a swift kick into Stain’s side. Or at least, that’s what she wanted. Moving out the way, Stain made a dash straight past Kuroko, though was quickly put to a stop by Kuroko as she grabbed hold of of the flaps that made up the back of Stain’s mask. With a strong yank, not only did she pull Stain back, she also ripped the flaps off.

Stain forced himself to a stop, watching Kuroko catch the pipe she had thrown into the air, quickly throwing it in Stain’s direction. Without much of a thought, Stain slashed at it, easily slicing it in two, the separate pieces flying past his face as a throwing knife dropped from his sleeve and into his hand. He pulled his arm back and threw the knife at Kuroko, running behind it as it flew through the air.

Kuroko casually tilted her head out of the way of the knife and twisted her body around Stain’s attempted swing, placing a foot on the back of Stain’s head and pushing him forward, sliding across the concrete as he tried to keep himself from face planting, putting his hand out to break his fall and push himself up. His fingers twitched once he had gotten to a full stand. He looked down at his open hand, a large scrape on his palm, some blood present as well. His breathing was heavy, he hadn’t had to keep up a fight like this for this long before

“… You’re running out of steam you know. Sooner or later you’ll make a mistake, and you’ll be dead.” Kuroko remarked, Stain’s attention turning to her as she casually waved her gun around in her hand. “Honestly, you probably don’t have anything to live for, right? If that’s the case…” Kuroko continued, her ever present smile forming once again.

“Why don’t you just run along and die~ It would be easier on everyone… including yourself.” Kuroko remarked, her twisted smile returning to her face once again… though something about this time felt different to Stain. He could see Kuroko twitching… no, bouncing, her upper body precisely, as if she were laughing, yet he couldn’t hear anything coming from her.

Erupting from Kuroko’s own back was something, quite frankly, terrifying. Large tendrils of bone ending in hooked ends. A large ribcage connected to a long, snake-like spine, 3 skulls on its top, mouths open with long snake-like tongues dripping saliva. More and more of the tendrils escaped from Kuroko’s backside, all ready to rip Stain to shreds.

And as for Stain… he could feel something welling up inside of him. Not fear… but instead…

Anger. Stain looked on at the beast as it slowly encroached on him. He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath, opening his eyes once more and declaring:

“I’M NOT RUNNING!” Stain shouted, a large red wave erupted from his backside, cascading against and overtaking the alleyway, obscuring everything as Stain gritted his teeth, lunging straight for the skeletal beast, easily slicing through its monstrous boney tendrils as they attempted to skewer him. With each attempt the tendrils made, Stain would effortlessly slice through them. Even when the heads became involved, rushing towards him, Stain made a singular, but clean slice through all 3, decapitating them from the upwards.

Then, Stain set his sights on Kuroko, who simply looked up at him with a twisted smile. Gritting his teeth, Stain’s grip on his knife tightened as he drew closer towards Kuroko. And with one final shout, he swung his arm down, his knife effortlessly through her face, and easily stabbing straight into…

A bag of trash.

Stain snapped back into reality. He looked around himself in shock. In the blink of an eye, the monster was gone. He noticed large gashes in the walls of the alley and various bits of trash and piping lining the walls. Was he… was he tricked? What the hell was that? What-

“Choke on this.” Kuroko said, malice practically dripping off her words as Stain turned his attention towards Kuroko, who had a throwing knife in her hand. Stain couldn’t even react as the knife was shoved straight into his mouth, effortlessly piercing his tongue as well as the roof of his mouth, filling his mouth with blood.

His own blood.

Within a moments notice, Stain felt an overwhelming feeling of numbness spread across his body. As Kuroko yanked the knife out of his mouth, he fell limp to the ground, blood dripping from his mouth and onto the wet concrete of the alley. Kuroko simply looked down at him, knife still gripped tightly in her hand.

She simply looked at him for a few seconds, letting the deafening sound of the rain, and distance sounds of traffic overtake the area, the faint sound of footsteps approaching also being heard. That was until Kuroko decided to act again, placing her heel onto Stain’s limp body and gave him a push, rolling him over so he was lying on his back, where he could look her in the face.

Her cold… unfeeling… frightening face. Her eyes white and soulless as she looked down at him. Despite being paralyzed, he felt a shiver run down his spine as he watched Kuroko’s face practically distort and dislocate into a desolate, psychotic smile. “Is that really all you’ve got? I would’ve expected the “Infamous” Hero Killer to have more fight in him.” Kuroko remarked, tossing the knife aside and placing her foot onto Stain’s chest, applying some amount of pressure as Stain coughed up some of the blood that was filling his mouth.

“Y-You rotten… scum…” Stain choked out as Kuroko leaned in so her face was closer.

“I’m scum? This coming from the man who was so sad people were themselves he just had to kill them to make a point? This coming from the man who made it his duty to “purge” the world of fake heroes like some cliche anime villain?” Kuroko said, pulling one of her guns from its holster and pressing it straight into Stain’s forehead. “This all coming from the mouth of a worthless, dead man?” Kuroko forced the gun deeper into Stain’s forehead, her twisted smile still present on her face. “Your existence was a waste of time. The only impact you’ll leave behind is a chalk outline on the ground.” Stain couldn’t take this anymore. What was talking to him wasn’t a woman, or even human. It was a demon. Or perhaps, something even worse than that…

“At least I don’t try to justify my actions under some worthless façade.”

Perhaps even the devil himself was welcoming him to hell.

Just then, Izuku ran up to the alley’s entrance, stopping himself as he saw Kuroko with her gun pressed into Stain’s forehead.

“Hey, Kuroko-” Izuku yelled in an attempt to get Kuroko’s attention, but wasn’t even able to finish as a sudden loud sound filled the air, and a horrific sight was witnessed by Izuku’s eyes.


It was done. Kuroko pulled the trigger, shooting the newly crippled Hero Killer in the head. It wasn’t as simple as the bullet entering and leaving the other side, no, the top of Stain’s head practically exploded into a mass of blood and bone, only the bottom half of his jaw and tongue were what remained attached to his head.

Izuku wanted to puke at the sight.

Without a care in the world and without much of a second thought, Kuroko holstered her gun and started walking towards Izuku’s direction. He looked absolutely mortified.

“Y-You didn’t have to kill him! You only needed to apprehend him, what have you done?!” He said as Kuroko walked past him, much to his annoyance. He reached for her arm in an attempt to grab hold of her. “Hey, would you just-” Izuku began to say before he felt Kuroko grab on his wrist. He froze up as Kuroko looked down at him.

“You really don’t know who I am, do you kid? I’m the person called to deal with Japan’s dirtiest crimes, I eliminate the problematic people. I was never told to apprehend him, I was only ever told to “Deal with him my way.” And if you have a problem with that…” She said, a haunting aura emanating from her, sending a shiver down Izuku’s spine as he stared directly into her cold eyes.

“Then I guess I would have to “Deal with you” as well, right?” She said in a frightening manner. Izuku was speechless, shaking on the spot. He was terrified.

Then Kuroko let go of his wrist and he felt that overwhelming feeling of fear disappear as a small smile found its way onto Kuroko’s face. “I’m just kidding… come on. Lets get out of here.” She said, walking off, leaving Izuku standing in place, left in his thoughts.

“I… I couldn’t move… It was just like what happened with him before… Just… who is she?” Izuku mumbled to himself before bringing up the courage to quickly follow after the woman… afraid of what might happen if he didn’t listen to her.

Pants: “And there goes the hero killer!”

Imortal: “Stain was a deadly individual indeed, but Kuroko one-upped him and had everything needed to pull through with a victory.”

Pants: “First off, yes both were rather comparable in the strength department, with Stain having the upper hand most likely, but that hardly means anything when he can’t land a hit on Kuroko in the first place.”

Imortal: “Yeah… Kuroko was capable of reacting to and reflecting light speed lasers, putting her up into the relativistic range while Stain is only around Mach 8 at most (Refer to Stain vs. Syndrome), AND with her immense speed coupled with her ability to sense and automatically dodge dangers coming her way even when she’s not even paying attention to what’s around her.”

Note: The man here is named Cobalt Conrad and he directly identifies, reacts to, and redirects a laser, then later Several alongside Kuroko. Afterwards Kuroko swings her arm fast enough to the point the man could not identify what she was swinging.

Pants: “It’s basically her own version of Ultra Instinct. With that in play, she’d basically be able to avoid anything Stain could throw at her. ‘But wait, Stain took on Deku and Shouto and Iida, shouldn’t he scale to higher than Kuroko and take what she has to offer and outlast her?’ That’s a good point. Except…”

Imortal: “Not really, cus at the time of his fight with the 3, they didn’t scale to any of the big stuff. Deku could only scale that high when breaking his bones (Which he didn’t do in that fight) and while taking a 5% punch from him is Impressive, it doesn’t get him very high up there at all. Sure he stabbed Iida, but really, Iida didn’t scale to anything big at all.”

NOTE: While Stain has made actual appearances in more recent chapters in the MHA manga, they boil down to cameos, and a single interaction with All Might, with no fighting going on what-so ever, so it’s reasonable to assume, as of this fights publishing, he does not scale to any recent stuff.

Pants: “And another thing, ‘Well Stain has killed a lot of heroes, that must mean he’s more skilled and can work around Kuroko’s abilities, right?’ Well… not really. Funnily enough, that doesn’t really help him. For the majority of heroes he’s killed/crippled, we don’t know what their abilities and skills are, and besides, Stain is literally the type of Person Kuroko specializes in fighting.”

Imortal: “Yeah, Kuroko’s job is dealing with deranged, superhuman criminals. Stain would legitimately be no different from the dozens of other insane individuals she’s had to deal with.”

Pants: “Not too mention Stains equipment is kind of a non-factor here. He really only carries bladed weapons… which are useless against a foe you can’t hit, and Kuroko also has a bunch of weapons at her disposal which are more useful in a fight. 2 Guns to stay out of range, a flaming sword AND a normal sword to fight close up with, a vibrating blunt object, and even some nice Fuck you Grenades that range in explosive power.”

Imortal: “And even Experience goes to Kuroko. Kuroko has been killing for pretty much, all of her life while Stain only really took up hero killing in his adult years. Yeah, so in conclusion, while Stain had strength, and his Quirk WOULD be an instant win in most situations, Kuroko’s overwhelming plethora of advantages won her this fight.”

NOTE: Stain fought Knuckleduster who was involved in a clash that resulted in a building being destroyed. This can be found here: though it would not help him as he cannot feasibly hit Kuroko.

Pants: “Looks like Stain missed his shot.

Imortal: “The Winner is Kuroko Koumori.”

Kuroko KOUMORI | Anime-Planet

WINNER: Kuroko!
+FAR Faster.
+Death Sensing meant Stain couldn’t touch her.
+Has dealt with people as deadly, if not more so than Stain.
+Had a lot more experience in general.
+More Skilled when it comes to killing.
+Better equipment.
-Arguably physically weaker.
-IF Stain got his quirk off she’d lose.

Loser: Stain.
+Arguably stronger.
+Quirk is an instant win if he were to activate it.
+More Durable.
-Kuroko is far faster.
-Had NO Hopes of landing a hit on Kuroko.
-Kuroko has dealt with people like Stain.
-Kuroko had more experience overall.
-Less skilled.
-Inferior Equipment.

Domestic Execution- Kuroko vs. Stain – The Interview!

Imortal: “The murder of others is something most people don’t even want to think about. Just the mere thought of taking somebody elses life sends a shiver down your spine…”

Pants: “Unless, of course you’re either a psychopath whose job it is to do the dirty deed on the crazies or are a villain out to kill all the fake heroes of the world. Either way, these 2 know how to kill just about anybody they come across.”

Imortal: “Introducing Kuroko Koumori, Japan’s National Executioner!

Pants: “And Chizome Akaguro, the Hero Killer Stain!

Imortal: “We’re here to analyze their weapons, armors, and skills to see just which individual will come out on top!”

Pants: “So, be sure to stay tuned!”


Name: Kuroko Koumori.
Gender: Female.
Age: ???. (Likely Mid 20’s given her appearance.)
Height: 6’2″.
Interests: Women.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. (Forcibly Lawful Good)
Occupation: National Executioner.

Strength & DC:

-At least Large Building Level. Multi-City Block level at most. Stated to be superior to characters capable of such feats
    -Said to be superior to a mech that destroyed a large building, and created an explosion that parted the clouds, though the latter she likely doesn’t scale to.
-Her Pistol completely blew the head off of a man who’s skin was so strong that regular gunfire had no affect.
-Held a vibrating knife back with her fingers.
-Can send people flying with her punches and kicks.
-Caved in a girls skill by stomping on it.
-Easily capable of throwing around larger men with no issue.
-Physically superior to people capable of busting metal objects, such as locks and even metal spheres.
-Lifted and impaled a man with a steel girder.
-Effortlessly sliced off a man’s hand using a butter knife.
-Clashed with a woman who could effortlessly sliced though a large wooden gate and its steel hinges and swung her sword hard enough to create a shockwave powerful enough to put out fires.

Speed & Agility:

-Relativistic via reacting to and dodging Lasers.
–Swung her arm faster than a man who reacted to and redirected lasers could make out what she was holding, mistaking it for a knife.
    -It was a super dildo.
-Avoided bullets on numerous occasions, even when they were SUPER Close to hitting her.
    -On the same note, has reacted to and either countered/dodged attacks that were mere moments away from hitting her, with no issue.
-On par with, and possibly faster than Asagi, a character capable of deflecting point-blank gunfire.
-She attacked and simultaneously dodged faster than it took a wave of water to splash.
-Subconsciously dodged/blocked an attack when her attention was somewhere else.
-Superior to most of her allies in speed, one of which caught a rocket fired from an RPG.

Durability & Endurance:

-Scaling to her DC, Large Building to Multi-City Block level.
-Doesn’t actually take a serious hit from somebody, mostly just getting some minor cuts.
    -However, there are scars on her body that suggest she has taken some brutal attacks in the past, most likely stab wounds.
-Didn’t care about the tip of her tongue getting cut.
    -If anything, she found it to be a blessing.

Powers & Abilities:

Precognition/Death Sensing:
-Kuroko possesses the ability to sense, react to, and dodge nearly anything that would otherwise kill her.
-Allows her to subconsciously avoid things that intend on killing her, no matter if they’re inches away from her, or from several kilometers away.
-Often uses this to weave around foes attacks and traps without a care in the world.

Killer Intent:
-Can appear to manifest her killer aura in order to strike fear into foes.
    -Scared a woman who couldn’t feel pain.
-Can also sense the killer intent within others, effectively letting her know if they intend on killing her or not.

Skills & Personality:

Skill & Intelligence:
-Has been killing for most of her life.
-Even has the ability to tell if people intend on harming her or others, effectively calling their bluffs.
-An expert in killing.
-Easily able to deduce and counter a person’s attacks or techniques, as well as their overall level of skill.
-Has easily figured out a villain’s motives and plans through little evidence, deducing their full plans from just a single crime scene.
-Deduced what a drugged up wrestler was hallucinating based off his body language and how he reacted to his surroundings, using it to her advantage.
-Easily Disarmed and pinned down a man who was holding her at gunpoint in a Diner.
-A REALLY Good cook.

-Typically comes off as nonchalant and jokey, not taking more situations seriously, or at least with a general lack of emotion what-so-ever.
-Acts rather Flirty around Women, even going so far as to pleasure them, and even feel them up in public view.
-Unknown if she genuinely cares for others, as while she has turned violent at the slightest hint of aggression towards female adversaries, she may still have ulterior motives.
    -However, there is 1 person she genuinely does show care in, that being the daughter of a Yakuza she’s in a relationship with, Chiyo.

-However, Kuroko does have a merciless absolutely wicked side to her, which she’s not afraid to unleash.
-Either Acts cold and empathetic towards foes or even shows signs of enjoyment talking down to her foes, mentally and physically torturing them until they either die or tell her what she wants before ultimately dying typically brutal deaths.
    -Has even gotten the insane to fear her in their final moments.

Weapons & Equipment:

-Appears to be able to pull objects out of her cleavage, with no signs of the object being there in the first place, with most notably being a Bell and a small Mallet.

Nail File:
-Just a simple Nail Filer.
-Used to make her nails look pretty.

Metal Pipe:
-Just a simple Metal Pipe she used to beat the shit out of a group of people, killing them.

Grapplehook Gun:
-Just a regular old Pistol that has a rope attached to it.
-Allows Kuroko to scale larger surfaces and hang off of it.

-Seemingly standard Firearms.
-Carries 2 on her at almost all times.
-The guns themselves were able to blow off the head of a bulked up and drugged up wrestler, who was previously immune to gunfire.

Just a Knife she stole.

Love Prime:
-Super Orgasm Vibe “XXXCalibur”.
-A Super Dildo.

-8 Handheld grenades that go from A to H.
-The closer they are to A, the more powerful they are, and the closer they are to H the weaker they are.

-Just a regular Katana.

Fire Sword:
-A sword Kuroko obtained that is capable of lighting itself on fire.


-When up against another Woman, she would rather play and try to seduce them.
    -Though she isn’t afraid to get serious if she needs to.
-Guns have limited Ammo by default.
-At the end of the day, still human.


“I’m not on the side of good.”



Hero Killer Stain bio belongs to SilverJenkins on Deviantart, Thanks again!

Chizome Akaguro
Aka: Hero Killer Stain, Stendhal (formerly)
Age: 31
Affiliations: Quinn Hachisuka (formerly), League Of Villains (generally believed by the public)
Occupation: Villain, Vigilante (formerly)

Killed several villains during his time as Stendhal
-Including “Manhole” Rojiya Yonenaga, a high-ranking Yakuza, and his colleagues
Would’ve killed Soga Kugizaki and Koichi Haimawari if it wasn’t for Knuckleduster 
Made himself a name as Hero Killer Stain
Before arriving in Hosu, had a track record of 17 killed heroes
-Injured another 23 beyond recovery
Crippled Ingenium
Caught the interest of Kurogiri, who attempted to get him to join the League Of Villains
Managed to pin down Tomura Shigaraki
Would’ve killed both Izuku Midoriya and Tenya Iida if it wasn’t for Shouto Todoroki
-Fought against all three at once in a prolonged battle
*Though Stain lost, it was stated that he probably held back and could’ve killed them any time
Saved Izuku from being abducted by a Noumu, killing the latter in the process
Despite being heavily injured, intimidated several heroes
-Including Endeavor, the Nr. 2 Hero
Unknowingly inspired the likes of Dabi and Toga Himiko to join the League Of Villains
Currently incarcerated in Tartarus
-A prison for criminals for whom death penalty isn’t enough

Skills & Abilities
Bildergebnis für hero killer stain gif
Pinned down the likes of Tenya and Tomura
Sliced clean through Shouto’s ice constructs
Slammed an airborne Noumu to the ground

Bildergebnis für hero killer stain gif
Speed & Agility
Stated that it would be impossible for someone to react to his speed the first time
-Which was immediately proven to be wrong
Overwhelmed Knuckleduster
Defeated Ingenium, a hero known for his speed
Kept up with both Izuku and Tenya
Dodged and blocked Shouto’s ice and fire attacks
-Nearly blitzed him during a counter attack, only to be stopped by Tenya
While being heavily injured, freed himself from his bonds while catching up and jumping on top of a flying Noumu
-Though he did paralyze it mid-flight

Bildergebnis für hero killer stain gif
Took a blow from Knuckleduster, which was strong enough to completely break his nose
-Later cut it off without even flinching a bit
Tanked punches from Izuku while the latter had his Full Cowl activated
-In that state Izuku’s punches can shatter solid stone
Received kicks from Tenya, which were boosted by the Recipro Burst technique
Was blasted with fire from Shouto
Survived having his lungs pierced by his own broken ribs  

Bildergebnis für hero killer stain gif
Fighting Skills
Highly skilled in close combat
Matches and defeats different kinds of heroes and villains alike
Quickly defeated a group of 4 Yakuza members, who were known for their deadly combination attacks
-The Quirk of one of them formed an armor which looked exactly like Iron Man’s Hulkbuster
*Just had to write this one down
Overwhelms opponents with his sheer speed
Doesn’t necessarily aim for vital spots in the first place
-Simply wants to draw some blood so that he can immobilize them with his Quirk

Bildergebnis für hero killer stain gif
Can emit it like an aura
Is so immense that several pro heroes were unable to move, shivering in fear
-Forced even Endeavor to take a step back

Uses different kinds of bladed weapons
Carries two swords on his back
Has several knives of different size all over his body
Hides lots of throwing knives under his clothes
His boots are equipped with spikes

His Quirk
When he orally ingests the blood of a person, they will be paralyzed
-Even a single drop is enough for the effect to kick in
The duration of being immobilized depends on the blood type
-In decreasing order: B, AB, A, O
-The maximum duration is 8 minutes 

Bildergebnis für hero killer stain gif
Is convicted that he has to purge the world of villains and especially “fake heroes”
-Aka heroes who are only doing their job for the sake of fame and money
-Previously, only killed villains 
Extremely strong-willed
-Was ready to fight several heroes, including Endeavor, despite being heavily injured
Thinks that only those who put their lives at stake for the sake of helping others can be considered true heroes 
Surprisingly, dislikes unnecessary bloodshed
Believes that everyone needs a creed and that people without conviction are weak
Actually knows that what he does is wrong and makes him a villain himself
-Believes that someone has to stain their own hands in blood for the sake of society, which is why he does it himself

The effectiveness of Bloodcurdle heavily relies on the opponent’s blood type
Underestimates opponents from time to time 
Sometimes doesn’t go straight for the killing blow
Tends to hold back against individuals who he deems “true heroes”
-Only kills them if it is truly necessary

Steam Community :: :: distorted
“The only one allowed to kill me is… All Might, a true hero!”

Something to come…

Hello all! Imortal here! Just wanted to drop some sort of teaser here cus I wanted to get back into the flow of writing Fights so…

Coming soon…

Sonic Gifs | Shadow the hedgehog, Sonic, Sonic and shadow

“This is the end of you, and the end of my cursed past!”

Imortal’s written fights…

CLOSED]☆Waifu Friday: Tsubasa Kazanari☆ - Forums -

“I am a sword. I will not break here.”

Will return…

DBS #122 - Vegeta GIF | Gfycat

“That’s Pride. Pride in the Saiyan I am. The mighty prince of the ultimate warrior race!”

In the No-Researched format…

Then let's promise!” - Tumbex

“Masterpon is Poppi’s only Driver.”

So stay tuned for…

E-123 Omega (Mario and Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games) on  Make a GIF

“Final Target confirmed. Commencing combat.”


kefla (dragon ball super) - Album on Imgur

“I’ll blow way past you, just you wait and see!”

Top 30 Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta GIFs | Find the best GIF on Gfycat

“I am neither Goku nor Vegeta. I’m the guy who’s going to stop you!”

Episode 1/?? – Battle of Doubled up Power – Kefla vs. Gogeta!
Coming: Soon.

Thank you all for your time and support!

Kuroko Koumori Executes DEATH BATTLE!

DB Kuroko Bio Render by ThatGuyImortal

Name: Kuroko Koumori.
Gender: Female.
Age: ???. (Likely Mid 20’s given her appearance.)
Height: 6’2″.
Interests: Women.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. (Forcibly Lawful Good)
Occupation: National Executioner.

Strength & DC:

-At least Large Building Level. Multi-City Block level at most. Stated to be superior to characters capable of such feats
    -Said to be superior to a mech that destroyed a large building, and created an explosion that parted the clouds, though the latter she likely doesn’t scale to.
-Her Pistol completely blew the head off of a man who’s skin was so strong that regular gunfire had no affect.
-Held a vibrating knife back with her fingers.
-Can send people flying with her punches and kicks.
-Caved in a girls skill by stomping on it.
-Easily capable of throwing around larger men with no issue.
-Physically superior to people capable of busting metal objects, such as locks and even metal spheres.
-Lifted and impaled a man with a steel girder.
-Effortlessly sliced off a man’s hand using a butter knife.
-Clashed with a woman who could effortlessly sliced though a large wooden gate and its steel hinges and swung her sword hard enough to create a shockwave powerful enough to put out fires.

Speed & Agility:

-Relativistic via reacting to and dodging Lasers.
Swung her arm faster than a man who reacted to and redirected lasers could make out what she was holding, mistaking it for a knife.
    -It was a super dildo.
-Avoided bullets on numerous occasions, even when they were SUPER Close to hitting her.
    -On the same note, has reacted to and either countered/dodged attacks that were mere moments away from hitting her, with no issue.
-On par with, and possibly faster than Asagi, a character capable of deflecting point-blank gunfire.
-She attacked and simultaneously dodged faster than it took a wave of water to splash.
-Subconsciously dodged/blocked an attack when her attention was somewhere else.
-Superior to most of her allies in speed, one of which caught a rocket fired from an RPG.

Durability & Endurance:

-Scaling to her DC, Large Building to Multi-City Block level.
-Doesn’t actually take a serious hit from somebody, mostly just getting some minor cuts.
    -However, there are scars on her body that suggest she has taken some brutal attacks in the past, most likely stab wounds.
-Didn’t care about the tip of her tongue getting cut.
    -If anything, she found it to be a blessing.

Powers & Abilities:

Precognition/Death Sensing:
-Kuroko possesses the ability to sense, react to, and dodge nearly anything that would otherwise kill her.
-Allows her to subconsciously avoid things that intend on killing her, no matter if they’re inches away from her, or from several kilometers away.
-Often uses this to weave around foes attacks and traps without a care in the world.

Killer Intent:
-Can appear to manifest her killer aura in order to strike fear into foes.
    -Scared a woman who couldn’t feel pain.
-Can also sense the killer intent within others, effectively letting her know if they intend on killing her or not.

Skills & Personality:

Skill & Intelligence:
-Has been killing for most of her life.
-Even has the ability to tell if people intend on harming her or others, effectively calling their bluffs.
-An expert in killing.
-Easily able to deduce and counter a person’s attacks or techniques, as well as their overall level of skill.
-Has easily figured out a villain’s motives and plans through little evidence, deducing their full plans from just a single crime scene.
-Deduced what a drugged up wrestler was hallucinating based off his body language and how he reacted to his surroundings, using it to her advantage.
-Easily Disarmed and pinned down a man who was holding her at gunpoint in a Diner.
-A REALLY Good cook.

-Typically comes off as nonchalant and jokey, not taking more situations seriously, or at least with a general lack of emotion what-so-ever.
-Acts rather Flirty around Women, even going so far as to pleasure them, and even feel them up in public view.
-Unknown if she genuinely cares for others, as while she has turned violent at the slightest hint of aggression towards female adversaries, she may still have ulterior motives.
    -However, there is 1 person she genuinely does show care in, that being the daughter of a Yakuza she’s in a relationship with, Chiyo.

-However, Kuroko does have a merciless absolutely wicked side to her, which she’s not afraid to unleash.
-Either Acts cold and empathetic towards foes or even shows signs of enjoyment talking down to her foes, mentally and physically torturing them until they either die or tell her what she wants before ultimately dying typically brutal deaths.
    -Has even gotten the insane to fear her in their final moments.

Weapons & Equipment:

-Appears to be able to pull objects out of her cleavage, with no signs of the object being there in the first place, with most notably being a Bell and a small Mallet.

Nail File:
-Just a simple Nail Filer.
-Used to make her nails look pretty.

Metal Pipe:
-Just a simple Metal Pipe she used to beat the shit out of a group of people, killing them.

Grapplehook Gun:
-Just a regular old Pistol that has a rope attached to it.
-Allows Kuroko to scale larger surfaces and hang off of it.

-Seemingly standard Firearms.
-Carries 2 on her at almost all times.
-The guns themselves were able to blow off the head of a bulked up and drugged up wrestler, who was previously immune to gunfire.

Just a Knife she stole.

Love Prime:
-Super Orgasm Vibe “XXXCalibur”.
-A Super Dildo.

-8 Handheld grenades that go from A to H.
-The closer they are to A, the more powerful they are, and the closer they are to H the weaker they are.

-Just a regular Katana.

Fire Sword:
-A sword Kuroko obtained that is capable of lighting itself on fire.


-When up against another Woman, she would rather play and try to seduce them.
    -Though she isn’t afraid to get serious if she needs to.
-Guns have limited Ammo by default.
-At the end of the day, still human.

Bloodstained Grave – Miriam vs. Shovel Knight! The Fight!

MiriamShovelKnightSet by ThatGuyImortal

Histoire Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “Alright, the combatants are set, and they’re very much ready to duel!”

Medaka Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “It would appear it’s time to settle this debate, once and for all!”

Histoire Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “So Sit back, grab some Popcorn, a Drink, and maybe some of those Lettered Chocolate beads, and let’s get straight into the action!”


Unknown Castle. Midnight…

The full moon glowed brightly across the castle, it’s light shining through various windows, lighting up the corners of the interior that the flame litten lamps didn’t.


Within a hallway, a woman swung her blade straight through some form of a humanoid creature, sending its head flying into a nearby wall, which it splattered against as the rest of its body melted away into the ground.

This was Miriam, making her way throughout the dark building, eliminating any monster that stood in her path. Well, any monster that would dare bring harm to her that is, or ones specifically looking for a fight. Suddenly, materializing from the stray demon’s corpse was what appeared to be some sort of crystal. As it finished materializing, it stabbed itself straight through Miriam, causing her to cry in agony, absorbing its power into her.

It soon vanished, leaving behind no trace it was ever inside her just a moment ago. She let out a sigh of relief. Despite being used to the feeling, it didn’t stop it from hurting like hell. She took a moment to breathe a bit and peer out of a window, noticing the full moon high in the sky.

After regaining her bearings, she continued down the hallway. After turning a corner, she came to a huge set of doors. She knocked on them.

No response.

She grabbed hold of the handles and pulled on them, opening the doors good and wide, revealing the contents of the room.

“Oh, a Library.” Miriam said as she looked around the dimly lit room, noticing the tall shelves lined with several books. “I don’t suppose O.D. would mind if I borrowed some books from another library while I’m here.” Miriam said to herself as she wandered over to one of the shelves, examining the books that it was lined with.

“The legendary super-“ Miriam mumbled to herself before she was cut off by a man’s voice.


Miriam’s attention was turned towards the unknown voice that had just spoken. She looked around the room a bit before looking up at a higher balcony, noticing a distinct man wearing a suit of armor, and in his hand was… a shovel?

“And who might you be?” Miriam asked the figure.

“I am Shovel Knight, and I do believe you are the one known as Miriam… Correct?” The man asked.

“Yes, but how did you come to know of me?” Miriam responded.

“I have been informed by a man that you are a threat. While I do not recall his name, he wore a mask. As such, I cannot allow you to proceed past this point.” Shovel Knight declared as he pointed his shovel blade down at Miriam.

“So Gebel is behind this?” Miriam mumbled to herself as she looked up at the knight. She knew he wasn’t demonic in any sort of way, but she should still take this rather seriously.

She took a step towards Shovel Knight and watched as suddenly a fireball was sent flying towards her. She quickly materialized a whip in her hands, which she used to knock the fireball into one of the nearby bookcases, lighting it ablaze in a bright explosion.

When she turned her attention back to Shovel Knight, she watched as he leaped from the balcony and dove straight for Miriam, shovel blade in hand.

Miriam vs. Shovel Knight render by ThatGuyImortal

Miriam made a dash backwards as Shovel Knight struck the ground with his shovel blade, breaking it apart slightly. She looked up at Shovel Knight and took notice of him charging straight for her, his shovel blade held firmly in his hand.

Cracking her whip for added effect, Miriam threw her arm forward towards Shovel Knight, thus her whip traveled towards the Knight, though with a quick dash to the side, he was able to avoid its impact with the ground. Shovel Knight then started taking short little hops in multiple directions as Miriam kept up her offensive pressure, her whip strikes hitting the ground where Shovel Knight once stood.

Pulling out the flare wand again, Shovel Knight shot a fireball towards Miriam. Noticing this, Miriam stuck out her right arm towards the incoming fireball and fired a larger ball of fire out of her hand, which overpowered Shovel Knight’s fairly easily, forcing the knight to dodge it as it drew close. It kept traveling until it hit one of the walls of the library, exploding in a small burst of flames.

As she lowered her arm, Miriam spoke. “Impressive, but you better have more than just fire attacks in your arsenal.” She said as she looked on at the rather short knight. Shovel Knight returned her gaze. His Flare Wand vanished from his hands, and instead, held a small green orb within his hand. He quickly tossed it towards Miriam.

Miriam kept her eyes on the bouncing green orb heading towards her until it was right at her feet, where she gently kicked it away. When she put her attention back on Shovel Knight though, she took notice of him now being a lot closer to her, swinging his shovel blade right at her head. She quickly jumped backwards, avoiding the swing, and quickly changed out her own weapon, from a Whip to a double-sided axe, which she held firmly in her hands as she looked towards Shovel Knight.

“Nice move distracting me like that, but you will have to try harder than that to get the drop on me.” Miriam remarked as she took a step towards Shovel Knight… and slipped on the green orb, which had conveniently rolled underneath her foot. As she fell backwards, Shovel Knight took the opportunity and quickly dashed up towards Miriam.

Once he was close enough, gone was his shovel blade, and instead, a pair of golden gauntlets. Tightening his hands into fists, he quickly delivered a strong punch on Miriam’s body, sending her flying across the sparsely carpeted floor. Miriam quickly corrected herself and pushed herself up off the ground and into a stand, she noticed another bouncing green orb heading her way.

Unlike before though, instead of giving it a light kick, Miriam swung her axe at a downward angle, slicing the orb completely in half, causing it to vanish. She quickly swung it again soon after, the end of it clashing with Shovel Knight’s shovel blade, forcing the duo back a slight bit.

Miriam was the first to follow up as she lunged at Shovel Knight, swinging her battle axe as she got close to the knight, though he was able to avoid it by swinging his shovel blade towards it, causing another clash, forcing both to push against one another with their weapons.

“You’re quite a formidable foe, Shardbringer Miriam.” Shovel Knight spoke as he pushed against Miriam’s axe, though even he could tell he was starting to get outmatched, thus causing him to jump backwards, ending short little clash they had going on. As he stood his ground, he pulled out his flare wand once again and quickly shot a fireball towards Miriam, though much like the bouncing green orb before, Miriam sliced right through it.

“As are you, Shovel Knight.” She said in response to Shovel Knight’s previous remark, holding her battle axe tightly in her right hand. Both kept their eyes on one another as they proceeded to start walking in a circle, never getting closer, nor getting further from one another, both thinking about their next action.

Then, within a moments notice, both dashed for one another, their weapons held firmly in their hands.

However, unlike before, only Shovel Knight was the one to swing his weapon as Miriam quickly dashed to the side of it and stuck out her right hand towards Shovel Knight. For a moment, the knight was confused until a stream of water shot out from her palm, carrying Shovel Knight back with a ton of force, forcing his body through a bookshelf as he continued to be sprayed down by the high powered stream of water until he was eventually embedded into a wall, which then lead to the water to stop flowing.

Try as he might, he was wedged too far into the stone wall to wiggle himself free. All he could do was change out his weapons and watch as Miriam approached him, her Battle Axe now replaced with a short sword, held firmly in her left hand.

Once she got close to the embedded Shovel Knight, she pulled back her arm, and swung it, blade firmly in hand. however, as she swung, she noticed a particular… amulet in Shovel Knight’s possession. Just as her blade was about to make impact, Shovel Knight’s body appeared to turn… translucent and foggy in a way. Because of that, Miriam’s Blade phased right through Shovel Knight’s body and hit the wall he was embedded in, shattering in, freeing the knight.

With the little bit of time he had, Shovel Knight landed back on the ground, his Dust Knuckles appearing on his fists as he quickly threw a hard punch towards Miriam’s stomach. As his fist connection, Shovel Knight returned to normal, and Miriam was sent flying across the still very much wet ground. As she rolled across the moist wood and carpet, she quickly managed to push herself to a stand, and stop her momentum by sticking her sword into the ground as well.

However, as Miriam gained her bearings, she was once again struck by Shovel Knight, though this time, instead of being hit by his golden gauntlets, he had instead opted to hit Miriam with the flat side of his shovel blade… whilst riding atop some sort of geared contraption and closed the surprisingly large gap between them in mere moments.

(Music Stops)

Miriam’s body was sent flying back, completely shattering the large wooden doors she had previously used to enter the library. She was sent tumbling across the hallway’s floor, eventually managing to reorient herself upright to a stand, this time not being interrupted by her opponent. By now, her blade had worn out its usefulness, so she changed it out for a mace-like weapon, though the ball wasn’t on any type of chain, just attached to the end of the rod attached to the handle.

Miriam looked towards the destroyed doorway and saw Shovel Knight walking through it, heading towards her, his shovel blade held firmly in his right hand as he continued advancing.

“You’re quite a stubborn one, aren’t you?” Miriam spoke as she casually dangled her mace at her side, lightly swinging it back and forth.

“As are you. Now, will you finally retreat, or do you still persist?” Shovel Knight responded as he stopped for a moment, now standing about a handful of meters away from Miriam. Their gazes locked on one another.

“I must still persist, for I do still have a job to do.” Miriam responded as her grip tightened on her mace.

“Very well…” Shovel Knight said as he lightly swung his left arm upwards, as if he was lobbing a ball. From his palm was a single golden coin that flew towards Miriam. Despite not watching it travel, she caught it with no issue and gripped it tightly for a moment.

“Here, Catch.” Miriam remarked as she tossed the Alchemy coin back towards Shovel knight, followed by a swarm of other various coins, all of which were fired from the palm of her hand. Needlessly surprised by this, Shovel Knight brought up his shovel blade in front of himself in a defensive position as the coins repeatedly smacked into his armor, making various Ting! noises as they bounced off into any direction imaginable.

“Wait a minute…” Shovel Knight thought as the coins kept bouncing off his armor. “These aren’t doing any damage…” He said to himself in his head as he stopped defending and looked towards Miriam, noticing that she was no longer in front of him. With her disappearance, came the stop of her silver and golden coin shower.

The next thing Shovel Knight felt was a strong kick to the back, which sent him flying forward through the air. Quickly turning his body around while still airborne, he threw what appeared to be a miniature anchor towards Miriam. She noticed this and quickly jumped side before charging towards Shovel Knight, though without a weapon in her hands, much to Shovel Knight’s confusion.

Without a second thought, Shovel Knight started tossing out… bombs in the shape of fishes that quickly began charging forward, straight in Miriam’s direction. Miriam Smirked as she got closer and closer to the explosives and reached her hand forward in front of herself and fired a flurry of magical arrows, which soared through the sky before striking each explosive causing them to detonate before they could reach their intended target.

With confidence, Miriam jumped forward through the explosions in her path, coming out the other side with no harm done to her. She landed in front of Shovel Knight and quickly spun around, pulling her leg back and preparing a strong kick… Then she took notice of Shovel Knight holing the Flare Wand out in front of himself, more specifically, pointed at Miriam.

“Oh no!” Miriam remarked as soon an explosion took place in front of her, completely engulfing her while also blowing the walls and the roof off of the hallway as well. The Explosion tossed Shovel Knight back, though he was soon stopped as he hit what he presumed to be the other set of doors leading out of the hallway.

He landed on his feet and got up quickly, looking on at the smoke, as if waiting for Miriam to leap out of it unharmed. Once he could see through it though, there was no sign of her insight. With a sigh, he gripped his trusty Shovel Blade and turned around to leave…

“HURK!” Only to be grabbed by a large hand made up of various metals, which then threw him through the set of doors into the other room, though he did catch a quick glimpse of Miriam, who was previously standing behind him before he was forced into the room. Needless to say, she was just fine if a little shaken up from almost getting caught up in that explosion.

“Impressive one, but I’m not so easily downed you know.” She remarked as she heard Shovel knight stand up from within the room he was tossed into. Knowing she had to keep at the onslaught, she dashed into the room, which looked to be some sort of grand bedroom, and in the center of it, was Shovel Knight.

Miriam stretched her right arm above her head and with a small puff of smoke, 2 giant hornet-like insects appeared, their sights set on Shovel Knight. Shuddering a bit at the sight of such disgusting creatures, Shovel Knight swapped out his blade to another one of his weapons, this time one that looked like a red colored buzzsaw of sorts.

The duo insects charged at the knight and Miriam dashed towards him as well, a short blade in hand.

Shovel Knight kept his eyes on the insects, and with a swing of his arm, he tossed it into the air, it slicing CLEAN Through one of the insects with a loud squelch noise. Quickly, he jumped to his side, avoiding a downwards slash from Miriam as well as a charge attack from the remaining insect.

It wouldn’t remain for long as the buzzsaw turned in mid-air, and quickly sliced through the other insect. Miriam ducked under the blade to avoid it as it embedded itself into the ground in front of her. Shovel Knight equipped his Shovel Blade once again and swung it at Miriam, only for her to throw her arm to her side summoning a ride of… paintings? that surrounded her entire body, blocking Shovel Knight’s attack.

This didn’t stop the knight from switching weapons again, his golden gauntlets, which he used to repeatedly throw punches at Miriam, though with each swing, one of the paintings would simply spin around and block the hit. He was breaking them faster than Miriam expected, however, and when he broke the final one, Miriam jumped backwards and started running circles around the room, a blue glow of sorts surrounding her as she circled the bedroom at incredible speeds.

A strong wind started to pick up within the bedroom as Miriam kept up her run. Shovel Knight attempted to put a halt to her with his flare wand, but she simply powered through it. Soon, a small tornado of sorts started to form within the small confines of the bedroom, quickly growing stronger and stronger, picking up not only Shovel Knight, but also whatever furniture wasn’t attached to the ground… which was all of it.

As Shovel Knight was helpless against the powerful winds, Miriam thought about her next move. She needed a strong hit.

And just like that, she thought of something. Stopping her constant sprinting, she eyed down Shovel Knight and leaped towards him, sticking her right arm out at her side, the various pieces of furniture defying the force of the confined cyclone and gathering just around her hand in the shape of a large fist. Shovel knight didn’t even see Miriam as she swung her arm at the knight’s back, slamming the fist of debris into him and sending him flying straight through the wall and into the open air outside.



Miriam barely had time to think as she was yanked along with Shovel Knight outside of the room and into the night sky. Somehow Shovel Knight had managed to wrap the fishing line from his fishing rod around her leg, and as a result, managed to pull her along with him. By this point, she was tired of all the shifting scenery and constant destruction of the areas they were fighting in.

Both fell towards the ground at alarming speeds, both falling into another Hallway lower down of the castle, both a decently large distance apart from one another as they broke through the stone and wooden roof of the opposite ends of the hall, blowing out whatever candles were lit inside of it.


(Music Stops)

Shovel Knight coughed as he slowly hoisted himself up with his trusted blade, coughing slightly. The last attack was brutal, but at least he had a way to recover from it. He reached behind himself and pulled out a chalice of red liquid which he then drank up. Suddenly, the injuries he had sustained began to heal. He could feel his magic pool come back to himself.

Despite that, he still felt as if he wasn’t in top form. She inflicted some SERIOUS Damage to him, but at least his chalice had managed to heal off the vast majority of it.


Step. Step. Step.

Shovel Knight perked up. Of course, she was still kicking. Cautiously he turned around, looking in the direction where both the light had come from, and where he heard the steps coming form.

Step. Step. Step.

The Hallway was dark, but he could still make out a shape. It was most certainly Miriam, but what she had done, he had no idea. he gripped his Shovel Blade tightly as Miriam finally stepped forth into the light of the candles still lit.

Much to Shovel Knight’s surprise, he looked on at his foe, noticing how she had changed forms, now resembling something unfamiliar to him. yet, even he could tell it was a rather… questionable choice of outfit.

Lili | Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Wiki | Fandom

Still, even if he thought his opponent looked rather silly, this was by no means an excuse to give up.

“If you still intend to continue this bout, then I shall abide by your wishes until you’re satisfied!” Shovel Knight declared as he pulled out his flare wand and pointed it in Miriam’s direction, unleashing a steady stream of fireballs towards the shardbringer.

As they drew closer and closer to her, she tensed up, quickly kicking each fireball back in the direction they came with a flurry of swift and strong kicks, much to Shovel Knight’s surprise. Shovel Knight quickly dashed out of the way of them in an attempt to avoid them, though one was able to hit him directly in the chest, leaving a slight burn mark on his armor.

As the Knight was stunned, Miriam quickly ran up to him and threw out a strong kick, only to have her heel clash with Shovel Knight’s gold encased fist. Their clash created a shockwave, though neither were sent flying. Not too long after this, both jumped backwards, though only Miriam was the one do a follow-up attack. She quickly materialized a knife in her hand that she soon threw at Shovel Knight, who was still airborne and unable to completely defend against the throwing weapon, only managed to move his body slightly, so the knife hit the side of his helmet.

Hitting Shovel Knight with a surprising amount of force, it sent Shovel Knight flying towards a bared up glass window, denting the bars and partially shattering the glass. Shovel Knight was embedded into said window slightly, preventing him from moving. He could only watch at Miriam rushed at him, and with a high pitched battle cry, she landed a strong kick straight onto Shovel Knight’s chest, Snapping the bars he was stuck up against and shattering what remained of the glass, sending them both flying outside and down into a rather wet cracked road.

As Shovel Knight crashed into the ground below, he quickly rose to his feet, using his trusted shovel blade to help him stand. He looked up at where he had just gotten kicked out of and noticed Miriam gripping the side of the tower as she effectively rode it down to the ground. Though once she noticed Shovel Knight has noticed her, she leaped off the stone and started heading towards the Knight.

Though much to her surprise, a storm of Fireballs littered the air she was guiding herself through, all thanks to Shovel Knight’s Flare Wand. Doing her best to weave through the storm of explosive flames, she eventually kicked one straight back at Shovel Knight, though unlike before, he was able to easily hop back and avoid the rebounded blast.

Shovel Knight then did something that surprised Miriam as she continued falling towards Shovel Knight. She watched as Shovel Knight pulled out a Fishing Rod from behind him, and swing it in her direction. The rope and hook wrapped around her leg, much to her surprise. She then felt herself be forcefully pulled towards Shovel Knight. Upon getting close, she was hit square in the face by a hard punch from Shovel Knight’s dust knuckles.

She exclaimed in pain as she smashed through a stone pillar, though she quickly oriented herself and landed on her feet once again, skidding across the wet ground until she finally came to a stop a good 50 feet from where she was just slammed through, and a good 100 feet from Shovel Knight himself. She was breathing heavier than she was before, and despite the distance, darkness, and the heavy rain falling down all around her, she could notice Shovel Knight was also beginning to feel exhausted, though she couldn’t tell if it was greater than what she was feeling right now.

Still, with the time she had right now, she was taking advantage of it to simply breathe, catch her breath as she watched Shovel Knight… accelerate towards her at an alarmingly fast speed, on top of some sort of wheeled contraption.

“What the-” Miriam exclaimed in shock before she was forcefully cut off by Shovel Knight, slamming the side of his shovel blade straight into her face, forcing her back across the wet terrain. Miriam put a stop to her momentum and threw a Kick straight at Shovel Knight, though her leg just phased straight through his body as if he wasn’t even there.

Miriam jumped back and threw a dozen knives at Shovel Knight, who was back on the same plain as she was. Shovel Knight took a defensive stance and started knocking the knives away with his shovel blade. Miriam landed on the ground and dashed towards Shovel Knight as fast as she could, giving a strong kick to a piece of debris that was in her way, sending it flying towards Shovel Knight.

After dealing with the last of Miriam’s throwing knives, he noticed the large chunk of rock heading his way. He quickly equipped his Dust Knuckles much like he had done all throughout this battle, and shattered the piece of stone. Then, going off of his instincts, he threw forward another punch straight after, clashing with Miriam’s heal.

However, both didn’t go flying back, instead, they both kept up their attacks. Miriam unleashing a furious flurry of kicks and Shovel Knight rapidly clashing against them with strong and fast punches. Each clash created shockwave which blew any raindrops around them back, as well as forming a small crater beneath them. Finally, after a solid few seconds of their clashing, both ceased and took a few steps back, both breathing heavier than most would.

In a flash of green light, Miriam’s bunny outfit had vanished, along with all the other features it brought along with it, returning her back to her normal form.

“You’re certainly a strong foe, Shovel Knight. Have I yet to prove myself to you?” Miriam inquired as she placed a hand on her chest. Shovel Knight looked up at her and shook his head.

“Despite us being nowhere close to that hall anymore, I still can’t allow you to pass until I can no longer stand.” Shovel Knight declared, standing proud, his trusty shovel blade held firmly in his hand.

“… You know I’m no threat to you, so why not let me pass?” Miriam asked, taking her hand off her chest as she finally caught her breath.

“I have an honor to uphold, and I still lack the whole story from your perspective.” Shovel Knight replied. Miriam sighed.

“Alright. You’ve made your point. I suppose it’s time we wrap this up.” She said as she took a stance. Shovel Knight nodded and took a stance as well, pointing his shovel blade at Miriam.

“That we shall.” he responded before they ran towards one another at high speed, Miriam summoning and swinging a long-bladed weapon as Shovel Knight swung his shovel blade, both clashing and sending sparks flying into the air, that were quickly put out by the heavy rain.

Both pushed against each other’s blades for a moment before pulling them back. With her blade held behind her, Miriam extended out her left hand towards Shovel Knight, causing a large spinning blade with loads of spikes littering it to extend out of nowhere, spinning like a drill towards the Knight. Shovel Knight dashed out of the way as the blade tore through the ground of where he was previously standing.

And just like that, the ground beneath the duo started to give way, causing the two to fall into yet another room within the shifting landscape. However, along with stone that fell around them, there was also shards of colored glass, more so around the titular Shovel Knight.

As she landed she quickly stood up and looked up at Shovel knight falling towards her, several shards of glass surrounding him along with the pieces of rock and stone.

Then an idea came to her mind.

Raising her open hand up into the air, more specifically, aimed towards Shovel Knight. She then closed her hand and in a mere instant, the colors of the world inverted, and everything came to a halt…

Except for Miriam.

Knowing she didn’t have a lot of time on her hands, she pointed her hand towards one of the glass shards that was hanging around Shovel Knight, and shot a beam of light out of it. Almost instantly, it started reflecting off of it into another shard of glass, which caused it to reflect again. And Again, and again until it was reflecting off of every glass fragment around Shovel knight, with some of them crossing paths with the frozen knight.

She took in a deep breath… then vanished into a beam of light, bouncing off of the glass shards and striking Shovel Knight as he remained stationary within the air. After what felt like an eternity, time unfroze and Shovel Knight felt the force of the hundreds of hits Miriam had inflicted onto him in a moment notice.

However, things were still not done as Shovel Knight barely had enough time to take notice of Miriam above him, her arm extended out towards him. Before Shovel Knight’s eyes, a large fist made of metal and other such materials appeared out of thin air and slammed itself straight into Shovel Knight, propelling him towards the ground at a violently high speed.

Shovel Knight fell unconscious as his body made contact with the ground, a large crater forming underneath him. Miriam soon landed with a bit of a limp. She had won the fight, and without killing her foe at that as well.

An Unknown amount of time later…

Waking with a start was Shovel Knight as he let a groan, raising himself from the spot he laid. Once he was at a stand, he looked up at the sky, taking note of the full moon looming high above.

“I see you’re awake.” Spoke Miriam, catching Shovel Knight’s attention, causing him to look over towards Miriam, sitting in a chair a little ways away.

“So you spared me?” Shovel Knight asked as he reached for his shovel blade, which was lying on the ground.

Miriam stood up from her seat. “Why would I have a reason to kill you in the first place?” She responded. Shovel Knight eased up.

“Very well then. I had no intention of killing you as well if I were to have been the victor of this scuffle, but you have proven to me that you can indeed pass now.” Shovel Knight said as he looked towards Miriam, as she returned his gaze.

“Is there something amiss?” Shovel Knight inquired, breaking the awkward silence.

“Oh! Well, it’s just that whenever I beat somebody of significance, I get something in return. I don’t suppose the same applies to you?” Miriam responded. Shovel Knight let out a hearty chuckle.

“Kid these days have it easy. I had to explore to find my relics. But here, you can have this.” Shovel Knight said as he pulled out a replica of his ever-familiar blade and handed it to Miriam.

“Oh, your Shovel Sword?” Miriam said.

“Tis merely a replica I was given by a traveler, but it still works perfectly fine like mine. Hope it finds you well.” Shovel Knight said as he turned around and started walking away.

“Thank you. May our paths cross again, Shovel Knight.” Miriam said as she hurried back into the castle in pursuit of her goal, her new weapon in hand.

Histoire Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “At least they didn’t kill one another.”

Medaka Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “Shovel Knight was certainly a determined foe, and his tenacity led him to giving it his all, but he sadly got massively outclassed in this fight.

Histoire Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “Starting off simple with their strengths and destructive capability, we’ll start with Shovel Knight. After the defeat of the Enchantress, the Tower of Fate collapsed, causing an earthquake that could be felt from the town which would likely be miles away. The Resulting earthquake is roughly 60 Megatons of TNT, which is solidly city level.”

Medaka Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “Miriam, on the other hand, is capable of scaling to Zangetsu, a guy who fought a dude who created a storm, which gave off about 54 Gigatons of TNT, which is Island Level+. So in Strength and DC, Miriam takes it rather handedly.”

Histoire Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “Next up is Speed. Shovel Knight was capable of keeping up with and defeating a man who could control lightning. And it’s natural lightning too. Dodging his Lightning would take moving at a speed of over Mach 200, which is certainly impressive, but Miriam effortlessly has him beat.”

Medaka Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “Miriam fought and defeated a Demon who traveled as a beam of light. And even on their first encounter, she dodged this thing AS it was moving as a beam of light.”

Histoire Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “And after defeating it, Miriam was capable of using its ability and is even able to attack while as a beam of light. Meaning, she’s capable of reacting to and moving at Faster than Light speeds! Shovel Knight is massively outclassed here. And needless to say that scaling their Durabilities to their DC’s would also lead to Shovel Knight being outclassed.”

Medaka Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “Regarding experience, that one can go either way really. It’s difficult to tell who would be the more experienced fighter, though Shovel Knight could possibly have more since Miriam has been asleep for 10 years, but she has fought a wider variety of foes after waking up.”

Histoire Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “Speaking of Variety, going off of equipment, Shovel Knight certainly has some nice equipment, such as the Flare Wand, Dust Knuckles, and Phase Locket, Miriam’s sheer amount of abilities at her disposal eclipses this. She can create massive pillars of flames, manipulate and absorb other people’s blood to heal herself, Create a nice Chair to sit in, Teleport short distances, Stop Time, Create Clones of herself, Heal herself by doing nothing, summon countless monsters to aid her in battle, and she can even turn people to stone.”

Medaka Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “While all Shovel Knight can really do to defend against all this is use the Phase Locket to avoid damage… if he can even get it off, which is highly unlikely.”

Histoire Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “And going by Shovel Knight’s expansive suits of armor, they can’t really be applied to a DB Scenario since he doesn’t normally keep them on himself at all times, though if he did, they wouldn’t mean anything in the long run. Poor Butt Butt.”

Medaka Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “Shovel Knight may have walked away with a few scrapes and bruises, but hey, at least he isn’t a foot in the grave.

Histoire Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal“The Winner is Miriam!”

Image result for bloodstained miriam sitting
WINNER: Miriam!
+FAR Stronger.
+FAR Faster.
+FAR More Durable.
+FAR More Abilities.
+FAR More Varied Arsenal.
+FAR More Equipment.
+FAR Better Hax.
=Roughly Equal Experience.
-Phase Locket could prove troublesome.

Image result for shovel knight meme
Loser: Shovel Knight…
+Phase Locket could let him avoid damage.
=Roughly equal Experience.
-Everything Else really.
-Far Weaker.
-Far Slower.
-Far Less Durable.
-Not as many abilities.
-Not as varied arsenal.
-Far less equipment.
-Little if any hax.

Iris Heart vs. Goku Black! The Fight! (Reupload)

BlackIrisSet by ThatGuyImortal

Imortal: “Alright, the combatants are set! Time to settle this debate, once and for all!”

Pants: “It’s time for a DEATH BATTLE!”

*Transition Effect*

Planeptune: 4.30PM…

Screams filled with nothing but fear and anguish filled the streets, with the screams only being silenced by the sounds of explosions going off in the streets, destroying countless buildings and slaughtering dozens of people as they attempted to flee from the murderous monster that was causing all this, his body bathed within the storm clouds that had gathered.

As he continued to fire what appeared to be energy blasts from his hands all aimed towards the crowds of fleeing people, with the energy blasts erupting into large domed explosions, eliminating all within their path. All the while, his physique was entirely hitten by a tornado of clouds, with only a pair of what appeared to be glowing red eyes to be visible.

That was until the being was caught up in an explosion, thanks to a rocket fired from an injured child on his knees beside a dead soldier… who was then vaporized by an energy blast fired from the very being causing havoc. The Explosion blew away the clouds surrounding the super-powered warrior revealing an ever familiar body clothed in a pure black gi with what could only be described as black tights underneath that extended up to the man’s neck. On his right hand, he wore an odd-looking silver ring, and hanging from his left ear was a single green earing.

This was Goku… but yet… he was far from the pure-hearted saiyan people once knew. Actually, a better name for him would be Goku Black.

Black looked down at the crater that was left behind from his energy blast and smiled while looking down at the scorched city below him.

“This bleeding planet… it’s utterly sickening.” Black said to himself watching the fires and smoke be blown around by the wind, the embers being blown up into the sky. “The distortion in time may have brought me here against my will, but it had its reason to… Even Time recognizes what I must do. I must eliminate every last mortal within every single multiverse.”

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“And only when all life is extinguished, will I be able to find my own utopia… all with a smile on my face!”

Cutting away from the burning city, we see a group of about 5 girls all gathered together on the outskirts of it. There were what appeared to be 3 young girls, one dressed in yellow and black, another dressed in red and white wearing a hat that one would take a second glance at, and the third girl wearing what looked to be pajamas. Among the girls were 2 unconscious young women. One with long blonde hair wearing a dark green dress with large breasts and another wearing an all-black dress with hair in pigtails.

And while looking over their bodies, it was clear that they weren’t in fighting condition. These 5 were Peashy, Blanc, Plutia, Vert, and Noire, currently out of Black’s sensing distance, trying to get their bearings.

“So… what’s the plan to get rid of this lunatic? Everyone who got evacuated won’t be able to go back to whatever’s left of their homes if he’s still there.” Blanc said, mainly towards Plutie but Peashy chimed in instead, much louder than both really wanted.

“BEAT HIM UP!” She shouted, only to have her mouth immediately covered by Blanc’s hands in a panic, silencing her immediately.

“Shhh…! Keep it down, he might hear you!” She said in a whisper to the fidgeting child.

“I don’t know, but I’m gonna go have a talk with him. He might not be ALL Bad…” Plutia said in a tone that made it seem like she was tired, though if you’d known her long enough, you’d know this is how she normally sounded. Plutia then started walking towards the City.

“You’re gonna get yourself killed you know,” Blanc said. “He literally beat the crap out of these 2 not even that long ago, and he’s slaughtered hundreds so far, and I doubt he’ll make an exception for you.” Blanc said. Plutia paused for a second before looking back at the flat goddess.

“Well maybe he’ll change his mind if I get grumpy~!” Plutia said before skipping towards the ruined city. Blanc let out a grunt of discomfort.

“May We have mercy on your soul…” She mumbled before getting back to caring for her fallen comrades.

Switching back to Black’s perspective, we see him looming over the destruction he had caused to the poor city.

“Looking at this bleeding planet is utterly sickening…” Black said to himself as he began moving his arms to his side before an orb of purple energy started to gather and shine brilliantly between his now cupped hands. Black looked at the destroyed city below him and smiled. “Time to put this planet to rest…” Black finished as he continued charging up energy into his attack. In mere moments, Gameindustri was gonna be done for.


If it weren’t for a stuffed doll of the one who Neps hit the side of Black’s head, squeaking before falling to the ground, alerting Black to a young girl standing atop a building. To be exact, this was Plutia, who was waving at the mass murderer.

“Hey…! Can you please stop? You’re hurting people and destroying their stuff you know…” Plutia said in her usual sleepy tone and Black looked at her. For a moment, he was surprised that there was still somebody alive in this wasteland, but it went away as a smile found its way onto Black’s face as he chuckled a slight bit.

“To think a small child would remain in this desolate wasteland.” Black remarked as he kept a close eye on the child, still charging up his attack. “And what would a runt like you do if I don’t stop?” Black asked as both a way to humor himself, but also the child that was about to die before his eyes. The soft smile on Plutia’s face changed into a frown that was about as threatening as a butterfly.

“I’ll get mad… and you won’t like me when I’m mad!” Plutia said with a bit more of a serious tone as she pointed at the body thief. There was a short silence before Black broke out into laughter in response to what the tiny child had said.

After calming down from his fit of laughter, a malicious grin found its way onto his face as he quickly spun around and quickly threw his hands forward towards Plutia, launching a large purple beam of energy towards her. It almost instantly collided with the young lass, carrying into the horizon while also tearing through anything in its path.

After the beam had now disappeared from view and into the cosmos, Black let out a sigh of relief as his smile was still plastered firmly on his face.

“The mortals here are even more foolish than I thought… how pathetic.” Black grumbled to himself as his expression morphed into one of anger as he glanced back down at the crumbling streets below him.

Black was about to get back into position to charge up another one of those beams when he stopped as he heard something behind him. As if something had landed on one of the many buildings behind him.

Then, he heard a woman’s voice speak.

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“And here I thought playing nice would be enough. Looks like I’m gonna have to deal out some punishment~!”

Black looked behind himself at the woman standing atop a damaged building in an outfit that didn’t look all too child-friendly. Black turned his whole body to face the woman before crossing his arms and responding to the woman’s attempt at aggravating him.

“And just who are you? a friend of that child… or maybe another one of those mortals calling themselves goddesses? You fit their little group in terms of looks.” Black inquired as the woman cackled in such a way she sounded like she was in charge of everything.

“Me? I’m Iris Heart, honey, and I’m much more compared to them, including that “little girl”…” Iris Heart said in an oddly seductive tone. Black looked at her and didn’t even bat an eye at what she had said. All Black did in response to this was raise up his arm and open his hand up in Iris Heart’s direction, a ball of black and yellow ki quickly gathering in the center.

Without saying a word, Black fired the blast of energy towards the woman, who simply smiled as it drew near. It connected straight with her stomach and caused an explosion that engulfed her entire body. Black looked at the smoke that engulfed the woman, waiting for her to fall out of it, dead but he was filled with surprise as once the smoke dissipated revealing Iris heart standing in the same spot she was before, but now yawning into her hand.

She looked back and Black and winked at him, agitating him slightly.

“Please, it’s gonna be a lot harder to kill me than that. Come on, take a better swing! I know you got it in ya~!” She said as she signaled for Black to come at her. Black let out a low growl as a light aura lit up around him for a brief moment before vanishing again. He got into a stance and looked at Iris heart with a face of determination.

“Fine. I’ll be done with you in mere moments. Consider yourself Lucky that you won’t live long enough to experience your agony.” Black said as flickers of what looked to be pink energy passed over his body. Iris Heart chuckled a bit.

“Then prove it!” She remarked, setting this battle into motion.

Black flew at full speed towards Iris Heart, his right hand coated in a faint field of purple ki. Once he got close, he took a slice at her, but before his hand could make contact, she vanished in a flash of light. Black barely managed to catch the look of a smirk on her face before she did so. Following his instincts, Black spun around and swung his arm at seemingly nowhere.

Black’s energy enhanced hand collided with Iris Heart’s heel, blocking an attempted surprise kick from Iris Heart. Black forced Iris Heart back with his hand, and using his other, he quickly fired a beam out of it aimed straight for it. In retaliation to this, Iris Heart swung her blade straight at the blade, dispersing it with ease.

“Not bad for a lowlife!” Iris Heart exclaimed as Black growled in frustration in response to it. As Iris Heart flew backwards, she stopped herself with what appeared to be some sort of glyph platform which she planted her feet onto before using it to propel herself towards Black, her blade held firmly in her hand. Black rose his arms up in front of himself, blocking an attempted slash from Iris Heart. However, since she still held her momentum, she ended up slamming Black into a building close to the ground.

“Enough!” Black shouted as he purposefully forced his aura to flare up, further destroying the building they wound up in, but also forcing Iris Heart off of him. He took the little time he had to raise himself up into the air before taking off towards Iris Heart, letting loose a flurry of lightning-fast punches and kicks aimed for the Goddess, though much to his ever-growing frustration, Iris Heart started avoiding them all with a simple smile on her face. Iris Heart’s smile was quickly replaced by surprise as Black landed a solid uppercut on her stomach.

For a moment, a smile found its way onto Black’s face as he looked at the surprised expression plastered on the Goddess’s face. Then he was sent flying into a nearby building via a backhanded smack from Iris Heart. The sheer force of Black’s body hitting the damaged building was more than enough to bring it down on top of him.

“How dare you lay a hand on a lady! So very naughty~!” Iris Heart mused as she brushed some dirt off of herself as she looked towards the rubble that buried Black, though it didn’t stay that way for long as Black erupted from the mix of concrete and various bits of metal, his aura flaring wildly as he did so. Black glared at Iris Heart and grinded his teeth together in anger, clenching his hands into fists.

Then… he let out a sigh. His Aura disappeared and his tensed up body appeared to loosen up greatly. It was as if he was about to get ready to relax. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.

Then was struck head-on by lightning, causing him to cry out in pain as Iris Heart laughed. Once the electricity stopped flowing through Black’s body, he locked eyes with Iris Heart and threw himself at her in a fit of range, immediately throwing forward a barrage of strong punches at the goddess. Much like before, Iris Heart started dodging them, though unlike before, some were hitting their mark on various parts of Iris Heart’s body, mostly around her arms area with maybe a stray punch landing on her face.

Eventually, Black managed to force Iris Heart the wall of a building. The surprise of her back making contact with something surprised her for a moment, making her drop her guard for a brief moment of time, which Black took advantage of. He delivered a strong Punch across Iris Heart’s face before kicking her to the side. Not wanting to let up on his assault, Black stuck his arms out in front of himself and aimed directly in Iris Heart’s direction as she slowly started to regain her bearings.

“Witness oblivion!” Black shouted as he started firing a stream of rapid-fire energy blasts towards Iris Heart, all speeding towards Iris Heart as she regained herself after the unexpectedness of what happened. Iris Heart looked in Black’s direction and noticed the storm of energy blasts heading for her. Just as she was about to take off into the air, Black appeared behind her and quickly got Iris Heart into a Full-Nelson hold.

“You’re not going anywhere!” Black said as Iris Heart struggled against his grasp as the energy blasts drew closer and closer. Moments later, Iris Hearts body was being bombarded with Black’s previous energy blasts, all of which exploded upon impact. After the onslaught had ceased, Black cracked a smile at the limp goddess in his arms. “You were a fool to oppose a god… GAH!” Black said with a smile before he felt something hit the side of his body, which in turn caused him to loosen his grip.

With a smile, iris Heart forced herself out of Black’s grip and quickly spun around, planting a strong kick onto Black’s stomach, causing him to cry out in pain as he slid across the cracked concrete, and hand on the spot he was just struck. With her blade still in her hand, Iris Heart held her blade behind herself as she got any of the cricks in her neck out. However, what frustrated Black the most about this was how there wasn’t any visible damage on her body.

“How very naughty of you to dare lay a hand on a goddess like that! You actually might’ve hurt me if I wasn’t far out of your league.” Iris Heart remarked. Black let out a low growl.

“In what world do you call yourself a god?” Black asked as he took his hand off of his stomach, still keeping Eye contact with the goddess.

“In my world, that’s what. You’re just a pawn in my little game you know.” Iris Heart responded, as she stuck her blade into the ground and leaned against it casually, still looking at Black with a smile on her face.

Black let out a sigh as he kept his gaze. There was a short moment of silence before Iris Heart heard a sort of rumbling through-out the area and noticed several small rocks start to rise into the air, specifically around Black. She got up to a full stand and pulled her blade out of the ground and watched the saiyan imposter clench his hands into fists, his whole body tensing up.

“You know, Iris Heart, how about I show you something that just might put you in your place?” Black said, causing Iris Heart to raise an eyebrow in confusion. Black smiled before he began shouting at the top of his lungs causing the area to shake even more. Black’s hair started to morph and change shape as it began sticking upright, going for a far more spikier style.

Then, with one last violent shout, a bright pink Aura erupted from his body as his hair and eyes turned a vibrant pink color. Just from undergoing this transformation, a crater formed beneath Black’s feet.

Black looked at Iris Heart with a smile on his face, looking straight at her indifferent facial expression before speaking in his new form.

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“How about I show you just how much a piece of trash like you is outmatched compared to my godly stature?”

Black said as the pinkish, purple aura flowed so graciously, yet so violently as he stood his ground. Iris Heart made her blade vanish as she placed a hand on her hip while gesturing Black to come at her with her other hand. With nothing else he should be doing at the moment, Black catapulted himself at Iris Heart, appearing before her in an instant, much to her surprise.

Black threw a punch straight into Iris Heart’s face, sending the goddess careening backwards across the street. After putting a stop to her momentum, she put on a hand on where Black had struck, feeling a bit of discomfort from it. She, however, didn’t have the time to dawdle on it as she noticed Black rushing towards her once again.

Iris Heart dashed to the side to avoid an incoming punch from Black, which she very much did, but Black quickly spun around and landed a strong kick on Iris Heart’s neck. Or at least, the arm protecting her neck from being hit. Iris Heart smiled as she forced Black’s foot away from herself, watching as Black quickly oriented himself and threw himself at Iris Heart again, his hand reaching out towards her.

Before she could properly react to Black, she grabbed hold of her throat and kept flying back through just about everything in their path, which included a few buildings, a couple of street signs, and a fire hydrant, which sprayed out water straight onto the two, distracting Black for a moment which Iris Heart used to slam her knee straight into Black’s chest, forcing him to release her from his grasp.

Iris Heart quickly summoned her blade into her hand, but instead of slashing Black in half, she slammed the blunt end of the handle straight into Black’s jaw, forcing him back across the increasingly damp ground accompanied by a cry of pain. Iris Heart dashed after her foe with a smile on her face and her sword held firmly in her hand.

Black recovered surprisingly fast and threw his arm forward, firing a large pink beam of energy towards Iris Heart, which she jumped out of the way of. Black kept his eyes locked on Iris Heart in the air and continued to fire a series of beams towards Iris Heart in an attempt to hit her, though much to his frustration, she was simply avoiding them.

“Arrogant fool! Learn your Place in my world!” Black said as he pulled his arm back and raised it above his head, quickly forming a pink ball of energy above his head which he then threw straight at Iris Heart. Iris Heart swung her blade directly at the attack, clashing with it, struggling to keep it from striking her.

“Your World?! This is my world to run! My World to Punish, not yours!” Iris Heart said as she continued to push her blade against the energy blast. Then, without even the slightest bit of a warning, the energy blast detonated, causing Iris Heart’s eyes to go wide as she was engulfed in a flash of pink light before she was launched backwards at a high speed, her sword missing from her hands.

Black noticed this and flew after Iris Heart, throwing his arm out to his side as he traveled towards her, extending out a pink blade of energy around his hand. He caught up with the still recoiling goddess within moments and swung his blade down at her, which she surprisingly managed to grab hold of, even in her moment of discomfort. However, Iris Heart felt as if her hand was burning just from holding onto it, so she quickly shattered the blade in her grip as well as just narrowly moving out of the way for an attempted punch from Black.

As they both rocketed across the sky as a couple of, both started exchanging a rapid series of high-speed punches and kicks. Both were barely phased by whatever their bodies collided with as they continued speeding around the stained sky. Eventually, just as Iris Heart summoned her sword again into her hand and took a swing at Black, he placed 2 fingers on his forehead and smiled before he teleported out of sight, and just barely avoiding Iris Heart’s swing.

Iris Heart was confused for a brief moment before Black reappeared behind her, slamming his foot into her back, propelling her to the ground while also causing her to throw her blade up into the air, high out of view. Though instead of slamming straight into it the ground, she caught herself mid-descent and landed on her feet, albeit with a bit of force. Black appeared a good distance away from Iris Heart, removing his fingers from his forehead after he reappeared, taking a short glance at their surroundings, noticing it all to be a fairly beaten down gas station.

Both Iris Heart and Black were breathing heavier than usual. Despite no visible wounds on iris Heart’s body, it was clear she was exhausted or at least starting to feel the effects of exhaustion. The same thing went for Black as well, though it was still clear he was beginning to take damage, despite his new godly form. He had some visible scratches and scuffs on his cheek, and even what looked to be a bruised spot on his left hand.

Then, Black broke the silence between them. “You know with every hit I grow stronger. All that this battle has done is make me stronger than I ever have before.” Black remarked, piquing Iris Heart’s curiosity.

“Oh? The more damage you take makes you even stronger? If that’s true, then I’d love to what how strong you are when you’re dead!” Iris Heart said with a smile and a sinister tone as she placed a hand on her hip.

Surprisingly, Black laughed at her comment. It was a small laugh, but it was a genuine laugh. “Hah… That’s actually funny.” Black remarked before getting into a pose. Iris Heart simply remained stationary as she looked at Black with a smile.

Just as Both were about ready to continue their little feud, Iris Heart’s sword fell straight into one of the gas containers off to the side of them, detonating it.

Moments before the explosion, both Black and Iris Heart did what came naturally and attempted to shield themselves from the explosion. Iris Heart brought up her arms, and Black forced his aura out around him, both as their ways to block the oncoming explosion.

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The Explosion tore through everything around the area, including Buildings and such alike, engulfing everything within a couple dozen meters in the explosion. After it had ceased, smoke trailed through the area, with a short bout of silence before Black spoke.

“I know you’re not dead, mortal.” Black remarked as he dispersed the smoke around him, revealing everything around him was incased with flames, while also revealing his body was completely unharmed.

The whole battlefield was alit with flames from the explosion of the building. It was a mesmerizing sight to Black, but he didn’t have the time to take in the view. He glanced around the area in search of his foe, yet seeing nothing but the violent flames that reached high into the sky.

“Hiding amongst the flames. A Brilliant idea, yet I can still sense where you are.” Black said as he dispersed his aura and closed his eyes.

“So can I~!”

Black’s eyes shot open as he spun around and powering up his aura as fast as he could, but it was still not fast enough to defend from Iris Heart’s attack. Iris Heart swung her blade downwards upon Black’s body. Black attempted to move out of the way of it, but she still hit him straight on in the shoulder, creating a clean cut through his clothing and opening a small wound on his shoulder.

Black cried out in pain before roaring in anger at the fact that his foe has managed to cut him. His aura grew increasingly more violent as it grew in size. The sheer power of it was enough to force Iris Heart back. She looked on in awe as Black’s aura tore through the ground around them. She couldn’t help but smile at just how angry her opponent was getting.

Though her happiness was soon replaced with shock as she wasn’t able to even witness Black move before he landed a strong hit on Iris Heart’s stomach, launching her far into the horizon at a completely unbelievable speed. Black took off after her without remorse and caught up instantly, constantly dealing heavy punches and kicks which only served to send Iris Heart further and further away from the city and into the forested area.

Finally, Black clasped both his hands together and struck Iris Heart one last time, knocking Iris Heart into the forested area below them. Once her body collided with the ground, a large cloud of dirt sprung up into the air. Not wanting to end his assault so soon, he reached out his hand towards Iris Heart’s location and opened his hand, quickly unleashing an unrelenting barrage of ki blasts into the cloud of dirt, creating a multitude of strong explosions from within, knocking over any trees that were remotely close to them.

After a bit, Black landed on the ground a good ways away from the now deep crater and started walking towards it, extending another blade of energy around his hand as he continued to advance forward.


Within a moments notice, Black blocked an oncoming slash from Iris Heart, forcing him back a slight bit. Both pushed against the other’s blades, both appearing to struggle to gain the upper hand. Then Iris Heart smiled, striking confusion onto Black’s face. Iris Heart brought up her free hand and snapped her fingers.

For a moment, there was an awkward silence but then, something appeared to be rapidly slashing at the area around them, slicing the trees around them to bits while also striking Black from a few different angles, causing Iris Heart to overpower him and send him flying back with one push. While in mid-flight, Iris Heart caught up to Black, but instead of just straight up taking another swing at him, she made her blade vanish again as she grabbed onto his leg.

“You ready to have some Fun?” Iris Heart mused before she started slamming Black into the ground, a wicked smile forming on her face as she did this. A small crater formed from the initial impact, but only kept growing larger as she continued to flail Black around like a ragdoll.

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Iris Heart kept up her malicious assault on Black by continuing to slam his whole body into the ground, over and over and over again, with each consecutive swing resulted in the crater on the ground growing larger and larger, deeper and deeper.

“ENOUGH!” Black shouted as he forcefully powered up his aura, weakening Iris Heart’s grip on him and allowing him to force himself out of it and quickly retaliate by punching Iris Heart straight in the face, sending her flying through a row of trees where she straightened herself out quickly afterwards, a smile on her face as she looked in Black’s direction. Despite the distance between the two, she could easily make out Black’s fuming rage, which only caused her excitement to grow.

“You… I Will make sure your blood covers the lands for miles upon miles! It’s what you deserve for assaulting a GOD!” Black shouted as he charged head first towards the goddess, his whole body cloaked in a pink field of energy.

Raising up her right arm, Iris Heart caught Black’s incoming punch, which forced her back a slight bit as Black continued to push against her with all his might, forcing her back across the ground, with her feet ripping it asunder as she was being forced back by the angered god.

Eventually Black had managed to force Iris Heart up against a large rock structure, the impact of which caused her to lose her grip on Black, allowing the false saiyan to start assaulting the goddess with various rage enhanced punches, plaguing various parts of Iris Heart’s body with pain.

And yet, even throughout all of this, Iris Heart couldn’t help but laugh as she continued to get pummeled. Eventually, with one last punch, Iris Heart was sent flying straight through the large boulder, shattering it to pieces.

Iris Heart still stood her ground however and remained on her feet as she watched Black speed towards her once again, though with his ever familiar pink blade extended out of his hand. She summoned her blade to her hand once again as a sort of response to this.

“You said you keep growing stronger the more you get hurt, right?” Iris Heart asked as she pulled her arm back as Black grew closer and closer. “THEN SHOW ME HOW STRONG YOU’VE BECOME!” Iris Heart shouted as she took a slash as Black.

“Gladly!” Black responded as both swung their blades, both clashing with one another, creating a large Explosion of their colliding energies.

Back at the city…

We see none other than the young Peashy scurrying across the streets in an attempt to be sneaky, though her outfit combined with her sluggishness only made her more noticeable. While in the middle of a cracked up road, Blanc came in running behind the girl and quickly picking her up as she flailed in her grasp.

“Let go of me! I wanna help Plutie!” Peashy winded out as Blanc held her close and covered her mouth.

“Quiet you little brat! Don’t go running off like that at a time like this! You could have been-” Blanc said harshly in a whispering tone to the girl in her arms until the duo was sent flying back from a shockwave originating from the sky. Peashy fell out of Blanc’s grasp as both fell to the ground. Both of them looked up at the sky in a dazed sort of fashion and noticed a multitude of explosions and lights littering the skies.

And with each resulting explosion from their collisions, both Black and Iris Heart flew out of them, zooming through the sky at incredible speeds putting even light to shame. Not too long after this, Peashy ran off again, this time towards where the explosions had seemed to gather around, with Blanc crying out for her.

Meeting back up with the dueling gods, we see them clash once more above the ruined city, the shockwave shattering just about every other window that wasn’t already shattered around them and they pushed against each other, their auras violently pulsating around them. Iris Heart had a smile on her face as she ever so slightly forced back Black’s bladed hand while Black gritted his teeth together in frustration as he continued to push back.

As both continued to clash, Black smiled as he rose up his index and middle finger to his forehead. Before Iris Heart could act, black disappeared and reappeared behind her, blasting her in the back with a powerful burst of energy from his hand, propelling her towards the ground. She crashed into the ground but was back to her feet in mere moments, stretching her limbs.

Black was breathing heavily as he looked down at the casual goddess. Despite his increasingly best efforts, it still didn’t look like he was doing any lasting damage to her. He noticed hints of her recoiling in pain, but it never stuck around. However, just as he was about to rush at Iris Heart again, she spoke.

“I’m getting bored here! Why not actually give me everything you’ve got, huh? You said you would before, or were you merely bluffing? I wouldn’t put it past ya if that’s the case!” Iris Heart shouted in a spiteful way. Black cracked a smile as an idea came to his head.

In response to Iris Heart’s remark, Black slowly began moving his hands to his side.

“Oh, this attack again.” Iris Heart thought to herself as she kept an eye on Black up in the sky.

“Fine, I’ll show you my absolute best. Prepare yourself.” Black said with a menacing grin.

“KA… ME…” Black began to say in an almost sort of chant. Iris Heart looked onwards at her opponent as he began charging his attack. Between his hands, a small bright pink sphere of energy began to form.

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“HA… ME…!” Continued Black as he continued to charge his attack. The Sphere between his hands shown brightly and increased in size. Iris Heart felt the energy of the attack from where she was on the ground. She had to say, it was impressive. She was looking forward to showing him who-

“GET HIM PLUTIE!” Yelled the enthusiastic voice of Peashy. In an instant, Iris Heart’s face turned to one of shock and fear as she whipped her head around to get a good look at where the voice had come from, silently praying she was just imagining things. But, to her dismay, it was very much real, and Peashy was standing a fair distance away from her, cheering her on.

Iris Heart looked back up and Black and noticed a much more malicious smile on his face as he caught a glance at the young girl.

“HAAAAAH!!!” Black cried out as he thrusted his arms towards Peashy, firing forward a huge beam of energy towards the young girl, filling both her and Iris Heart with fear.

The Beam of energy was fast approaching the young girl in yellow. She would have probably perished if it weren’t for Iris Heart dashing straight in front of the young goddess and slashing at the beam with all her might, holding it back for a moment before completely dispersing it, much to Black’s surprise.

But what was even more surprising was the expression that Iris Heart was now showing. Instead of the giddy and masochistic smile, she had dawned throughout most of the fight, this expression was stern and filled with anger.

“Peashy, Darling… LEAVE!” She spoke in a demanding tone, and as if on cue, Peashy began running away from the area, tears in her eyes. She was quickly scooped up by Blanc who hurried out of there. Black let out a small chuckle to ease his nerves, though it didn’t help much.

“So that brat was somebody special to you, huh? Well, I’ll make sure to give her a slow and painful-” Black began goading as he lowered to the ground slowly. But before he could finish talking, Iris Heart spontaneously teleported in front of Black and forcefully grabbed his neck, her grip incredibly tight, cutting off Black’s airflow.

“I may want to have a good time with you, but the minute you even think about laying a hand on my beloveds…” Iris Heart began saying as she lightly threw Black back a short distance before taking a high-speed slash at Black, where a moment of silence soon followed.

Black landed on his feet, yet felt like he was in a world of pain. He rose up his left arm to blast Iris Heart away…

Only to find his hand was completely missing. Black looked on at the bleeding stub where his hand once was and looked at the ground at Iris Heart’s feet to find his missing hand, watching as she stomped onto it, grinding her heel into it and causing even more blood to seep out of it.

“I’ll sever all of your limbs until you’re pleading for death!” Iris Heart said, finishing what she was saying before. She slowly started walking towards Black, causing him to start backing away, a look of terror plaguing his face. With a flick of Iris heart’s wrist, the blade she had split into multiple pieces, all of which were held together by a rope-like piece of metal. It now mostly resembled a Chain Sword.

For intimidation, Iris Heart swung her blade faster than Black could react to, and the tip of the now chain blade flew towards Black but veered off towards the side, striking the ground beside him and forming a crater, catching Black’s attention and further causing his fear to grow.

Then, Black’s fear quickly turned into anger as he threw his right arm to his side, extending out a blade of energy. “I AM A GOD! AND A GOD DOES NOT SUBMIT TO A MORTAL!” Black screamed in anger as he started swinging his bladed hand towards Iris Heart’s direction, sending blades of pink colored ki out of it, all of which heading in Iris Heart’s direction.

Despite what Black had intended to happen, that being them embedding themselves into Iris Heart’s body before blowing it into a bloody mess, Iris Heart instead began knocking them out of the way with her chain-whip blade, knocking them all into several directions, but more so behind herself, with each one of them embedding themselves in either the cracked concrete or the plethora of buildings surrounding the area.

After a short amount of time, they all exploded, which only gave more emphasis to Iris Heart’s approach, and because of that, Black continued to back up, the blade still flowing around his right arm. However, after coming up to a wall, which stopped him, his anger began to dwell once again, soon erupting from within his body, resulting in his aura to explode outwards from his body as he let out a violent shout. Iris Heart stopped her pace to observe the shouting god.

“I HAVE HAD IT MORTAL! WHILE IT SICKENS ME, I SHALL STOOP TO YOUR LOW, IF ONLY JUST TO FINALLY GET RID OF YOU!” Black shouted as he rose up his right arm, his aura dispersing and appearing to all gather within his bladed hand, causing the blade to appear to grow unstable.

Iris Heart expected Black to rush at her once again with this now violent blade, so she retracted her whip blade back into its normal form, ready for a close range duel.

Then Black plunged the blade straight into his chest, shocking and confusion Iris Heart in the process. Black grunted in pain as steam emerged from the spot on Black’s chest that he was currently piercing through flowed outwards. The heat given off from the blade was enough to easily burn a hole in the front of his already damaged gi.

“Th-Th-This pain…” Black began to say as he began to pull out the blade, all with a blank look, with Iris Heart observing carefully. Then, a twisted smile found its way onto Black’s face as he violently ripped the blade out of his chest.

“WILL MAKE ME STRONGER!” Black shouted as he did so, but the shape it took was far from before… now its shape had been adjusted, more closely resembling that which is held by the grim reaper himself, which he held proudly within his right hand.

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Now came Black’s last tool to winning. The Sickle of Sorrow.

Iris Heart took a step back as she looked at the gargantuan scythe that Black now held in his hand, the energy radiating off of it. Black breathed heavily as he marveled at his work, ignoring the now burned scar on his chest that had a bit of smoke coming off of it.

“What is that?!” Iris Heart remarked, now clearly intimidated by what Black was now holding. Black chuckled before looked back at Iris Heart, a cocky grin plastered on his face.

“Oh, this? Well, the power of it would be more closely allied with that of a rapidly expanding star! But what it is, is precisely my anger and hatred manifested! And now… YOU MUST PERISH!” Black shouted as he swung the giant scythe in Iris Hearts direction, sending a wave of powerful energy flying towards Iris Heart.

She held up her blade in anticipation, ready to block such a strike, however as the wave traveled she noticed it almost looked to be… straining the space around it. On a whim, Iris Heart jumped over it instead of blocking it and quickly spun around to watch it travel. But the moment it even passed her, it had ceased to be, and not too far away from the 2 was a large rip in space, with what looked to be a pinkish purple fog swirling from within it. It even tore through the ground below it like it wasn’t even there.

As Iris Heart turned her attention back towards Black, she looked on in shock as Black and her were now face to face. Time appeared to slow down for the two of them as Goku Black swung his scythe down at her, ready to cleave through her. She brought her arms up as if to block, but at the last second, before the blade made contact with her, she vanished, causing Black’s attack to miss, but create another gash straight in space, which overlapped with the previous one.

Black grunted in frustration as he looked behind himself, noticing Iris Heart standing a good distance away from him. He turned around in a very much pained fashion so his body was now facing hers. Even through his heavy breathes, he still smiled.

“You’ve only begun… to get a taste of… My full unrivaled wrath…!” Black said as he breathed deeply. Iris Heart’s grip on her blade tightened. However, just as she was about to attack the stationary Black, she noticed something. A sort of pink mist seeped out of the tears in space and began to gather into one designated spot in front of Black.

At first Iris Heart was confused as to what this was… but then she saw what had fully formed from the mist.

Image result for Goku Black clones

There was another Goku Black. One with Darker and paler skin and pinker hair. It said nothing as it looked at Iris Heart with a look of disgust.

Then before her very eyes, more started to form and gather around the Original Black. Iris Heart was speechless, and honestly a little bit afraid at what was going on here.

“Now you will feel my unrivaled wrath!” Black shouted as the storm of clones all rushed towards Iris Heart with a clear intent to kill. Several of the clones sped up with their fists drawn back. Before they could land their hits though, Iris Heart jumped into the air, causing them to strike the ground, forming a large crater where she once was.

But that was only a few of many from the army of the false god. The ones that didn’t speed up had changed course and sped after the airborne Iris Heart, much to her surprise and frustration. She rose up her blade and blocked an incoming Punch from one of them and managed to dash out of the way of another, but was hit in the side of the face by a 3rd one before being uppercut in the chest by a 4th one, causing her to gasp for air to reclaim after hers was forcefully knocked out of her.

As she recoiled back in pain slightly, another one of the clones flew up behind her and stuck its arm outwards, placing it on Iris Heart’s back. She didn’t have the time to avoid getting blasted point blank by an energy blast, propelling her back towards the ground. All the clones that had gathered soon began firing blast after blast down at Iris Heart, pelting her body with an unrelenting barrage of explosions.

After what felt like minutes of this, they suddenly ceased their attack and vanished out of existence, and so did the rifts. Black slowly approached Iris Heart who was lying silently and motionless in the crater’s center. Black no longer had his scythe in his hand, and he walked with a notable limp, but he still was determined to win.

Upon reaching his desired location, he gripped Iris Heart’s hair with his still usable hand and lifted her up so they were now face to face. Black had a face of anger and rage while Iris Heart’s face was unconscious and he jaw was hanging open slightly.

“You’ve put me through enough Hell for one lifetime. Now, your time is finished.”

Iris Heart smiled as her eyes shot open, surprising Black for a mere instant.

“So is yours!” Iris Heart remarked as she backhanded Black, sending him flying at an incredible speed.

“Oh don’t think your punishment is done yet!” Iris Heart remarked as she quickly summoned her blade to her hand and with a flick of her wrist, extended it out in Black’s direction, catch him and wrapping around his neck near instantly, stopping him in his tracks while also inducing a cry of pain from him.

“Now… Tell me that you give in! Come on, SAY IT!” Iris Heart demanded as she pulled Black close to her and pressed her heel against his Back as he struggled the best he could, but to no avail.

“SAY IT! SAY IT WITH YOUR FILTHY MOUTH THAT YOU GIVE IN!” Iris Heart demanded as she pulled back on the handle to her blade, even more, as well as continuing to push down on Black’s back with her foot, causing her rope-like blade to dig further into Black’s neck, now creating cuts that leaked some amounts of blood to leak out of them, all the while Black was struggling to breathe, let alone get any words out.


Black could barely choke out any noises, let alone a retort.


Iris Heart repeated but louder and far more demanding. Black was almost completely out of breath.


She shouted with a vengeance. With his last ounce of strength, Goku Black rose up his right, albeit slowly.

“S-stop…” Black barely managed to force out as his right arm fell limp. He gasped as he felt the sharp grip around his throat loosen, followed by hearing Iris Heart let out a small laugh.

“About time…” Iris Heart Remarked as she pushed Black to the ground where he let out a cry of pain, his pink spiky hair folding down back to its natural black color and shape. Unseen to Black, however, this wasn’t quite the end of Iris Heart’s punishment as she started raising into the air, the sounds of thunder filling the air.

Black managed to turn himself over, despite the immense amount of pain he was in, and what he saw was shocking, both figuratively and literally. From the storm clouds high above the sky came lightning bolts, all aimed directly for Iris Heart. Black hoped they would smite her down, but that dream was brutally crushed as the lightning bolts all gathered together into a ball of electricity in front of Iris Heart. She looked down at Black’s bleeding and brutally damaged body and scoffed in disgust.

“Even new toys will break if you aren’t careful with them. Such is a sad fate… but look at the bright side!” Iris Heart said before kicking the sphere of electricity down towards Black. He had no strength to jump on out of there, with it soon colliding with him, exploding into a powerful electrical storm, zapping and burning his body, even more, causing more screams of pain to escape his lips.

And yet, Iris Heart still wasn’t finished yet as she landed on the ground, speaking her final words to her foe.

“At least you get the satisfaction of throwing it away, and for you, I feel that what you’d like most right now. To get out of my sight.” She finished moments before placing her index and middle finger on her lips before blowing a kiss towards Black, with 4 beams of energy appear out of nowhere, heading straight for Black’s location.

They struck the ground around Black, and there was a moment of silence before the beams struck the ground around Black and erupted in a large explosion of pure energy, causing Black to cry out in pain and anguish as his body was slowly vaporized, eliminating every last trace of the false god.

Well, except for a silver ring and a single green pearl earing lying in the aftermath that was the crater. Iris Heart let out a sigh of relief as she transformed back into her human form, Plutia, and oddly cheerfully skipped over to the crater with a blissful mind. Skipping over the large cracks and holes in the streets and the fallen lamp posts as she reached the crater and looked down at the odd pieces of jewelry lying amongst the rubble.

“Bye bye Mr. Bad man!” She said in a sleepy and surprisingly calm tone as she picked up the green earing and proceeded to put it on, just as her friends arrived at the scene… With a surprise guest to boot.

“PLUTIE! Are you alright?!” Yelled the familiar voice of Neptune, catching Plutia’s attention, causing her to turn around and look at the sky, seeing the likes of Black Heart, White Heart, and Green Heart flying towards her, with Neptune being carried by both Green Heart and Black Heart.

“Oh hey, Neppy! What’s up?” She asked in her casual sleepy tone watching as Neptune dropped down and landed on her feet right in front of Plutia.

“Plutie, Something’s going on back in my dimension and we need your help!” Neptune said with urgency, surprising Plutia.

“Oh, what’s wrong Neppy?” She asked.

“Something… Something bad.” Neptune replied. “I’ll explain when we get there, but we need your help as soon as possible! I don’t think she’ll hold up for much longer…”

K.o! by ThatGuyImortal

Pants: “You know… For once I’m kinda okay with this.”

Imortal: “Black may have had the body of the Saiyan who entered the realm of the gods, but Iris Heart already had the godly strength to put Black down for good.”

Pants: “Starting off with the obvious argument, “Couldn’t Black just kill Plutia before she could transform?” And well the answer could very well be Yes, or no, and let us explain why.”

Imortal: “Now, about the lowest, you can argue for Plutia here is about the Continent to Planet Level area, and this comes from Scaling. In the Hyperdimension Neptunia manga, there is a Meteor that was going to destroy Gamindustri, and Noire destroyed it, and it made clear that all the CPU’s, whether it be their Base or Goddess forms, are all on par with one another, so Plutia scaling to this should be valid.”

Pants: “Cool, so Black one-shots.”

Imortal: “Hold on, I’m not done. The CPU’s in their base forms are also superior to a Character called Histoire.”

Pants: “Who’s Histoire?”

Imortal: “Image result for Histoire hyperdimension neptunia

Pants: “… I want one.”

Imortal: “Back on topic, Histoire is an assistant to the main character herself Neptune, and effectively does all the work running Planeptune and getting things done. And she herself has done some impressive thing… Such as that time she stabilized the time flow across different dimensions.”

Pants: “That sounds a bit… IFy to say the least.”

Imortal: “Firstly, Shut up. Secondly, there’s a bit more. Histoire is also stated to be using the Universe itself in her attacks from time to time, such as attack with the power of the Universe, and drawing power from the Universe, to even controlling all of Existance. Hell, one of her fucking attacks is literally called UNIVERSE! Normally, these would be taken with a huge helping of salt, but given what’s stated above, this actually is rather credible.”

Pants: “So Plutia ranges anywhere from Planet to Universal/Universal+?”

Imortal: “Yes.”

Pants: “Oh… Ok well, what about Speed then?”

Imortal: “Ah, right. Black scales to characters like Goku and Vegeta, who in turn scale to Beerus who is 3/4ths as fast as Whis. Whis has a speed feat putting him at 72 Quadrillion times the speed of light, so Beerus, Goku, Vegeta, and of course, Black would scale to 54 Quadrillion times the speed of light.”

Pants: “Alright, and what about Plutia?”

Imortal: “Well that’s a bit tricky. Scaling to other characters, Plutia can move and react about FTL via other comparable characters avoiding light-based attacks and lasers throughout the series, yet there is 1 Case that is a little bit special. In the series, there is a character called Rom, who is the sister to Ram, and Rom has attacks that call light from a distant star, and it’s even described as Star Light. It’s a bit tricky to get the actual speed for this, so anywhere from FTL to MFTL is a decently safe bet.”

Pants: “So, it’s about even? But wait, Black would still have the advantage since he scales to higher stuff for the most part, even if we do scale Plutia to Uni+, then she would still likely come up the loser… but given what we’ve discussed, she is durable enough to get to her more powerful form, and the main focal point of the battle itself, Iris Heart… Oh boy here we go…”

Imortal: “Goku Black scales to Beerus and Goku, who at the time of first fighting one another, shook and almost destroyed the universe, and was even stated that if they continued to fight, the universe would have been destroyed by those weird waves. But, Iris Heart has strength superior to that.”

Pants: “Yeah, you see in the Hyperdimension Neptunia franchise there exists a character called Uzume, who using Rei Ryghts power, merged the Zero and heart dimensions into one and fucking planned on slamming it into Gameindustri. This is flat out universe merging, and guess who beat her.”

Imortal: “The CPU’s. And before, the CPU’s also defeated Rei Ryghts herself, so this should solidly put the CPU’s HDD Forms on at the very least Low Multiversal, which is a good deal above Black’s universal tiering. And even then, it should still be about Uni+, which again, is also above Black’s universal tiering.”

Pants: “Ok so she’s strong, but is she fast enough?”

Imortal: “Ok listen here you little shit-”

Pants: “Getting off topic!”

Imortal: “Right. You see, Nep Nep and friends had to cross the combined Zerodimension and Heartdimension in order to stop a great threat and they were in a hurry too. Using the standard size of the known observable universe, that being about 93 Billion light years across and combining that into 2 we could get a rough size of about 183 Billion Light Years across, the speed the CPU’s are moving at, at a 60 second minimum time window would be about 9 Quadrillion times the speed of light for their HDD forms, but again considering they are in an extreme hurry cus the main Universes were in Grave danger, using a speed like 10 Seconds instead would be reasonable, which would mean that the CPU’s would be moving about 586 Quadrillion times the speed of light in their HDD Forms.”

Pants: “That’s… wow…”

Imortal: “I know right? So either way, she’s slower but Black still can’t hurt her, or she blitzes and one-shots Black. Guess that really puts this to a-”

Image result for OBJECTION

Imortal: “Did you just fucking Objection me?”

Pants: “yes, and I’d do it again in an instant.”

Imortal: “Same. Now, what is it?”

Pants: “Can’t Black Dura Bypass and win?”

Imortal: “Ah yes, against Plutia possibly, but it wouldn’t be his go-to right off the bat, and by the time he would use it, Iris Heart would still be much out of his league to where he wouldn’t really get the chance to use it. And plus, it’s a bit questionable to call it Dura Bypassing in the first place when Black doesn’t even know what the fuck he did.”

Pants: “What do you mean?”


Imortal: “As you can see, not even Black knows what he’s done. And hell, when Black goes too far away from it, it just up and vanishes. And in the Manga, he doesn’t even have the attack.”

Pants: “So forgive us, but this isn’t really Durability Negation, at least to us. Also while Black does have some unique abilities, none would really prove lethal to Iris Heart, while all of her attacks could prove too much for Black to reliably handle.”

Imortal: “So, in the end, while Black had many options to take down most foes, they would prove meaningless against Iris Heart due to her much higher speed and durability, being able to avoid and tank all of Black’s arsenal.”

Pants: “But wait! If one of Iris Heart’s characteristics is that she likes to have fun with her opponents, then wouldn’t that play into Black’s Broken Zenkai growing strong enough to the point he would one shot?”

Imortal: “That’s an NLF.”

Pants: “What’s an NLF?”

Imortal: “NLF Stands for No Limits Fallacy, which effectively means that Limits for a character don’t apply when they in fact do. Like a character having infinite strength or something. Like, for example. Ganon from the Legend of Zelda’s main weakness is Holy Weapons, which do significant damage to him while most everything else doesn’t do much in series. Now, would this save him from having a sun explode in his face or having a universe collapse on him given his shown feats?”

Pants: “N-No.”

Imortal: “Exactly. Black’s Strength could only rise so far until it hits some sort of limit, and even then, Iris Heart is still MUCH More powerful, and could one shot him anything she pleased. Again, Black can’t do much to Iris Heart that would have a lasting effect.”

Pants: “So, is there anything that’s infinite then?”

Imortal: “Yes, actually. As long as Time flows, there are infinite potential timelines to take into account, and of course, in several series, there are confirmed to be Infinite Universes within a Multiverse.”

Pant: “Damn, ok.”

Imortal: “So yeah. Black comes up second in terms of Strength, Speed, Durability, and Abilities as well. Shame really, he’s probably the one who could finally get us to repent for our sins.”

Pants: “Looks like Plutia didn’t have the Heart to let Black live.”

Imortal: “The Winner is Plutia/Iris Heart!”

Iris Heart Winner by ThatGuyImortal

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Winner: Plutia/Iris Heart!
+Far Stronger to the point Black couldn’t damage her.
+Faster, at least going by the high end.
+Far more Experienced
+More Durable.
+More Versatile and unpredictable abilities.
+Canonically wise starts in HDD Form for more serious fights so dying as Plutia isn’t much of an issue.
+Black’s wouldn’t go for his Dura Bypassing due to his nature and Saiyan influences.
-Playful and Sadistic Nature could lead her to dragging out the fight.
+though since the stat hab is far too wide, this wouldn’t even matter in the long run.
-Plutia wouldn’t be able to stand up much to Black.
-Black could potentially Dura Bypass and Kill Plutia before she could go HDD.
-Though it really isn’t Dura bypassing in the first place.

Goku Black Durability by ThatGuyImortal
Loser: Goku Black…
+More Ruthless fighter and would take things a lot more seriously.
+Healing Factor could lend to him being able to hang in there.
+Zenkai would allow his strength to keep on growing the more damage he took.
    -However, he still couldn’t reach a level of strength to put Iris Heart down.
-Far Weaker.
-A good deal less durable, meaning he couldn’t draw out the fight to benefit off of his Broken Zenkai.
-Wouldn’t go for the Dura Bypass Kill straight off the bat meaning it would be ineffective
-Plutia/Iris Heart is still more experienced
-Canonically wise Plutie always starts more important fights in her HDD Form, so arguing Black wins Beforehand is kinda moot.
-Plutia/Iris Heart had more varied and unpredictable abilities.

Rachnera Arachnera vs. Anna Nishikinomiya! The Fight! (Reupload)

AnnaRachneraSet by ThatGuyImortal

Imortal: “Alright, the Weird Combatants are Set! Time to settle this lack of a Debate once and for all!”

Pants: “Alright, then It’s time for a DEATH BATTLE!”


Japan, A Small Residential Area. 8:00PM.

Standing in front of the front door to his home is the ever familiar Kimihito Kurusu, who took in a deep breath before gripping the door handle, turning it, and entering his home.

“Hey everybody, I’m Home!” He said in a decently loud, but not overly loud voice in an attempt to gather the attention of the people he lived with. For a Moment, there was silence. Then came the voices of several women. Rushing in from various parts of the room he was currently standing in.


Rushing in from a doorway to the left of Kimihito’s vision, was what appeared to be a young woman with blue hair and feathered wings accompanied by some sort of green gelatin girl wearing nothing but a Raincoat and Boots, both of which had soon grabbed onto him. These were Papi and Suu, a Harpy and a Slime.

Moments later, rushing in from the same doorway a few seconds later, 2 other women found themselves stuck within it. One was blonde with absolutely massive breasts and… the lower half of a horse, while the other was a red-headed woman with some markings on her face and the lower half of a snake. These 2 were Centorea and Miia, a Centaur and a Lamia.

After a little bit of undecipherable arguing, both squeezed themselves through the doorway, falling on the ground, but were up moments later. Darling was still somewhat surprised that Centorea could get up so quickly.

“M-maser! So glad you are back, we have uh…” Centorea said with slight hesitation and a noticeable stutter as Kimihito raised an eyebrow and tilted his head while looking at the 2 monster girls in front of him, completely ignoring the fact that Suu and Papi were still clinging to him.

“Yeah… You see, Rachnera and I kinda got into a bit of an argument…” Miia said sheepishly, to which Centorea responded with clear aggravation.

“A Bit of an Argument?! You threw a Blender at her and cursed her to hell and back!” Centorea yelled as Miia cowered in fear a bit.

“And then she just kinda… left… We don’t know where she is…” Miia continued to which Kimihito responded with a very loud…


Several Miles away…

Swiftly and Silently leaping across various different rooftops was the aforementioned Rachnera, who was visibly in a pretty crummy mood. She knew that leaving the house without her host family wasn’t legally allowed, but she couldn’t exactly help herself. She needed to get out of that place as soon as possible, have some time to herself. 

After a little bit of time, she perched herself on top of a building to catch her breath before she spotted something in the distance. A Devious smile crept up her face before she jumped down from the building she was perched on and headed towards her next destination. She needed to test out some new “Techniques” so to speak, and what better place to test it at than a School filled with late night underachieving students that needed to be punished?

Inside said School…

Waving goodbye to the last of her associates as they left the room was a silver-haired Student Council President, Anna Nishikinomiya, and the individual she had her attention focused on the most was Tanukichi Okuma, a boy she was, to put it lightly, obsessed with, so much so she had a love-sick expression on her face for almost an entire minute after he had left the room.

After she realized that he was gone for the night, she shook the expression off of her face and looked down at the papers sitting in front of her.

“The Sooner I get this done, the sooner I can… I can…” She began to say to herself in her mind as another lovesick expression found its way onto her face once again as she fidgeted in her chair, some drool leaking from her mouth and dripping onto her paper. She couldn’t concentrate with Him on her mind… she needed relief.

Slowly her right hand drifted towards a spot in between her legs… towards… her…


“Huh?” Anna mumbled as she was snapped back into reality as she jumped up from her chair and immediately went to investigate as to what caused that yell she heard. Left behind on her chair, however, was a silvery substance that almost seemed to sparkle.

Busting open the door in a slight panic, the door swung open, slamming into the wall, the doorknob being embedded into the wall.

“Hello? Is anyone out here?!” She yelled in a voice loud enough that it could scare away birds from several meters away. She received no response and was left somewhat confused, which caused her to scan the visibly empty hallway.

However, something soon caught her attention, causing her to walk towards it. Littering the hall was a plethora of… Spider Webs? And they were fairly large ones as well, and they were all over the walls, floor, and even ceiling. Then something caught her eye… There was a Backpack covered in webbing which she rushed over to.

She pulled the backpack from the pile of cobwebs and soon inspected it, noting a very familiar scent coming off of it. That’s when it hit her… it was Okuma’s Backpack.

Without a second thought, she tossed the backpack aside and rushed down the hallways, following the trail of webs in order to find her “Beloved”.

A couple of rooms down, we find the titular Rachnera, holding the frightened face of Ayame close as she was wrapped up within a bunch of strong webs, hanging from the ceiling. In her mouth was a sort of gag that kept her from screaming at the top of her lungs.

“I’ve seen you on TV… You’ve been an awfully naughty girl… And so has your friend over there…” Rachnera said both maliciously and playfully as she forcibly turned Ayame’s head to look towards Okuma, also suspended from the ceiling by Spider Webs, though the only difference was he was passed out.

“Time for a little Punis-” Rachnera began before she was forcibly cut off when she heard a door being burst open from down the hall. Then She heard another door burst open, but this time it sounded closer. Then after a bit, the door to the room she was in had burst open, revealing Anna to be the one who knocked the door open, her breathing was heavy.

“Okuma! Are you in here?!” She cried out as she scanned the room, not even bothering to look up. A Smile formed on Rachnera’s face as she pushed Ayame aside and looked down at Anna.

“MMMMPH! MMMPH!” Ayame tried to scream out to Anna, only to have her screams muffled, though it was enough to grab Anna’s attention, causing her to look up at the ceiling. At first, she couldn’t make out much of anything, but once her eyes adjusted, she set her sights on the ensnared Ayame and Okuma… and their apparent kidnapper.

Anna was horrified by what she saw. Both by her loved one unconscious and being hung from the ceiling, but also who did this to him… It was Rachnera Arachnera, her Lower half completely visible, revealing her spider body.

Rachnera soon spoke.

Rachnera Reveal by ThatGuyImortal
“Why hello there…”

Rachnera’s voice was soft and playful, with a hint of maliciousness thrown in there. Lowering herself down from the ceiling via a small thread, she soon set down on the ground, coming face to face with the petrified Anna.

“Once I saw your friends out in the halls, I knew I had to punish them. Normally I’d have some fun with you, but I’ve had my fill and am-” Rachnera began to say before she narrowly avoided a surprise punch from Anna. Anna’s fist flew past Rachnera’s face, causing Rachne to dart to the side a bit, avoiding an attempted kick from Anna.

“You… I… Will make you pay… whatever you are…” Anna said in a low and angry tone. Rachnera raised an eyebrow before she caught another attempted punch from Anna, marveling at the amount of strength she threw at her.

“I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR HARMING MY DEAR OKUMA!” She cried out as Rachnera sighed, looking at Anna’s both Frightened and Angry face. She then shot a glare, knocking Anna’s fear up a notch.

“Fine then kid. Have it your way.” Rachnera said as she let go of Anna’s hand and gave her a strong shove back. Anna regained her balance and took a stance, arms raised up. She was clearly ready to fight, and a fight was just around the corner.

Anna vs. Rachnera by ThatGuyImortal
Fight! by ThatGuyImortal

In a shout of anger, Anna pulled her arm back and threw a punch straight at Rachnera, strictly aimed for her chest. With relative ease, Rachnera avoided the attempted punch, causing Rachnera to stumble forward a bit before regaining her balance. Surprisingly, Rachnera didn’t even try taking advantage of Anna’s missed swing and just looked at her with a devious expression.

“You’re certainly a lot stronger than you lo-” Rachnera began to say in a mocking sort of tone only to just barely react to and avoid a pair of scissors that were thrown at her face, slicing a few strands of hair from her head as it flew past and embedded itself almost halfway into a wall.

In utter shock, Rachnera looked at Anna in a slightly hunched over position, her right arm outstretched, her hand open. If the scissors in the wall weren’t enough of a clue, Anna had just attempted to kill Rachnera. It was at this time that Rachne knew that she couldn’t take this situation lightly.

“Alright, guess now’s not a time to joke around. Better get out of here…” She mumbled to herself as Anna was rushing towards her once again, throwing forward yet another punch, which Rachnera avoided. This time, she decided to retaliate. She quickly delivered a backhanded slap across the face, causing Anna to both yelp in pain and stumble back a bit.

Quickly firing a burst of webbing from her wrist towards Anna’s face, which hit its target and covered her eyes, blinding her for a moment, but long enough for Rachnera to quickly get out of the room the 2 were currently in.

Quickly ripping the webbing off of her face and look towards where the Spider Lady had just been, only noticing the end of her spider backside slip through the door and out of sight. With a low growl, she rushed over to the wall and pulled the pair of scissors out of it and rushed out the door… Completely forgetting the dangling duo on the ceiling.

Anna quickly rushed out of the room, slamming the door behind her as she entered the hallway and started looking for her current foe. However, she was nowhere in sight. It was as if she vanished into thin air. Despite not being physically there, Anna knew that she had to be somewhere around her. She couldn’t have gotten very far at all.

And Anna was right, as above her, in the shadows, was Rachnera, obscured by the darkness around them. Anna very carefully started looking down both ends of the hallway she was in. First, the one to the left, ending in a corner, and to the right, ending in a broom closet.

Finally deciding on a route to go down, Anna started slowly walking towards the Broom Closet, not knowing that Rachnera still had her eyes set on her as she walked down the dark hallway.

Upon reaching the door to the broom closet, Anna extended out her hand and gripped the doorknob, beginning to turn it. Rachnera saw this as a perfect opportunity to drop down and leave. And soon enough, she started lowering to the ground, slowly and quietly as she could… Only to be startled and fall to the ground suddenly as Anna violently threw the door open, slamming it against the wall.

Rachnera landed with a soft thud and let out a groan as she picked herself up off the ground. The combination of the thud and the groan caught Anna’s attention, causing her to quickly spin around and quickly toss the pair of scissors once again at Rachnera at an incredible speed.

After getting herself up to a stand, Rachnera noticed the scissors flying towards her face, and immediately clapped her hands together in front of herself, catching the scissors, much to Anna’s utter shock. She couldn’t help but think to herself “Who is this monster?”. With a sigh of relief, Rachnera tossed the scissors into the air, hitting the ceiling before she shot a burst of webbing up to it, attaching it to the ceiling and far out of Anna’s reach.

“Demi-Humans aren’t legally allowed to hurt human’s… but what they don’t know won’t exactly kill em…” She said with a malicious smile as she looked towards Anna, sending a shiver down her spine. It was only now sinking in as to what she was getting herself into… But then her fear went away as she thought of him.

“No matter what, I must remain strong for Okuma-kun!” She thought to herself, clenching her hands into fists and clenching her teeth. Rachnera saw this and her look of killer intent turned into that of confusion.

“Um… Are you alright?” Rachnera asked in response to Anna’s shaking. The Response she got, however, wasn’t exactly what she wanted though as Anna charged towards Rachnera and threw a punch at the Spider Woman, however much like before, she didn’t exactly hit her mark as Rachnera made a quick hop backward, causing Anna to stumble forward.

With a look of disappointment on her face, Rachnera shot another burst of webbing from her wrist, this one instead hit Anna’s hand and carried it over to a wall, keeping her hand held in place. Anna looked behind herself, noticing Rachnera wasn’t moving an inch from the spot she was standing. the only noticeable thing, however, was the fact that she had her arms crossed under her breasts.

Anna tried attacking Rachnera once again, though she found she couldn’t move far from her spot due to her hand being stuck to the wall. She kept pulling and pulling but her hand wouldn’t budge. Eventually, out of desperation, she started to try and smack Rachne, but it ended up with just her flailing her own arm in front of Rachnera. Rachnera cracked a small smile as she batted Anna’s hand away.

“See you Sweet Heart.” Rachnera said before turning around and beginning to walk down the hall, leaving Anna as she was.

(Music Stops)

After about a few seconds of just walking down the hallway, Rachnera paused for a moment and put a hand to her chin as she looked down at the floor in a somewhat confused way.

“Now… How did I get in here again? Did I come in from a window? Or was it-” She began mumbling to herself but was cut off by a loud “CRASH” Sound, startling her. Rachnera looked behind herself just to see what the hell made that loud noise, only to see a chair on the ground in front of a small indent formed in a wall.

Rachnera then watched as Anna quickly rounded the corner, delivering a strong kick to the chair, sending it flying Rachnera’s direction. Reacting quickly, Rachne quickly ducked down, hands on her head as the chair flew over her head and hit the ground with a loud crash.

As quickly as she could with her spider backside, Rachnera rose back up and spun around, only to be greeted by Anna, throwing a punch straight into Rachnera’s face, though unlike before, she actually made contact and caused Rachnera to cry out in pain as Anna’s fist made contact with her cheek.

Rachne was pushed back a fairly large distance, in a decent amount of pain. She held a hand to her cheek as she glared at Anna in anger.

“That really hurt! What’s your problem?!” She yelled as Anna responded with clear hostility.

“You’re the one who started this whole thing you freak of nature!” She responded as Rachnera paused for a brief moment.

Then a dumb smile found its way on her face as she soon responded.

“Oh yeah, I did, didn’t I?” She said with a slight chuckle, but it was clear to Rachnera that Anna wasn’t taking this situation lightly. She then quickly shook off her dumbfound expression and gained one of seriousness.

“Might as well continue things. Got nothing better to do.” She remarked as Anna ran towards Rachnera once again, setting the fight into motion once again.

Much to Anna’s surprise, she watched as Rachnera rushed at her with a smile on her face, her claws ready. Relying on her instincts, Rachnera swung her right arm at Anna, with Anna backing up just enough to avoid a lot of her swipe, however, the tips of her fingers still grazed past Anna’s cheek, opening a cut, a very small amount of blood leaking out of it.

Growling in anger, Anna stood back and a pulled her arm back, hand clenched into a fist and attempted to throw a punch at Rachnera, only for Rachnera to smile and pull back her own arm and throw a punch straight at Anna. Their fists collided in a very much anime fashion, causing a very small burst of air to form.

Both kept looking at each other in the eyes as their fists remained locked… until they both cried out in pain, quickly pulling their hands back, both of which were in a great deal of pain from their little collision.

“Never thought it was hurt that much… Those shows I’ve seen Centoraea watch make it seem painless…” She said as she didn’t realize that Anna had recovered before her and was reading another punch towards Rachnera.

Suddenly, Rachnera’s instincts kicked in and she quickly spun around, dashing back a slight bit as she barely avoided another swing from the growling Anna. Rachnera quickly fired another burst of webbing towards Anna’s face, only to be surprised as Anna rose up her hand in order to block it.

In a SpiderMan like fashion, Rachnera fired a bunch of bursts of webbing from her wrists, which Anna kept blocking with her right arm, which was soon coated in a big glob of webbing.

“Looks like you won’t be able to do much like that. NOW I’ll be leaving.” Rachnera said before scurrying up a convenient flight of stairs, making her way up to the roof. As for Anna, while normally she would normally be quickly following after her, she took a look at her arm, noticing all the webbing coating it like a cast over a broken arm and then looked over at a room, marked *Kitchen* Adjacent to the stairway. With a look of worry, she dashed over to the door and gripped the handle.

It was Unlocked…

Catching back up with Rachnera, we see her walking up the stairs, up to the final floor. A reasonably sized room with a single door, leading to the roof of the building. She slowly skittered over to the door and grabbed the handle to the door and attempted to turn it.


“Shit… How am I going to get out of here now? Doubt I’d be able to get out the way I came in…” Rachnera thought to herself as she put a hand to her chin and started to ponder on what to do. As she was turning around, she looked up in front of her and saw a Knife of all things flying towards her face, with Anna clearly behind it. Rachnera quickly took a step to the side and moved her head out of the way as fast as she could, watching as the knife flew past her face and embedded itself into the door behind her.

But the wild ride for out favorite Rachne wasn’t over yet, as when she turned to face Anna, she watched as Anna jumped at her, crashing into her and forcing the two into the door leading to the outside, completely knocking the door off its hinges. Both Rachnera and Anna rolled away from one another on the ground, both groaning in pain.

Despite the size difference between the two, Rachnera was the first back up to her feet, a hand on her head, mumbling “Well that’s one way to get outside…” as she watched Anna get up, a hand on her side.

“Listen, Kid, it’s been a blast, but you’re driving me up the wall. I’ve had my fun, just let me leave… And you’re running for the knife…” She said with a sigh as she watched Anna run straight towards the door that she knocked down, pulling the knife out the wooden frame and turning to face Rachnera, Knife in hand, watching as the gentle night winds were blowing her hair.

“I won’t let you leave here alive, knowing how you treated Okuma-kun!” She snapped as Rachnera smirked.

“This coming from the girl who didn’t even bother cutting her “Beloved” down?” She remarked, a smile still on her face. That was it. Anna was now blazing with anger. She ran straight for Rachnera, knife in hand. Once she was right in front of Rachnera, she attempted to stab her right in the heart, only to be stopped as Rachnera grabbed her wrist, stopped her hand entirely.

Anna quickly pulled her arm out of Rachnera’s grip and this time attempted a vertical slash at Rachnera, with Rachnera leaning back in order to avoid it, however, her… uh… shirt wasn’t so lucky as it as sliced clean through, causing her bare breasts to fall out for the world to see… if anyone else was around.

After her slash, she was about to ready herself for another, only to stop dead in her tracks, her face turning red as she blushed heavily at the sight of Rachnera’s bare breasts.

“Aww, I liked that top too…” She groaned as she turned her head slightly as she looked down at her cut clothing. She then glanced back at Anna, noticing her head was turned away from Rachnera, causing a smile to creep up her face, causing her to move closer to her.

“Oh, is this making you uncomfortable?” She said in a playful manner as she saw Anna quickly looked down at Rachnera’s chest before looking away, bringing a hand up to cover her eyes and she took another slash at Rachnera, only to miss. Rachnera quickly took advantage of this and shot a burst of webbing straight onto Anna’s face, sticking her hand to her face.

Surprised by this, Anna dropped her knife and brought a hand up as fast as she could, only to have her other hand now stuck to her chest. It was then that she realized that she was screwed… But she didn’t know in what way. Faster than she could reasonably presume, she felt entirely constricted. The only things she could move on her body were her head and her feet.

“Wha, Why can’t I move?” Anna asked aloud as she felt herself being hoisted into the air and slung over Rachnera’s shoulder.

“Oh, I just tied you up for a little fun… You ever hear of Bungee Jumping?” Rachnera sai, filling Anna with fear as she felt herself being carried over to the railings of the roof.

“Please no…” Anna practically begged as she felt Rachnera stop.

“I wonder if you’ll bounce back u-” She began to say before she was blinded by a bright light shining on the both of them, with Sirens being heard. She dropped Anna onto the ground, where she hit her head on the railing, knocking her out. Not Killing her, but she was out cold.


“Shit… One of those kids must’ve gotten loose and called the cops… I gotta get out of here.” She said to herself as she quickly disappeared from sight.

Later the Next Day…

Coming down from the attic which was her bedroom was Rachnera, rubbing one of her eyes, not paying attention to who was waiting for her.

“Rachnera…” Spoke the voice of Darling, causing Rachnera to open one of her eyes to get a look at him.

“Where were you last night?” He asked in an upset tone, but Rachnera didn’t pay any attention to the question and just ignored him, walking past him and into the living room, making her way to the kitchen of the house.

On the couch watching TV was Papi, flipping through the channels. On one of the channels, however, there was a news report about how a naked woman was seen terrorizing a school, which Rachnera noticed, though the channel was flipped past instantly by Papi. Rachnera then smiled. She got away with it… she knew it.

K.o! by ThatGuyImortal

Pants: “The Spider lady won. I’m not too sure if I like this very much.”

Imortal: “This was a bit of a tricky one. While Anna could throw a harder punch, and both were comparable in speed, Rachnera’s Spiderlike attributes would pull her through to win.”

Pants: “Starting from the top with Strength and DC, Both are honestly pretty even. Anna blatantly shows off her striking strength advantage when she punches down a stone wall, while Rachnera should be able to do that via scaling, though Rachnera herself has shown superior lifting strength via lifting Centorea. While we don’t know her exact weight, normal horses tend to weigh in at about 1,000 pounds, and some that are even double that. So in strength, Anna has superior Striking strength, while Rachnera has superior lifting strength.”

Imortal: “Next up is speed. And both… Are pretty comparable. Both are capable of moving faster than eyesight, and both have shown this. Anna has disarmed a man faster than he could even see, and Rachnera has tied up people before they could even react. So in this, they are very much comparable to each other.”

Pants: “And next is Durability. And both have shown their fair share of durability. First up, Anna has survived several large falls, though we don’t know what her status was like AFTER Those falls as when we see her again, she’s all healed up, while Rachnera herself once got kicked in the back of the head by a horse that indented her into the concrete street below, and she was completely fine mere moments later. So we gotta give this to Rachnera.”

Imortal: “So in stats, they’re relatively even. But remember, their stats aren’t everything, at least in this fight, as we move on to equipment and such. Anna has access to the likes of a Knife, Scissors, and even a Taser in order to incapacitate her foes, while Rachnera has… Nothing. Also, Anna has more combat training than Rachnera, though with Rachnera being older, she has more experience.”

Pants: “But then comes in Rachnera’s true key to victory, Her ability to shoot webbing and her ability to remain undetected. You see, there’s no doubt that in a hand to hand confrontation, Anna is likely to claim victory as her superior martial arts skills combined with her smaller size and quick maneuverability would make it hard for Rachnera to land a hit on her… Without her Webbing that is.”

Imortal: “Rachnera is capable of shooting webbing out of her wrists and can litter a room with her webs in seconds, making it hard for her opponents to get to her, along with the fact that she can produce and wrap up foes in webbing that is stronger than even STEEL! All Rachnera needed to do was keep in the dark and set up the perfect traps for Anna until eventually she could entangle her and have at her.”

Pants: “Not to mention that even if she DOES Get caught up in hand to hand combat, she could still somewhat last long enough thanks to her superior reaction speed and get out of there once times get too tough for her.”

CreepyConclusion by ThatGuyImortal

Imortal: “In conclusion, while this match IS Close in some regards, Rachnera would ultimately pull through in the end.”

Pants: “Looks like Anna couldn’t hang in there.”

Imortal: “The Winner is Rachnera Arachnera!”

Rachnera Arachnera Winner by ThatGuyImortal
Image result for Rachnera Arachnera gif
WINNER: Rachnera Arachnera!
+Stronger in the form of Lifting Strength.
+Webbing could keep Anna from moving, letting her get some good hits in and would ultimately lead to her defeat.
+Slightly Superior Durability.
+Superior Reaction Speed via dodging a sniper bullet.
+Smarter and more cunning.
+Stealth would help her pull through.
=Likely comparable speeds.
-Weaker in terms of striking strength.
-Anna’s weaponry was a problem.
-Likely less training.

Image result for Anna nishikinomiya gif
Loser: Anna Nishikinomiya…
+Stronger in the form of Striking Strength.
+Likely more training.
+Weaponry gave her an advantage.
=Likely comparable speeds.
-Weaker in terms of Lifting Strength.
-Webbing is something Anna would have great difficulty dealing with.
-Slightly inferior durability.
-Not as strong or as cunning.
-Would have great difficulty dealing with Rachnera’s stealth.