Iris Heart vs. Goku Black! The Fight! (Reupload)

BlackIrisSet by ThatGuyImortal

Imortal: “Alright, the combatants are set! Time to settle this debate, once and for all!”

Pants: “It’s time for a DEATH BATTLE!”

*Transition Effect*

Planeptune: 4.30PM…

Screams filled with nothing but fear and anguish filled the streets, with the screams only being silenced by the sounds of explosions going off in the streets, destroying countless buildings and slaughtering dozens of people as they attempted to flee from the murderous monster that was causing all this, his body bathed within the storm clouds that had gathered.

As he continued to fire what appeared to be energy blasts from his hands all aimed towards the crowds of fleeing people, with the energy blasts erupting into large domed explosions, eliminating all within their path. All the while, his physique was entirely hitten by a tornado of clouds, with only a pair of what appeared to be glowing red eyes to be visible.

That was until the being was caught up in an explosion, thanks to a rocket fired from an injured child on his knees beside a dead soldier… who was then vaporized by an energy blast fired from the very being causing havoc. The Explosion blew away the clouds surrounding the super-powered warrior revealing an ever familiar body clothed in a pure black gi with what could only be described as black tights underneath that extended up to the man’s neck. On his right hand, he wore an odd-looking silver ring, and hanging from his left ear was a single green earing.

This was Goku… but yet… he was far from the pure-hearted saiyan people once knew. Actually, a better name for him would be Goku Black.

Black looked down at the crater that was left behind from his energy blast and smiled while looking down at the scorched city below him.

“This bleeding planet… it’s utterly sickening.” Black said to himself watching the fires and smoke be blown around by the wind, the embers being blown up into the sky. “The distortion in time may have brought me here against my will, but it had its reason to… Even Time recognizes what I must do. I must eliminate every last mortal within every single multiverse.”

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“And only when all life is extinguished, will I be able to find my own utopia… all with a smile on my face!”

Cutting away from the burning city, we see a group of about 5 girls all gathered together on the outskirts of it. There were what appeared to be 3 young girls, one dressed in yellow and black, another dressed in red and white wearing a hat that one would take a second glance at, and the third girl wearing what looked to be pajamas. Among the girls were 2 unconscious young women. One with long blonde hair wearing a dark green dress with large breasts and another wearing an all-black dress with hair in pigtails.

And while looking over their bodies, it was clear that they weren’t in fighting condition. These 5 were Peashy, Blanc, Plutia, Vert, and Noire, currently out of Black’s sensing distance, trying to get their bearings.

“So… what’s the plan to get rid of this lunatic? Everyone who got evacuated won’t be able to go back to whatever’s left of their homes if he’s still there.” Blanc said, mainly towards Plutie but Peashy chimed in instead, much louder than both really wanted.

“BEAT HIM UP!” She shouted, only to have her mouth immediately covered by Blanc’s hands in a panic, silencing her immediately.

“Shhh…! Keep it down, he might hear you!” She said in a whisper to the fidgeting child.

“I don’t know, but I’m gonna go have a talk with him. He might not be ALL Bad…” Plutia said in a tone that made it seem like she was tired, though if you’d known her long enough, you’d know this is how she normally sounded. Plutia then started walking towards the City.

“You’re gonna get yourself killed you know,” Blanc said. “He literally beat the crap out of these 2 not even that long ago, and he’s slaughtered hundreds so far, and I doubt he’ll make an exception for you.” Blanc said. Plutia paused for a second before looking back at the flat goddess.

“Well maybe he’ll change his mind if I get grumpy~!” Plutia said before skipping towards the ruined city. Blanc let out a grunt of discomfort.

“May We have mercy on your soul…” She mumbled before getting back to caring for her fallen comrades.

Switching back to Black’s perspective, we see him looming over the destruction he had caused to the poor city.

“Looking at this bleeding planet is utterly sickening…” Black said to himself as he began moving his arms to his side before an orb of purple energy started to gather and shine brilliantly between his now cupped hands. Black looked at the destroyed city below him and smiled. “Time to put this planet to rest…” Black finished as he continued charging up energy into his attack. In mere moments, Gameindustri was gonna be done for.


If it weren’t for a stuffed doll of the one who Neps hit the side of Black’s head, squeaking before falling to the ground, alerting Black to a young girl standing atop a building. To be exact, this was Plutia, who was waving at the mass murderer.

“Hey…! Can you please stop? You’re hurting people and destroying their stuff you know…” Plutia said in her usual sleepy tone and Black looked at her. For a moment, he was surprised that there was still somebody alive in this wasteland, but it went away as a smile found its way onto Black’s face as he chuckled a slight bit.

“To think a small child would remain in this desolate wasteland.” Black remarked as he kept a close eye on the child, still charging up his attack. “And what would a runt like you do if I don’t stop?” Black asked as both a way to humor himself, but also the child that was about to die before his eyes. The soft smile on Plutia’s face changed into a frown that was about as threatening as a butterfly.

“I’ll get mad… and you won’t like me when I’m mad!” Plutia said with a bit more of a serious tone as she pointed at the body thief. There was a short silence before Black broke out into laughter in response to what the tiny child had said.

After calming down from his fit of laughter, a malicious grin found its way onto his face as he quickly spun around and quickly threw his hands forward towards Plutia, launching a large purple beam of energy towards her. It almost instantly collided with the young lass, carrying into the horizon while also tearing through anything in its path.

After the beam had now disappeared from view and into the cosmos, Black let out a sigh of relief as his smile was still plastered firmly on his face.

“The mortals here are even more foolish than I thought… how pathetic.” Black grumbled to himself as his expression morphed into one of anger as he glanced back down at the crumbling streets below him.

Black was about to get back into position to charge up another one of those beams when he stopped as he heard something behind him. As if something had landed on one of the many buildings behind him.

Then, he heard a woman’s voice speak.

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“And here I thought playing nice would be enough. Looks like I’m gonna have to deal out some punishment~!”

Black looked behind himself at the woman standing atop a damaged building in an outfit that didn’t look all too child-friendly. Black turned his whole body to face the woman before crossing his arms and responding to the woman’s attempt at aggravating him.

“And just who are you? a friend of that child… or maybe another one of those mortals calling themselves goddesses? You fit their little group in terms of looks.” Black inquired as the woman cackled in such a way she sounded like she was in charge of everything.

“Me? I’m Iris Heart, honey, and I’m much more compared to them, including that “little girl”…” Iris Heart said in an oddly seductive tone. Black looked at her and didn’t even bat an eye at what she had said. All Black did in response to this was raise up his arm and open his hand up in Iris Heart’s direction, a ball of black and yellow ki quickly gathering in the center.

Without saying a word, Black fired the blast of energy towards the woman, who simply smiled as it drew near. It connected straight with her stomach and caused an explosion that engulfed her entire body. Black looked at the smoke that engulfed the woman, waiting for her to fall out of it, dead but he was filled with surprise as once the smoke dissipated revealing Iris heart standing in the same spot she was before, but now yawning into her hand.

She looked back and Black and winked at him, agitating him slightly.

“Please, it’s gonna be a lot harder to kill me than that. Come on, take a better swing! I know you got it in ya~!” She said as she signaled for Black to come at her. Black let out a low growl as a light aura lit up around him for a brief moment before vanishing again. He got into a stance and looked at Iris heart with a face of determination.

“Fine. I’ll be done with you in mere moments. Consider yourself Lucky that you won’t live long enough to experience your agony.” Black said as flickers of what looked to be pink energy passed over his body. Iris Heart chuckled a bit.

“Then prove it!” She remarked, setting this battle into motion.

Black flew at full speed towards Iris Heart, his right hand coated in a faint field of purple ki. Once he got close, he took a slice at her, but before his hand could make contact, she vanished in a flash of light. Black barely managed to catch the look of a smirk on her face before she did so. Following his instincts, Black spun around and swung his arm at seemingly nowhere.

Black’s energy enhanced hand collided with Iris Heart’s heel, blocking an attempted surprise kick from Iris Heart. Black forced Iris Heart back with his hand, and using his other, he quickly fired a beam out of it aimed straight for it. In retaliation to this, Iris Heart swung her blade straight at the blade, dispersing it with ease.

“Not bad for a lowlife!” Iris Heart exclaimed as Black growled in frustration in response to it. As Iris Heart flew backwards, she stopped herself with what appeared to be some sort of glyph platform which she planted her feet onto before using it to propel herself towards Black, her blade held firmly in her hand. Black rose his arms up in front of himself, blocking an attempted slash from Iris Heart. However, since she still held her momentum, she ended up slamming Black into a building close to the ground.

“Enough!” Black shouted as he purposefully forced his aura to flare up, further destroying the building they wound up in, but also forcing Iris Heart off of him. He took the little time he had to raise himself up into the air before taking off towards Iris Heart, letting loose a flurry of lightning-fast punches and kicks aimed for the Goddess, though much to his ever-growing frustration, Iris Heart started avoiding them all with a simple smile on her face. Iris Heart’s smile was quickly replaced by surprise as Black landed a solid uppercut on her stomach.

For a moment, a smile found its way onto Black’s face as he looked at the surprised expression plastered on the Goddess’s face. Then he was sent flying into a nearby building via a backhanded smack from Iris Heart. The sheer force of Black’s body hitting the damaged building was more than enough to bring it down on top of him.

“How dare you lay a hand on a lady! So very naughty~!” Iris Heart mused as she brushed some dirt off of herself as she looked towards the rubble that buried Black, though it didn’t stay that way for long as Black erupted from the mix of concrete and various bits of metal, his aura flaring wildly as he did so. Black glared at Iris Heart and grinded his teeth together in anger, clenching his hands into fists.

Then… he let out a sigh. His Aura disappeared and his tensed up body appeared to loosen up greatly. It was as if he was about to get ready to relax. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.

Then was struck head-on by lightning, causing him to cry out in pain as Iris Heart laughed. Once the electricity stopped flowing through Black’s body, he locked eyes with Iris Heart and threw himself at her in a fit of range, immediately throwing forward a barrage of strong punches at the goddess. Much like before, Iris Heart started dodging them, though unlike before, some were hitting their mark on various parts of Iris Heart’s body, mostly around her arms area with maybe a stray punch landing on her face.

Eventually, Black managed to force Iris Heart the wall of a building. The surprise of her back making contact with something surprised her for a moment, making her drop her guard for a brief moment of time, which Black took advantage of. He delivered a strong Punch across Iris Heart’s face before kicking her to the side. Not wanting to let up on his assault, Black stuck his arms out in front of himself and aimed directly in Iris Heart’s direction as she slowly started to regain her bearings.

“Witness oblivion!” Black shouted as he started firing a stream of rapid-fire energy blasts towards Iris Heart, all speeding towards Iris Heart as she regained herself after the unexpectedness of what happened. Iris Heart looked in Black’s direction and noticed the storm of energy blasts heading for her. Just as she was about to take off into the air, Black appeared behind her and quickly got Iris Heart into a Full-Nelson hold.

“You’re not going anywhere!” Black said as Iris Heart struggled against his grasp as the energy blasts drew closer and closer. Moments later, Iris Hearts body was being bombarded with Black’s previous energy blasts, all of which exploded upon impact. After the onslaught had ceased, Black cracked a smile at the limp goddess in his arms. “You were a fool to oppose a god… GAH!” Black said with a smile before he felt something hit the side of his body, which in turn caused him to loosen his grip.

With a smile, iris Heart forced herself out of Black’s grip and quickly spun around, planting a strong kick onto Black’s stomach, causing him to cry out in pain as he slid across the cracked concrete, and hand on the spot he was just struck. With her blade still in her hand, Iris Heart held her blade behind herself as she got any of the cricks in her neck out. However, what frustrated Black the most about this was how there wasn’t any visible damage on her body.

“How very naughty of you to dare lay a hand on a goddess like that! You actually might’ve hurt me if I wasn’t far out of your league.” Iris Heart remarked. Black let out a low growl.

“In what world do you call yourself a god?” Black asked as he took his hand off of his stomach, still keeping Eye contact with the goddess.

“In my world, that’s what. You’re just a pawn in my little game you know.” Iris Heart responded, as she stuck her blade into the ground and leaned against it casually, still looking at Black with a smile on her face.

Black let out a sigh as he kept his gaze. There was a short moment of silence before Iris Heart heard a sort of rumbling through-out the area and noticed several small rocks start to rise into the air, specifically around Black. She got up to a full stand and pulled her blade out of the ground and watched the saiyan imposter clench his hands into fists, his whole body tensing up.

“You know, Iris Heart, how about I show you something that just might put you in your place?” Black said, causing Iris Heart to raise an eyebrow in confusion. Black smiled before he began shouting at the top of his lungs causing the area to shake even more. Black’s hair started to morph and change shape as it began sticking upright, going for a far more spikier style.

Then, with one last violent shout, a bright pink Aura erupted from his body as his hair and eyes turned a vibrant pink color. Just from undergoing this transformation, a crater formed beneath Black’s feet.

Black looked at Iris Heart with a smile on his face, looking straight at her indifferent facial expression before speaking in his new form.

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“How about I show you just how much a piece of trash like you is outmatched compared to my godly stature?”

Black said as the pinkish, purple aura flowed so graciously, yet so violently as he stood his ground. Iris Heart made her blade vanish as she placed a hand on her hip while gesturing Black to come at her with her other hand. With nothing else he should be doing at the moment, Black catapulted himself at Iris Heart, appearing before her in an instant, much to her surprise.

Black threw a punch straight into Iris Heart’s face, sending the goddess careening backwards across the street. After putting a stop to her momentum, she put on a hand on where Black had struck, feeling a bit of discomfort from it. She, however, didn’t have the time to dawdle on it as she noticed Black rushing towards her once again.

Iris Heart dashed to the side to avoid an incoming punch from Black, which she very much did, but Black quickly spun around and landed a strong kick on Iris Heart’s neck. Or at least, the arm protecting her neck from being hit. Iris Heart smiled as she forced Black’s foot away from herself, watching as Black quickly oriented himself and threw himself at Iris Heart again, his hand reaching out towards her.

Before she could properly react to Black, she grabbed hold of her throat and kept flying back through just about everything in their path, which included a few buildings, a couple of street signs, and a fire hydrant, which sprayed out water straight onto the two, distracting Black for a moment which Iris Heart used to slam her knee straight into Black’s chest, forcing him to release her from his grasp.

Iris Heart quickly summoned her blade into her hand, but instead of slashing Black in half, she slammed the blunt end of the handle straight into Black’s jaw, forcing him back across the increasingly damp ground accompanied by a cry of pain. Iris Heart dashed after her foe with a smile on her face and her sword held firmly in her hand.

Black recovered surprisingly fast and threw his arm forward, firing a large pink beam of energy towards Iris Heart, which she jumped out of the way of. Black kept his eyes locked on Iris Heart in the air and continued to fire a series of beams towards Iris Heart in an attempt to hit her, though much to his frustration, she was simply avoiding them.

“Arrogant fool! Learn your Place in my world!” Black said as he pulled his arm back and raised it above his head, quickly forming a pink ball of energy above his head which he then threw straight at Iris Heart. Iris Heart swung her blade directly at the attack, clashing with it, struggling to keep it from striking her.

“Your World?! This is my world to run! My World to Punish, not yours!” Iris Heart said as she continued to push her blade against the energy blast. Then, without even the slightest bit of a warning, the energy blast detonated, causing Iris Heart’s eyes to go wide as she was engulfed in a flash of pink light before she was launched backwards at a high speed, her sword missing from her hands.

Black noticed this and flew after Iris Heart, throwing his arm out to his side as he traveled towards her, extending out a pink blade of energy around his hand. He caught up with the still recoiling goddess within moments and swung his blade down at her, which she surprisingly managed to grab hold of, even in her moment of discomfort. However, Iris Heart felt as if her hand was burning just from holding onto it, so she quickly shattered the blade in her grip as well as just narrowly moving out of the way for an attempted punch from Black.

As they both rocketed across the sky as a couple of, both started exchanging a rapid series of high-speed punches and kicks. Both were barely phased by whatever their bodies collided with as they continued speeding around the stained sky. Eventually, just as Iris Heart summoned her sword again into her hand and took a swing at Black, he placed 2 fingers on his forehead and smiled before he teleported out of sight, and just barely avoiding Iris Heart’s swing.

Iris Heart was confused for a brief moment before Black reappeared behind her, slamming his foot into her back, propelling her to the ground while also causing her to throw her blade up into the air, high out of view. Though instead of slamming straight into it the ground, she caught herself mid-descent and landed on her feet, albeit with a bit of force. Black appeared a good distance away from Iris Heart, removing his fingers from his forehead after he reappeared, taking a short glance at their surroundings, noticing it all to be a fairly beaten down gas station.

Both Iris Heart and Black were breathing heavier than usual. Despite no visible wounds on iris Heart’s body, it was clear she was exhausted or at least starting to feel the effects of exhaustion. The same thing went for Black as well, though it was still clear he was beginning to take damage, despite his new godly form. He had some visible scratches and scuffs on his cheek, and even what looked to be a bruised spot on his left hand.

Then, Black broke the silence between them. “You know with every hit I grow stronger. All that this battle has done is make me stronger than I ever have before.” Black remarked, piquing Iris Heart’s curiosity.

“Oh? The more damage you take makes you even stronger? If that’s true, then I’d love to what how strong you are when you’re dead!” Iris Heart said with a smile and a sinister tone as she placed a hand on her hip.

Surprisingly, Black laughed at her comment. It was a small laugh, but it was a genuine laugh. “Hah… That’s actually funny.” Black remarked before getting into a pose. Iris Heart simply remained stationary as she looked at Black with a smile.

Just as Both were about ready to continue their little feud, Iris Heart’s sword fell straight into one of the gas containers off to the side of them, detonating it.

Moments before the explosion, both Black and Iris Heart did what came naturally and attempted to shield themselves from the explosion. Iris Heart brought up her arms, and Black forced his aura out around him, both as their ways to block the oncoming explosion.

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The Explosion tore through everything around the area, including Buildings and such alike, engulfing everything within a couple dozen meters in the explosion. After it had ceased, smoke trailed through the area, with a short bout of silence before Black spoke.

“I know you’re not dead, mortal.” Black remarked as he dispersed the smoke around him, revealing everything around him was incased with flames, while also revealing his body was completely unharmed.

The whole battlefield was alit with flames from the explosion of the building. It was a mesmerizing sight to Black, but he didn’t have the time to take in the view. He glanced around the area in search of his foe, yet seeing nothing but the violent flames that reached high into the sky.

“Hiding amongst the flames. A Brilliant idea, yet I can still sense where you are.” Black said as he dispersed his aura and closed his eyes.

“So can I~!”

Black’s eyes shot open as he spun around and powering up his aura as fast as he could, but it was still not fast enough to defend from Iris Heart’s attack. Iris Heart swung her blade downwards upon Black’s body. Black attempted to move out of the way of it, but she still hit him straight on in the shoulder, creating a clean cut through his clothing and opening a small wound on his shoulder.

Black cried out in pain before roaring in anger at the fact that his foe has managed to cut him. His aura grew increasingly more violent as it grew in size. The sheer power of it was enough to force Iris Heart back. She looked on in awe as Black’s aura tore through the ground around them. She couldn’t help but smile at just how angry her opponent was getting.

Though her happiness was soon replaced with shock as she wasn’t able to even witness Black move before he landed a strong hit on Iris Heart’s stomach, launching her far into the horizon at a completely unbelievable speed. Black took off after her without remorse and caught up instantly, constantly dealing heavy punches and kicks which only served to send Iris Heart further and further away from the city and into the forested area.

Finally, Black clasped both his hands together and struck Iris Heart one last time, knocking Iris Heart into the forested area below them. Once her body collided with the ground, a large cloud of dirt sprung up into the air. Not wanting to end his assault so soon, he reached out his hand towards Iris Heart’s location and opened his hand, quickly unleashing an unrelenting barrage of ki blasts into the cloud of dirt, creating a multitude of strong explosions from within, knocking over any trees that were remotely close to them.

After a bit, Black landed on the ground a good ways away from the now deep crater and started walking towards it, extending another blade of energy around his hand as he continued to advance forward.


Within a moments notice, Black blocked an oncoming slash from Iris Heart, forcing him back a slight bit. Both pushed against the other’s blades, both appearing to struggle to gain the upper hand. Then Iris Heart smiled, striking confusion onto Black’s face. Iris Heart brought up her free hand and snapped her fingers.

For a moment, there was an awkward silence but then, something appeared to be rapidly slashing at the area around them, slicing the trees around them to bits while also striking Black from a few different angles, causing Iris Heart to overpower him and send him flying back with one push. While in mid-flight, Iris Heart caught up to Black, but instead of just straight up taking another swing at him, she made her blade vanish again as she grabbed onto his leg.

“You ready to have some Fun?” Iris Heart mused before she started slamming Black into the ground, a wicked smile forming on her face as she did this. A small crater formed from the initial impact, but only kept growing larger as she continued to flail Black around like a ragdoll.

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Iris Heart kept up her malicious assault on Black by continuing to slam his whole body into the ground, over and over and over again, with each consecutive swing resulted in the crater on the ground growing larger and larger, deeper and deeper.

“ENOUGH!” Black shouted as he forcefully powered up his aura, weakening Iris Heart’s grip on him and allowing him to force himself out of it and quickly retaliate by punching Iris Heart straight in the face, sending her flying through a row of trees where she straightened herself out quickly afterwards, a smile on her face as she looked in Black’s direction. Despite the distance between the two, she could easily make out Black’s fuming rage, which only caused her excitement to grow.

“You… I Will make sure your blood covers the lands for miles upon miles! It’s what you deserve for assaulting a GOD!” Black shouted as he charged head first towards the goddess, his whole body cloaked in a pink field of energy.

Raising up her right arm, Iris Heart caught Black’s incoming punch, which forced her back a slight bit as Black continued to push against her with all his might, forcing her back across the ground, with her feet ripping it asunder as she was being forced back by the angered god.

Eventually Black had managed to force Iris Heart up against a large rock structure, the impact of which caused her to lose her grip on Black, allowing the false saiyan to start assaulting the goddess with various rage enhanced punches, plaguing various parts of Iris Heart’s body with pain.

And yet, even throughout all of this, Iris Heart couldn’t help but laugh as she continued to get pummeled. Eventually, with one last punch, Iris Heart was sent flying straight through the large boulder, shattering it to pieces.

Iris Heart still stood her ground however and remained on her feet as she watched Black speed towards her once again, though with his ever familiar pink blade extended out of his hand. She summoned her blade to her hand once again as a sort of response to this.

“You said you keep growing stronger the more you get hurt, right?” Iris Heart asked as she pulled her arm back as Black grew closer and closer. “THEN SHOW ME HOW STRONG YOU’VE BECOME!” Iris Heart shouted as she took a slash as Black.

“Gladly!” Black responded as both swung their blades, both clashing with one another, creating a large Explosion of their colliding energies.

Back at the city…

We see none other than the young Peashy scurrying across the streets in an attempt to be sneaky, though her outfit combined with her sluggishness only made her more noticeable. While in the middle of a cracked up road, Blanc came in running behind the girl and quickly picking her up as she flailed in her grasp.

“Let go of me! I wanna help Plutie!” Peashy winded out as Blanc held her close and covered her mouth.

“Quiet you little brat! Don’t go running off like that at a time like this! You could have been-” Blanc said harshly in a whispering tone to the girl in her arms until the duo was sent flying back from a shockwave originating from the sky. Peashy fell out of Blanc’s grasp as both fell to the ground. Both of them looked up at the sky in a dazed sort of fashion and noticed a multitude of explosions and lights littering the skies.

And with each resulting explosion from their collisions, both Black and Iris Heart flew out of them, zooming through the sky at incredible speeds putting even light to shame. Not too long after this, Peashy ran off again, this time towards where the explosions had seemed to gather around, with Blanc crying out for her.

Meeting back up with the dueling gods, we see them clash once more above the ruined city, the shockwave shattering just about every other window that wasn’t already shattered around them and they pushed against each other, their auras violently pulsating around them. Iris Heart had a smile on her face as she ever so slightly forced back Black’s bladed hand while Black gritted his teeth together in frustration as he continued to push back.

As both continued to clash, Black smiled as he rose up his index and middle finger to his forehead. Before Iris Heart could act, black disappeared and reappeared behind her, blasting her in the back with a powerful burst of energy from his hand, propelling her towards the ground. She crashed into the ground but was back to her feet in mere moments, stretching her limbs.

Black was breathing heavily as he looked down at the casual goddess. Despite his increasingly best efforts, it still didn’t look like he was doing any lasting damage to her. He noticed hints of her recoiling in pain, but it never stuck around. However, just as he was about to rush at Iris Heart again, she spoke.

“I’m getting bored here! Why not actually give me everything you’ve got, huh? You said you would before, or were you merely bluffing? I wouldn’t put it past ya if that’s the case!” Iris Heart shouted in a spiteful way. Black cracked a smile as an idea came to his head.

In response to Iris Heart’s remark, Black slowly began moving his hands to his side.

“Oh, this attack again.” Iris Heart thought to herself as she kept an eye on Black up in the sky.

“Fine, I’ll show you my absolute best. Prepare yourself.” Black said with a menacing grin.

“KA… ME…” Black began to say in an almost sort of chant. Iris Heart looked onwards at her opponent as he began charging his attack. Between his hands, a small bright pink sphere of energy began to form.

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“HA… ME…!” Continued Black as he continued to charge his attack. The Sphere between his hands shown brightly and increased in size. Iris Heart felt the energy of the attack from where she was on the ground. She had to say, it was impressive. She was looking forward to showing him who-

“GET HIM PLUTIE!” Yelled the enthusiastic voice of Peashy. In an instant, Iris Heart’s face turned to one of shock and fear as she whipped her head around to get a good look at where the voice had come from, silently praying she was just imagining things. But, to her dismay, it was very much real, and Peashy was standing a fair distance away from her, cheering her on.

Iris Heart looked back up and Black and noticed a much more malicious smile on his face as he caught a glance at the young girl.

“HAAAAAH!!!” Black cried out as he thrusted his arms towards Peashy, firing forward a huge beam of energy towards the young girl, filling both her and Iris Heart with fear.

The Beam of energy was fast approaching the young girl in yellow. She would have probably perished if it weren’t for Iris Heart dashing straight in front of the young goddess and slashing at the beam with all her might, holding it back for a moment before completely dispersing it, much to Black’s surprise.

But what was even more surprising was the expression that Iris Heart was now showing. Instead of the giddy and masochistic smile, she had dawned throughout most of the fight, this expression was stern and filled with anger.

“Peashy, Darling… LEAVE!” She spoke in a demanding tone, and as if on cue, Peashy began running away from the area, tears in her eyes. She was quickly scooped up by Blanc who hurried out of there. Black let out a small chuckle to ease his nerves, though it didn’t help much.

“So that brat was somebody special to you, huh? Well, I’ll make sure to give her a slow and painful-” Black began goading as he lowered to the ground slowly. But before he could finish talking, Iris Heart spontaneously teleported in front of Black and forcefully grabbed his neck, her grip incredibly tight, cutting off Black’s airflow.

“I may want to have a good time with you, but the minute you even think about laying a hand on my beloveds…” Iris Heart began saying as she lightly threw Black back a short distance before taking a high-speed slash at Black, where a moment of silence soon followed.

Black landed on his feet, yet felt like he was in a world of pain. He rose up his left arm to blast Iris Heart away…

Only to find his hand was completely missing. Black looked on at the bleeding stub where his hand once was and looked at the ground at Iris Heart’s feet to find his missing hand, watching as she stomped onto it, grinding her heel into it and causing even more blood to seep out of it.

“I’ll sever all of your limbs until you’re pleading for death!” Iris Heart said, finishing what she was saying before. She slowly started walking towards Black, causing him to start backing away, a look of terror plaguing his face. With a flick of Iris heart’s wrist, the blade she had split into multiple pieces, all of which were held together by a rope-like piece of metal. It now mostly resembled a Chain Sword.

For intimidation, Iris Heart swung her blade faster than Black could react to, and the tip of the now chain blade flew towards Black but veered off towards the side, striking the ground beside him and forming a crater, catching Black’s attention and further causing his fear to grow.

Then, Black’s fear quickly turned into anger as he threw his right arm to his side, extending out a blade of energy. “I AM A GOD! AND A GOD DOES NOT SUBMIT TO A MORTAL!” Black screamed in anger as he started swinging his bladed hand towards Iris Heart’s direction, sending blades of pink colored ki out of it, all of which heading in Iris Heart’s direction.

Despite what Black had intended to happen, that being them embedding themselves into Iris Heart’s body before blowing it into a bloody mess, Iris Heart instead began knocking them out of the way with her chain-whip blade, knocking them all into several directions, but more so behind herself, with each one of them embedding themselves in either the cracked concrete or the plethora of buildings surrounding the area.

After a short amount of time, they all exploded, which only gave more emphasis to Iris Heart’s approach, and because of that, Black continued to back up, the blade still flowing around his right arm. However, after coming up to a wall, which stopped him, his anger began to dwell once again, soon erupting from within his body, resulting in his aura to explode outwards from his body as he let out a violent shout. Iris Heart stopped her pace to observe the shouting god.

“I HAVE HAD IT MORTAL! WHILE IT SICKENS ME, I SHALL STOOP TO YOUR LOW, IF ONLY JUST TO FINALLY GET RID OF YOU!” Black shouted as he rose up his right arm, his aura dispersing and appearing to all gather within his bladed hand, causing the blade to appear to grow unstable.

Iris Heart expected Black to rush at her once again with this now violent blade, so she retracted her whip blade back into its normal form, ready for a close range duel.

Then Black plunged the blade straight into his chest, shocking and confusion Iris Heart in the process. Black grunted in pain as steam emerged from the spot on Black’s chest that he was currently piercing through flowed outwards. The heat given off from the blade was enough to easily burn a hole in the front of his already damaged gi.

“Th-Th-This pain…” Black began to say as he began to pull out the blade, all with a blank look, with Iris Heart observing carefully. Then, a twisted smile found its way onto Black’s face as he violently ripped the blade out of his chest.

“WILL MAKE ME STRONGER!” Black shouted as he did so, but the shape it took was far from before… now its shape had been adjusted, more closely resembling that which is held by the grim reaper himself, which he held proudly within his right hand.

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Now came Black’s last tool to winning. The Sickle of Sorrow.

Iris Heart took a step back as she looked at the gargantuan scythe that Black now held in his hand, the energy radiating off of it. Black breathed heavily as he marveled at his work, ignoring the now burned scar on his chest that had a bit of smoke coming off of it.

“What is that?!” Iris Heart remarked, now clearly intimidated by what Black was now holding. Black chuckled before looked back at Iris Heart, a cocky grin plastered on his face.

“Oh, this? Well, the power of it would be more closely allied with that of a rapidly expanding star! But what it is, is precisely my anger and hatred manifested! And now… YOU MUST PERISH!” Black shouted as he swung the giant scythe in Iris Hearts direction, sending a wave of powerful energy flying towards Iris Heart.

She held up her blade in anticipation, ready to block such a strike, however as the wave traveled she noticed it almost looked to be… straining the space around it. On a whim, Iris Heart jumped over it instead of blocking it and quickly spun around to watch it travel. But the moment it even passed her, it had ceased to be, and not too far away from the 2 was a large rip in space, with what looked to be a pinkish purple fog swirling from within it. It even tore through the ground below it like it wasn’t even there.

As Iris Heart turned her attention back towards Black, she looked on in shock as Black and her were now face to face. Time appeared to slow down for the two of them as Goku Black swung his scythe down at her, ready to cleave through her. She brought her arms up as if to block, but at the last second, before the blade made contact with her, she vanished, causing Black’s attack to miss, but create another gash straight in space, which overlapped with the previous one.

Black grunted in frustration as he looked behind himself, noticing Iris Heart standing a good distance away from him. He turned around in a very much pained fashion so his body was now facing hers. Even through his heavy breathes, he still smiled.

“You’ve only begun… to get a taste of… My full unrivaled wrath…!” Black said as he breathed deeply. Iris Heart’s grip on her blade tightened. However, just as she was about to attack the stationary Black, she noticed something. A sort of pink mist seeped out of the tears in space and began to gather into one designated spot in front of Black.

At first Iris Heart was confused as to what this was… but then she saw what had fully formed from the mist.

Image result for Goku Black clones

There was another Goku Black. One with Darker and paler skin and pinker hair. It said nothing as it looked at Iris Heart with a look of disgust.

Then before her very eyes, more started to form and gather around the Original Black. Iris Heart was speechless, and honestly a little bit afraid at what was going on here.

“Now you will feel my unrivaled wrath!” Black shouted as the storm of clones all rushed towards Iris Heart with a clear intent to kill. Several of the clones sped up with their fists drawn back. Before they could land their hits though, Iris Heart jumped into the air, causing them to strike the ground, forming a large crater where she once was.

But that was only a few of many from the army of the false god. The ones that didn’t speed up had changed course and sped after the airborne Iris Heart, much to her surprise and frustration. She rose up her blade and blocked an incoming Punch from one of them and managed to dash out of the way of another, but was hit in the side of the face by a 3rd one before being uppercut in the chest by a 4th one, causing her to gasp for air to reclaim after hers was forcefully knocked out of her.

As she recoiled back in pain slightly, another one of the clones flew up behind her and stuck its arm outwards, placing it on Iris Heart’s back. She didn’t have the time to avoid getting blasted point blank by an energy blast, propelling her back towards the ground. All the clones that had gathered soon began firing blast after blast down at Iris Heart, pelting her body with an unrelenting barrage of explosions.

After what felt like minutes of this, they suddenly ceased their attack and vanished out of existence, and so did the rifts. Black slowly approached Iris Heart who was lying silently and motionless in the crater’s center. Black no longer had his scythe in his hand, and he walked with a notable limp, but he still was determined to win.

Upon reaching his desired location, he gripped Iris Heart’s hair with his still usable hand and lifted her up so they were now face to face. Black had a face of anger and rage while Iris Heart’s face was unconscious and he jaw was hanging open slightly.

“You’ve put me through enough Hell for one lifetime. Now, your time is finished.”

Iris Heart smiled as her eyes shot open, surprising Black for a mere instant.

“So is yours!” Iris Heart remarked as she backhanded Black, sending him flying at an incredible speed.

“Oh don’t think your punishment is done yet!” Iris Heart remarked as she quickly summoned her blade to her hand and with a flick of her wrist, extended it out in Black’s direction, catch him and wrapping around his neck near instantly, stopping him in his tracks while also inducing a cry of pain from him.

“Now… Tell me that you give in! Come on, SAY IT!” Iris Heart demanded as she pulled Black close to her and pressed her heel against his Back as he struggled the best he could, but to no avail.

“SAY IT! SAY IT WITH YOUR FILTHY MOUTH THAT YOU GIVE IN!” Iris Heart demanded as she pulled back on the handle to her blade, even more, as well as continuing to push down on Black’s back with her foot, causing her rope-like blade to dig further into Black’s neck, now creating cuts that leaked some amounts of blood to leak out of them, all the while Black was struggling to breathe, let alone get any words out.


Black could barely choke out any noises, let alone a retort.


Iris Heart repeated but louder and far more demanding. Black was almost completely out of breath.


She shouted with a vengeance. With his last ounce of strength, Goku Black rose up his right, albeit slowly.

“S-stop…” Black barely managed to force out as his right arm fell limp. He gasped as he felt the sharp grip around his throat loosen, followed by hearing Iris Heart let out a small laugh.

“About time…” Iris Heart Remarked as she pushed Black to the ground where he let out a cry of pain, his pink spiky hair folding down back to its natural black color and shape. Unseen to Black, however, this wasn’t quite the end of Iris Heart’s punishment as she started raising into the air, the sounds of thunder filling the air.

Black managed to turn himself over, despite the immense amount of pain he was in, and what he saw was shocking, both figuratively and literally. From the storm clouds high above the sky came lightning bolts, all aimed directly for Iris Heart. Black hoped they would smite her down, but that dream was brutally crushed as the lightning bolts all gathered together into a ball of electricity in front of Iris Heart. She looked down at Black’s bleeding and brutally damaged body and scoffed in disgust.

“Even new toys will break if you aren’t careful with them. Such is a sad fate… but look at the bright side!” Iris Heart said before kicking the sphere of electricity down towards Black. He had no strength to jump on out of there, with it soon colliding with him, exploding into a powerful electrical storm, zapping and burning his body, even more, causing more screams of pain to escape his lips.

And yet, Iris Heart still wasn’t finished yet as she landed on the ground, speaking her final words to her foe.

“At least you get the satisfaction of throwing it away, and for you, I feel that what you’d like most right now. To get out of my sight.” She finished moments before placing her index and middle finger on her lips before blowing a kiss towards Black, with 4 beams of energy appear out of nowhere, heading straight for Black’s location.

They struck the ground around Black, and there was a moment of silence before the beams struck the ground around Black and erupted in a large explosion of pure energy, causing Black to cry out in pain and anguish as his body was slowly vaporized, eliminating every last trace of the false god.

Well, except for a silver ring and a single green pearl earing lying in the aftermath that was the crater. Iris Heart let out a sigh of relief as she transformed back into her human form, Plutia, and oddly cheerfully skipped over to the crater with a blissful mind. Skipping over the large cracks and holes in the streets and the fallen lamp posts as she reached the crater and looked down at the odd pieces of jewelry lying amongst the rubble.

“Bye bye Mr. Bad man!” She said in a sleepy and surprisingly calm tone as she picked up the green earing and proceeded to put it on, just as her friends arrived at the scene… With a surprise guest to boot.

“PLUTIE! Are you alright?!” Yelled the familiar voice of Neptune, catching Plutia’s attention, causing her to turn around and look at the sky, seeing the likes of Black Heart, White Heart, and Green Heart flying towards her, with Neptune being carried by both Green Heart and Black Heart.

“Oh hey, Neppy! What’s up?” She asked in her casual sleepy tone watching as Neptune dropped down and landed on her feet right in front of Plutia.

“Plutie, Something’s going on back in my dimension and we need your help!” Neptune said with urgency, surprising Plutia.

“Oh, what’s wrong Neppy?” She asked.

“Something… Something bad.” Neptune replied. “I’ll explain when we get there, but we need your help as soon as possible! I don’t think she’ll hold up for much longer…”

K.o! by ThatGuyImortal

Pants: “You know… For once I’m kinda okay with this.”

Imortal: “Black may have had the body of the Saiyan who entered the realm of the gods, but Iris Heart already had the godly strength to put Black down for good.”

Pants: “Starting off with the obvious argument, “Couldn’t Black just kill Plutia before she could transform?” And well the answer could very well be Yes, or no, and let us explain why.”

Imortal: “Now, about the lowest, you can argue for Plutia here is about the Continent to Planet Level area, and this comes from Scaling. In the Hyperdimension Neptunia manga, there is a Meteor that was going to destroy Gamindustri, and Noire destroyed it, and it made clear that all the CPU’s, whether it be their Base or Goddess forms, are all on par with one another, so Plutia scaling to this should be valid.”

Pants: “Cool, so Black one-shots.”

Imortal: “Hold on, I’m not done. The CPU’s in their base forms are also superior to a Character called Histoire.”

Pants: “Who’s Histoire?”

Imortal: “Image result for Histoire hyperdimension neptunia

Pants: “… I want one.”

Imortal: “Back on topic, Histoire is an assistant to the main character herself Neptune, and effectively does all the work running Planeptune and getting things done. And she herself has done some impressive thing… Such as that time she stabilized the time flow across different dimensions.”

Pants: “That sounds a bit… IFy to say the least.”

Imortal: “Firstly, Shut up. Secondly, there’s a bit more. Histoire is also stated to be using the Universe itself in her attacks from time to time, such as attack with the power of the Universe, and drawing power from the Universe, to even controlling all of Existance. Hell, one of her fucking attacks is literally called UNIVERSE! Normally, these would be taken with a huge helping of salt, but given what’s stated above, this actually is rather credible.”

Pants: “So Plutia ranges anywhere from Planet to Universal/Universal+?”

Imortal: “Yes.”

Pants: “Oh… Ok well, what about Speed then?”

Imortal: “Ah, right. Black scales to characters like Goku and Vegeta, who in turn scale to Beerus who is 3/4ths as fast as Whis. Whis has a speed feat putting him at 72 Quadrillion times the speed of light, so Beerus, Goku, Vegeta, and of course, Black would scale to 54 Quadrillion times the speed of light.”

Pants: “Alright, and what about Plutia?”

Imortal: “Well that’s a bit tricky. Scaling to other characters, Plutia can move and react about FTL via other comparable characters avoiding light-based attacks and lasers throughout the series, yet there is 1 Case that is a little bit special. In the series, there is a character called Rom, who is the sister to Ram, and Rom has attacks that call light from a distant star, and it’s even described as Star Light. It’s a bit tricky to get the actual speed for this, so anywhere from FTL to MFTL is a decently safe bet.”

Pants: “So, it’s about even? But wait, Black would still have the advantage since he scales to higher stuff for the most part, even if we do scale Plutia to Uni+, then she would still likely come up the loser… but given what we’ve discussed, she is durable enough to get to her more powerful form, and the main focal point of the battle itself, Iris Heart… Oh boy here we go…”

Imortal: “Goku Black scales to Beerus and Goku, who at the time of first fighting one another, shook and almost destroyed the universe, and was even stated that if they continued to fight, the universe would have been destroyed by those weird waves. But, Iris Heart has strength superior to that.”

Pants: “Yeah, you see in the Hyperdimension Neptunia franchise there exists a character called Uzume, who using Rei Ryghts power, merged the Zero and heart dimensions into one and fucking planned on slamming it into Gameindustri. This is flat out universe merging, and guess who beat her.”

Imortal: “The CPU’s. And before, the CPU’s also defeated Rei Ryghts herself, so this should solidly put the CPU’s HDD Forms on at the very least Low Multiversal, which is a good deal above Black’s universal tiering. And even then, it should still be about Uni+, which again, is also above Black’s universal tiering.”

Pants: “Ok so she’s strong, but is she fast enough?”

Imortal: “Ok listen here you little shit-”

Pants: “Getting off topic!”

Imortal: “Right. You see, Nep Nep and friends had to cross the combined Zerodimension and Heartdimension in order to stop a great threat and they were in a hurry too. Using the standard size of the known observable universe, that being about 93 Billion light years across and combining that into 2 we could get a rough size of about 183 Billion Light Years across, the speed the CPU’s are moving at, at a 60 second minimum time window would be about 9 Quadrillion times the speed of light for their HDD forms, but again considering they are in an extreme hurry cus the main Universes were in Grave danger, using a speed like 10 Seconds instead would be reasonable, which would mean that the CPU’s would be moving about 586 Quadrillion times the speed of light in their HDD Forms.”

Pants: “That’s… wow…”

Imortal: “I know right? So either way, she’s slower but Black still can’t hurt her, or she blitzes and one-shots Black. Guess that really puts this to a-”

Image result for OBJECTION

Imortal: “Did you just fucking Objection me?”

Pants: “yes, and I’d do it again in an instant.”

Imortal: “Same. Now, what is it?”

Pants: “Can’t Black Dura Bypass and win?”

Imortal: “Ah yes, against Plutia possibly, but it wouldn’t be his go-to right off the bat, and by the time he would use it, Iris Heart would still be much out of his league to where he wouldn’t really get the chance to use it. And plus, it’s a bit questionable to call it Dura Bypassing in the first place when Black doesn’t even know what the fuck he did.”

Pants: “What do you mean?”


Imortal: “As you can see, not even Black knows what he’s done. And hell, when Black goes too far away from it, it just up and vanishes. And in the Manga, he doesn’t even have the attack.”

Pants: “So forgive us, but this isn’t really Durability Negation, at least to us. Also while Black does have some unique abilities, none would really prove lethal to Iris Heart, while all of her attacks could prove too much for Black to reliably handle.”

Imortal: “So, in the end, while Black had many options to take down most foes, they would prove meaningless against Iris Heart due to her much higher speed and durability, being able to avoid and tank all of Black’s arsenal.”

Pants: “But wait! If one of Iris Heart’s characteristics is that she likes to have fun with her opponents, then wouldn’t that play into Black’s Broken Zenkai growing strong enough to the point he would one shot?”

Imortal: “That’s an NLF.”

Pants: “What’s an NLF?”

Imortal: “NLF Stands for No Limits Fallacy, which effectively means that Limits for a character don’t apply when they in fact do. Like a character having infinite strength or something. Like, for example. Ganon from the Legend of Zelda’s main weakness is Holy Weapons, which do significant damage to him while most everything else doesn’t do much in series. Now, would this save him from having a sun explode in his face or having a universe collapse on him given his shown feats?”

Pants: “N-No.”

Imortal: “Exactly. Black’s Strength could only rise so far until it hits some sort of limit, and even then, Iris Heart is still MUCH More powerful, and could one shot him anything she pleased. Again, Black can’t do much to Iris Heart that would have a lasting effect.”

Pants: “So, is there anything that’s infinite then?”

Imortal: “Yes, actually. As long as Time flows, there are infinite potential timelines to take into account, and of course, in several series, there are confirmed to be Infinite Universes within a Multiverse.”

Pant: “Damn, ok.”

Imortal: “So yeah. Black comes up second in terms of Strength, Speed, Durability, and Abilities as well. Shame really, he’s probably the one who could finally get us to repent for our sins.”

Pants: “Looks like Plutia didn’t have the Heart to let Black live.”

Imortal: “The Winner is Plutia/Iris Heart!”

Iris Heart Winner by ThatGuyImortal

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Winner: Plutia/Iris Heart!
+Far Stronger to the point Black couldn’t damage her.
+Faster, at least going by the high end.
+Far more Experienced
+More Durable.
+More Versatile and unpredictable abilities.
+Canonically wise starts in HDD Form for more serious fights so dying as Plutia isn’t much of an issue.
+Black’s wouldn’t go for his Dura Bypassing due to his nature and Saiyan influences.
-Playful and Sadistic Nature could lead her to dragging out the fight.
+though since the stat hab is far too wide, this wouldn’t even matter in the long run.
-Plutia wouldn’t be able to stand up much to Black.
-Black could potentially Dura Bypass and Kill Plutia before she could go HDD.
-Though it really isn’t Dura bypassing in the first place.

Goku Black Durability by ThatGuyImortal
Loser: Goku Black…
+More Ruthless fighter and would take things a lot more seriously.
+Healing Factor could lend to him being able to hang in there.
+Zenkai would allow his strength to keep on growing the more damage he took.
    -However, he still couldn’t reach a level of strength to put Iris Heart down.
-Far Weaker.
-A good deal less durable, meaning he couldn’t draw out the fight to benefit off of his Broken Zenkai.
-Wouldn’t go for the Dura Bypass Kill straight off the bat meaning it would be ineffective
-Plutia/Iris Heart is still more experienced
-Canonically wise Plutie always starts more important fights in her HDD Form, so arguing Black wins Beforehand is kinda moot.
-Plutia/Iris Heart had more varied and unpredictable abilities.

Published by

That Guy Imortal

This is just here if DA Goes to shit so I can move my fights here

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