Bloodstained Grave – Miriam vs. Shovel Knight! The Fight!

MiriamShovelKnightSet by ThatGuyImortal

Histoire Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “Alright, the combatants are set, and they’re very much ready to duel!”

Medaka Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “It would appear it’s time to settle this debate, once and for all!”

Histoire Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “So Sit back, grab some Popcorn, a Drink, and maybe some of those Lettered Chocolate beads, and let’s get straight into the action!”


Unknown Castle. Midnight…

The full moon glowed brightly across the castle, it’s light shining through various windows, lighting up the corners of the interior that the flame litten lamps didn’t.


Within a hallway, a woman swung her blade straight through some form of a humanoid creature, sending its head flying into a nearby wall, which it splattered against as the rest of its body melted away into the ground.

This was Miriam, making her way throughout the dark building, eliminating any monster that stood in her path. Well, any monster that would dare bring harm to her that is, or ones specifically looking for a fight. Suddenly, materializing from the stray demon’s corpse was what appeared to be some sort of crystal. As it finished materializing, it stabbed itself straight through Miriam, causing her to cry in agony, absorbing its power into her.

It soon vanished, leaving behind no trace it was ever inside her just a moment ago. She let out a sigh of relief. Despite being used to the feeling, it didn’t stop it from hurting like hell. She took a moment to breathe a bit and peer out of a window, noticing the full moon high in the sky.

After regaining her bearings, she continued down the hallway. After turning a corner, she came to a huge set of doors. She knocked on them.

No response.

She grabbed hold of the handles and pulled on them, opening the doors good and wide, revealing the contents of the room.

“Oh, a Library.” Miriam said as she looked around the dimly lit room, noticing the tall shelves lined with several books. “I don’t suppose O.D. would mind if I borrowed some books from another library while I’m here.” Miriam said to herself as she wandered over to one of the shelves, examining the books that it was lined with.

“The legendary super-“ Miriam mumbled to herself before she was cut off by a man’s voice.


Miriam’s attention was turned towards the unknown voice that had just spoken. She looked around the room a bit before looking up at a higher balcony, noticing a distinct man wearing a suit of armor, and in his hand was… a shovel?

“And who might you be?” Miriam asked the figure.

“I am Shovel Knight, and I do believe you are the one known as Miriam… Correct?” The man asked.

“Yes, but how did you come to know of me?” Miriam responded.

“I have been informed by a man that you are a threat. While I do not recall his name, he wore a mask. As such, I cannot allow you to proceed past this point.” Shovel Knight declared as he pointed his shovel blade down at Miriam.

“So Gebel is behind this?” Miriam mumbled to herself as she looked up at the knight. She knew he wasn’t demonic in any sort of way, but she should still take this rather seriously.

She took a step towards Shovel Knight and watched as suddenly a fireball was sent flying towards her. She quickly materialized a whip in her hands, which she used to knock the fireball into one of the nearby bookcases, lighting it ablaze in a bright explosion.

When she turned her attention back to Shovel Knight, she watched as he leaped from the balcony and dove straight for Miriam, shovel blade in hand.

Miriam vs. Shovel Knight render by ThatGuyImortal

Miriam made a dash backwards as Shovel Knight struck the ground with his shovel blade, breaking it apart slightly. She looked up at Shovel Knight and took notice of him charging straight for her, his shovel blade held firmly in his hand.

Cracking her whip for added effect, Miriam threw her arm forward towards Shovel Knight, thus her whip traveled towards the Knight, though with a quick dash to the side, he was able to avoid its impact with the ground. Shovel Knight then started taking short little hops in multiple directions as Miriam kept up her offensive pressure, her whip strikes hitting the ground where Shovel Knight once stood.

Pulling out the flare wand again, Shovel Knight shot a fireball towards Miriam. Noticing this, Miriam stuck out her right arm towards the incoming fireball and fired a larger ball of fire out of her hand, which overpowered Shovel Knight’s fairly easily, forcing the knight to dodge it as it drew close. It kept traveling until it hit one of the walls of the library, exploding in a small burst of flames.

As she lowered her arm, Miriam spoke. “Impressive, but you better have more than just fire attacks in your arsenal.” She said as she looked on at the rather short knight. Shovel Knight returned her gaze. His Flare Wand vanished from his hands, and instead, held a small green orb within his hand. He quickly tossed it towards Miriam.

Miriam kept her eyes on the bouncing green orb heading towards her until it was right at her feet, where she gently kicked it away. When she put her attention back on Shovel Knight though, she took notice of him now being a lot closer to her, swinging his shovel blade right at her head. She quickly jumped backwards, avoiding the swing, and quickly changed out her own weapon, from a Whip to a double-sided axe, which she held firmly in her hands as she looked towards Shovel Knight.

“Nice move distracting me like that, but you will have to try harder than that to get the drop on me.” Miriam remarked as she took a step towards Shovel Knight… and slipped on the green orb, which had conveniently rolled underneath her foot. As she fell backwards, Shovel Knight took the opportunity and quickly dashed up towards Miriam.

Once he was close enough, gone was his shovel blade, and instead, a pair of golden gauntlets. Tightening his hands into fists, he quickly delivered a strong punch on Miriam’s body, sending her flying across the sparsely carpeted floor. Miriam quickly corrected herself and pushed herself up off the ground and into a stand, she noticed another bouncing green orb heading her way.

Unlike before though, instead of giving it a light kick, Miriam swung her axe at a downward angle, slicing the orb completely in half, causing it to vanish. She quickly swung it again soon after, the end of it clashing with Shovel Knight’s shovel blade, forcing the duo back a slight bit.

Miriam was the first to follow up as she lunged at Shovel Knight, swinging her battle axe as she got close to the knight, though he was able to avoid it by swinging his shovel blade towards it, causing another clash, forcing both to push against one another with their weapons.

“You’re quite a formidable foe, Shardbringer Miriam.” Shovel Knight spoke as he pushed against Miriam’s axe, though even he could tell he was starting to get outmatched, thus causing him to jump backwards, ending short little clash they had going on. As he stood his ground, he pulled out his flare wand once again and quickly shot a fireball towards Miriam, though much like the bouncing green orb before, Miriam sliced right through it.

“As are you, Shovel Knight.” She said in response to Shovel Knight’s previous remark, holding her battle axe tightly in her right hand. Both kept their eyes on one another as they proceeded to start walking in a circle, never getting closer, nor getting further from one another, both thinking about their next action.

Then, within a moments notice, both dashed for one another, their weapons held firmly in their hands.

However, unlike before, only Shovel Knight was the one to swing his weapon as Miriam quickly dashed to the side of it and stuck out her right hand towards Shovel Knight. For a moment, the knight was confused until a stream of water shot out from her palm, carrying Shovel Knight back with a ton of force, forcing his body through a bookshelf as he continued to be sprayed down by the high powered stream of water until he was eventually embedded into a wall, which then lead to the water to stop flowing.

Try as he might, he was wedged too far into the stone wall to wiggle himself free. All he could do was change out his weapons and watch as Miriam approached him, her Battle Axe now replaced with a short sword, held firmly in her left hand.

Once she got close to the embedded Shovel Knight, she pulled back her arm, and swung it, blade firmly in hand. however, as she swung, she noticed a particular… amulet in Shovel Knight’s possession. Just as her blade was about to make impact, Shovel Knight’s body appeared to turn… translucent and foggy in a way. Because of that, Miriam’s Blade phased right through Shovel Knight’s body and hit the wall he was embedded in, shattering in, freeing the knight.

With the little bit of time he had, Shovel Knight landed back on the ground, his Dust Knuckles appearing on his fists as he quickly threw a hard punch towards Miriam’s stomach. As his fist connection, Shovel Knight returned to normal, and Miriam was sent flying across the still very much wet ground. As she rolled across the moist wood and carpet, she quickly managed to push herself to a stand, and stop her momentum by sticking her sword into the ground as well.

However, as Miriam gained her bearings, she was once again struck by Shovel Knight, though this time, instead of being hit by his golden gauntlets, he had instead opted to hit Miriam with the flat side of his shovel blade… whilst riding atop some sort of geared contraption and closed the surprisingly large gap between them in mere moments.

(Music Stops)

Miriam’s body was sent flying back, completely shattering the large wooden doors she had previously used to enter the library. She was sent tumbling across the hallway’s floor, eventually managing to reorient herself upright to a stand, this time not being interrupted by her opponent. By now, her blade had worn out its usefulness, so she changed it out for a mace-like weapon, though the ball wasn’t on any type of chain, just attached to the end of the rod attached to the handle.

Miriam looked towards the destroyed doorway and saw Shovel Knight walking through it, heading towards her, his shovel blade held firmly in his right hand as he continued advancing.

“You’re quite a stubborn one, aren’t you?” Miriam spoke as she casually dangled her mace at her side, lightly swinging it back and forth.

“As are you. Now, will you finally retreat, or do you still persist?” Shovel Knight responded as he stopped for a moment, now standing about a handful of meters away from Miriam. Their gazes locked on one another.

“I must still persist, for I do still have a job to do.” Miriam responded as her grip tightened on her mace.

“Very well…” Shovel Knight said as he lightly swung his left arm upwards, as if he was lobbing a ball. From his palm was a single golden coin that flew towards Miriam. Despite not watching it travel, she caught it with no issue and gripped it tightly for a moment.

“Here, Catch.” Miriam remarked as she tossed the Alchemy coin back towards Shovel knight, followed by a swarm of other various coins, all of which were fired from the palm of her hand. Needlessly surprised by this, Shovel Knight brought up his shovel blade in front of himself in a defensive position as the coins repeatedly smacked into his armor, making various Ting! noises as they bounced off into any direction imaginable.

“Wait a minute…” Shovel Knight thought as the coins kept bouncing off his armor. “These aren’t doing any damage…” He said to himself in his head as he stopped defending and looked towards Miriam, noticing that she was no longer in front of him. With her disappearance, came the stop of her silver and golden coin shower.

The next thing Shovel Knight felt was a strong kick to the back, which sent him flying forward through the air. Quickly turning his body around while still airborne, he threw what appeared to be a miniature anchor towards Miriam. She noticed this and quickly jumped side before charging towards Shovel Knight, though without a weapon in her hands, much to Shovel Knight’s confusion.

Without a second thought, Shovel Knight started tossing out… bombs in the shape of fishes that quickly began charging forward, straight in Miriam’s direction. Miriam Smirked as she got closer and closer to the explosives and reached her hand forward in front of herself and fired a flurry of magical arrows, which soared through the sky before striking each explosive causing them to detonate before they could reach their intended target.

With confidence, Miriam jumped forward through the explosions in her path, coming out the other side with no harm done to her. She landed in front of Shovel Knight and quickly spun around, pulling her leg back and preparing a strong kick… Then she took notice of Shovel Knight holing the Flare Wand out in front of himself, more specifically, pointed at Miriam.

“Oh no!” Miriam remarked as soon an explosion took place in front of her, completely engulfing her while also blowing the walls and the roof off of the hallway as well. The Explosion tossed Shovel Knight back, though he was soon stopped as he hit what he presumed to be the other set of doors leading out of the hallway.

He landed on his feet and got up quickly, looking on at the smoke, as if waiting for Miriam to leap out of it unharmed. Once he could see through it though, there was no sign of her insight. With a sigh, he gripped his trusty Shovel Blade and turned around to leave…

“HURK!” Only to be grabbed by a large hand made up of various metals, which then threw him through the set of doors into the other room, though he did catch a quick glimpse of Miriam, who was previously standing behind him before he was forced into the room. Needless to say, she was just fine if a little shaken up from almost getting caught up in that explosion.

“Impressive one, but I’m not so easily downed you know.” She remarked as she heard Shovel knight stand up from within the room he was tossed into. Knowing she had to keep at the onslaught, she dashed into the room, which looked to be some sort of grand bedroom, and in the center of it, was Shovel Knight.

Miriam stretched her right arm above her head and with a small puff of smoke, 2 giant hornet-like insects appeared, their sights set on Shovel Knight. Shuddering a bit at the sight of such disgusting creatures, Shovel Knight swapped out his blade to another one of his weapons, this time one that looked like a red colored buzzsaw of sorts.

The duo insects charged at the knight and Miriam dashed towards him as well, a short blade in hand.

Shovel Knight kept his eyes on the insects, and with a swing of his arm, he tossed it into the air, it slicing CLEAN Through one of the insects with a loud squelch noise. Quickly, he jumped to his side, avoiding a downwards slash from Miriam as well as a charge attack from the remaining insect.

It wouldn’t remain for long as the buzzsaw turned in mid-air, and quickly sliced through the other insect. Miriam ducked under the blade to avoid it as it embedded itself into the ground in front of her. Shovel Knight equipped his Shovel Blade once again and swung it at Miriam, only for her to throw her arm to her side summoning a ride of… paintings? that surrounded her entire body, blocking Shovel Knight’s attack.

This didn’t stop the knight from switching weapons again, his golden gauntlets, which he used to repeatedly throw punches at Miriam, though with each swing, one of the paintings would simply spin around and block the hit. He was breaking them faster than Miriam expected, however, and when he broke the final one, Miriam jumped backwards and started running circles around the room, a blue glow of sorts surrounding her as she circled the bedroom at incredible speeds.

A strong wind started to pick up within the bedroom as Miriam kept up her run. Shovel Knight attempted to put a halt to her with his flare wand, but she simply powered through it. Soon, a small tornado of sorts started to form within the small confines of the bedroom, quickly growing stronger and stronger, picking up not only Shovel Knight, but also whatever furniture wasn’t attached to the ground… which was all of it.

As Shovel Knight was helpless against the powerful winds, Miriam thought about her next move. She needed a strong hit.

And just like that, she thought of something. Stopping her constant sprinting, she eyed down Shovel Knight and leaped towards him, sticking her right arm out at her side, the various pieces of furniture defying the force of the confined cyclone and gathering just around her hand in the shape of a large fist. Shovel knight didn’t even see Miriam as she swung her arm at the knight’s back, slamming the fist of debris into him and sending him flying straight through the wall and into the open air outside.



Miriam barely had time to think as she was yanked along with Shovel Knight outside of the room and into the night sky. Somehow Shovel Knight had managed to wrap the fishing line from his fishing rod around her leg, and as a result, managed to pull her along with him. By this point, she was tired of all the shifting scenery and constant destruction of the areas they were fighting in.

Both fell towards the ground at alarming speeds, both falling into another Hallway lower down of the castle, both a decently large distance apart from one another as they broke through the stone and wooden roof of the opposite ends of the hall, blowing out whatever candles were lit inside of it.


(Music Stops)

Shovel Knight coughed as he slowly hoisted himself up with his trusted blade, coughing slightly. The last attack was brutal, but at least he had a way to recover from it. He reached behind himself and pulled out a chalice of red liquid which he then drank up. Suddenly, the injuries he had sustained began to heal. He could feel his magic pool come back to himself.

Despite that, he still felt as if he wasn’t in top form. She inflicted some SERIOUS Damage to him, but at least his chalice had managed to heal off the vast majority of it.


Step. Step. Step.

Shovel Knight perked up. Of course, she was still kicking. Cautiously he turned around, looking in the direction where both the light had come from, and where he heard the steps coming form.

Step. Step. Step.

The Hallway was dark, but he could still make out a shape. It was most certainly Miriam, but what she had done, he had no idea. he gripped his Shovel Blade tightly as Miriam finally stepped forth into the light of the candles still lit.

Much to Shovel Knight’s surprise, he looked on at his foe, noticing how she had changed forms, now resembling something unfamiliar to him. yet, even he could tell it was a rather… questionable choice of outfit.

Lili | Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Wiki | Fandom

Still, even if he thought his opponent looked rather silly, this was by no means an excuse to give up.

“If you still intend to continue this bout, then I shall abide by your wishes until you’re satisfied!” Shovel Knight declared as he pulled out his flare wand and pointed it in Miriam’s direction, unleashing a steady stream of fireballs towards the shardbringer.

As they drew closer and closer to her, she tensed up, quickly kicking each fireball back in the direction they came with a flurry of swift and strong kicks, much to Shovel Knight’s surprise. Shovel Knight quickly dashed out of the way of them in an attempt to avoid them, though one was able to hit him directly in the chest, leaving a slight burn mark on his armor.

As the Knight was stunned, Miriam quickly ran up to him and threw out a strong kick, only to have her heel clash with Shovel Knight’s gold encased fist. Their clash created a shockwave, though neither were sent flying. Not too long after this, both jumped backwards, though only Miriam was the one do a follow-up attack. She quickly materialized a knife in her hand that she soon threw at Shovel Knight, who was still airborne and unable to completely defend against the throwing weapon, only managed to move his body slightly, so the knife hit the side of his helmet.

Hitting Shovel Knight with a surprising amount of force, it sent Shovel Knight flying towards a bared up glass window, denting the bars and partially shattering the glass. Shovel Knight was embedded into said window slightly, preventing him from moving. He could only watch at Miriam rushed at him, and with a high pitched battle cry, she landed a strong kick straight onto Shovel Knight’s chest, Snapping the bars he was stuck up against and shattering what remained of the glass, sending them both flying outside and down into a rather wet cracked road.

As Shovel Knight crashed into the ground below, he quickly rose to his feet, using his trusted shovel blade to help him stand. He looked up at where he had just gotten kicked out of and noticed Miriam gripping the side of the tower as she effectively rode it down to the ground. Though once she noticed Shovel Knight has noticed her, she leaped off the stone and started heading towards the Knight.

Though much to her surprise, a storm of Fireballs littered the air she was guiding herself through, all thanks to Shovel Knight’s Flare Wand. Doing her best to weave through the storm of explosive flames, she eventually kicked one straight back at Shovel Knight, though unlike before, he was able to easily hop back and avoid the rebounded blast.

Shovel Knight then did something that surprised Miriam as she continued falling towards Shovel Knight. She watched as Shovel Knight pulled out a Fishing Rod from behind him, and swing it in her direction. The rope and hook wrapped around her leg, much to her surprise. She then felt herself be forcefully pulled towards Shovel Knight. Upon getting close, she was hit square in the face by a hard punch from Shovel Knight’s dust knuckles.

She exclaimed in pain as she smashed through a stone pillar, though she quickly oriented herself and landed on her feet once again, skidding across the wet ground until she finally came to a stop a good 50 feet from where she was just slammed through, and a good 100 feet from Shovel Knight himself. She was breathing heavier than she was before, and despite the distance, darkness, and the heavy rain falling down all around her, she could notice Shovel Knight was also beginning to feel exhausted, though she couldn’t tell if it was greater than what she was feeling right now.

Still, with the time she had right now, she was taking advantage of it to simply breathe, catch her breath as she watched Shovel Knight… accelerate towards her at an alarmingly fast speed, on top of some sort of wheeled contraption.

“What the-” Miriam exclaimed in shock before she was forcefully cut off by Shovel Knight, slamming the side of his shovel blade straight into her face, forcing her back across the wet terrain. Miriam put a stop to her momentum and threw a Kick straight at Shovel Knight, though her leg just phased straight through his body as if he wasn’t even there.

Miriam jumped back and threw a dozen knives at Shovel Knight, who was back on the same plain as she was. Shovel Knight took a defensive stance and started knocking the knives away with his shovel blade. Miriam landed on the ground and dashed towards Shovel Knight as fast as she could, giving a strong kick to a piece of debris that was in her way, sending it flying towards Shovel Knight.

After dealing with the last of Miriam’s throwing knives, he noticed the large chunk of rock heading his way. He quickly equipped his Dust Knuckles much like he had done all throughout this battle, and shattered the piece of stone. Then, going off of his instincts, he threw forward another punch straight after, clashing with Miriam’s heal.

However, both didn’t go flying back, instead, they both kept up their attacks. Miriam unleashing a furious flurry of kicks and Shovel Knight rapidly clashing against them with strong and fast punches. Each clash created shockwave which blew any raindrops around them back, as well as forming a small crater beneath them. Finally, after a solid few seconds of their clashing, both ceased and took a few steps back, both breathing heavier than most would.

In a flash of green light, Miriam’s bunny outfit had vanished, along with all the other features it brought along with it, returning her back to her normal form.

“You’re certainly a strong foe, Shovel Knight. Have I yet to prove myself to you?” Miriam inquired as she placed a hand on her chest. Shovel Knight looked up at her and shook his head.

“Despite us being nowhere close to that hall anymore, I still can’t allow you to pass until I can no longer stand.” Shovel Knight declared, standing proud, his trusty shovel blade held firmly in his hand.

“… You know I’m no threat to you, so why not let me pass?” Miriam asked, taking her hand off her chest as she finally caught her breath.

“I have an honor to uphold, and I still lack the whole story from your perspective.” Shovel Knight replied. Miriam sighed.

“Alright. You’ve made your point. I suppose it’s time we wrap this up.” She said as she took a stance. Shovel Knight nodded and took a stance as well, pointing his shovel blade at Miriam.

“That we shall.” he responded before they ran towards one another at high speed, Miriam summoning and swinging a long-bladed weapon as Shovel Knight swung his shovel blade, both clashing and sending sparks flying into the air, that were quickly put out by the heavy rain.

Both pushed against each other’s blades for a moment before pulling them back. With her blade held behind her, Miriam extended out her left hand towards Shovel Knight, causing a large spinning blade with loads of spikes littering it to extend out of nowhere, spinning like a drill towards the Knight. Shovel Knight dashed out of the way as the blade tore through the ground of where he was previously standing.

And just like that, the ground beneath the duo started to give way, causing the two to fall into yet another room within the shifting landscape. However, along with stone that fell around them, there was also shards of colored glass, more so around the titular Shovel Knight.

As she landed she quickly stood up and looked up at Shovel knight falling towards her, several shards of glass surrounding him along with the pieces of rock and stone.

Then an idea came to her mind.

Raising her open hand up into the air, more specifically, aimed towards Shovel Knight. She then closed her hand and in a mere instant, the colors of the world inverted, and everything came to a halt…

Except for Miriam.

Knowing she didn’t have a lot of time on her hands, she pointed her hand towards one of the glass shards that was hanging around Shovel Knight, and shot a beam of light out of it. Almost instantly, it started reflecting off of it into another shard of glass, which caused it to reflect again. And Again, and again until it was reflecting off of every glass fragment around Shovel knight, with some of them crossing paths with the frozen knight.

She took in a deep breath… then vanished into a beam of light, bouncing off of the glass shards and striking Shovel Knight as he remained stationary within the air. After what felt like an eternity, time unfroze and Shovel Knight felt the force of the hundreds of hits Miriam had inflicted onto him in a moment notice.

However, things were still not done as Shovel Knight barely had enough time to take notice of Miriam above him, her arm extended out towards him. Before Shovel Knight’s eyes, a large fist made of metal and other such materials appeared out of thin air and slammed itself straight into Shovel Knight, propelling him towards the ground at a violently high speed.

Shovel Knight fell unconscious as his body made contact with the ground, a large crater forming underneath him. Miriam soon landed with a bit of a limp. She had won the fight, and without killing her foe at that as well.

An Unknown amount of time later…

Waking with a start was Shovel Knight as he let a groan, raising himself from the spot he laid. Once he was at a stand, he looked up at the sky, taking note of the full moon looming high above.

“I see you’re awake.” Spoke Miriam, catching Shovel Knight’s attention, causing him to look over towards Miriam, sitting in a chair a little ways away.

“So you spared me?” Shovel Knight asked as he reached for his shovel blade, which was lying on the ground.

Miriam stood up from her seat. “Why would I have a reason to kill you in the first place?” She responded. Shovel Knight eased up.

“Very well then. I had no intention of killing you as well if I were to have been the victor of this scuffle, but you have proven to me that you can indeed pass now.” Shovel Knight said as he looked towards Miriam, as she returned his gaze.

“Is there something amiss?” Shovel Knight inquired, breaking the awkward silence.

“Oh! Well, it’s just that whenever I beat somebody of significance, I get something in return. I don’t suppose the same applies to you?” Miriam responded. Shovel Knight let out a hearty chuckle.

“Kid these days have it easy. I had to explore to find my relics. But here, you can have this.” Shovel Knight said as he pulled out a replica of his ever-familiar blade and handed it to Miriam.

“Oh, your Shovel Sword?” Miriam said.

“Tis merely a replica I was given by a traveler, but it still works perfectly fine like mine. Hope it finds you well.” Shovel Knight said as he turned around and started walking away.

“Thank you. May our paths cross again, Shovel Knight.” Miriam said as she hurried back into the castle in pursuit of her goal, her new weapon in hand.

Histoire Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “At least they didn’t kill one another.”

Medaka Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “Shovel Knight was certainly a determined foe, and his tenacity led him to giving it his all, but he sadly got massively outclassed in this fight.

Histoire Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “Starting off simple with their strengths and destructive capability, we’ll start with Shovel Knight. After the defeat of the Enchantress, the Tower of Fate collapsed, causing an earthquake that could be felt from the town which would likely be miles away. The Resulting earthquake is roughly 60 Megatons of TNT, which is solidly city level.”

Medaka Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “Miriam, on the other hand, is capable of scaling to Zangetsu, a guy who fought a dude who created a storm, which gave off about 54 Gigatons of TNT, which is Island Level+. So in Strength and DC, Miriam takes it rather handedly.”

Histoire Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “Next up is Speed. Shovel Knight was capable of keeping up with and defeating a man who could control lightning. And it’s natural lightning too. Dodging his Lightning would take moving at a speed of over Mach 200, which is certainly impressive, but Miriam effortlessly has him beat.”

Medaka Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “Miriam fought and defeated a Demon who traveled as a beam of light. And even on their first encounter, she dodged this thing AS it was moving as a beam of light.”

Histoire Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “And after defeating it, Miriam was capable of using its ability and is even able to attack while as a beam of light. Meaning, she’s capable of reacting to and moving at Faster than Light speeds! Shovel Knight is massively outclassed here. And needless to say that scaling their Durabilities to their DC’s would also lead to Shovel Knight being outclassed.”

Medaka Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “Regarding experience, that one can go either way really. It’s difficult to tell who would be the more experienced fighter, though Shovel Knight could possibly have more since Miriam has been asleep for 10 years, but she has fought a wider variety of foes after waking up.”

Histoire Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “Speaking of Variety, going off of equipment, Shovel Knight certainly has some nice equipment, such as the Flare Wand, Dust Knuckles, and Phase Locket, Miriam’s sheer amount of abilities at her disposal eclipses this. She can create massive pillars of flames, manipulate and absorb other people’s blood to heal herself, Create a nice Chair to sit in, Teleport short distances, Stop Time, Create Clones of herself, Heal herself by doing nothing, summon countless monsters to aid her in battle, and she can even turn people to stone.”

Medaka Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “While all Shovel Knight can really do to defend against all this is use the Phase Locket to avoid damage… if he can even get it off, which is highly unlikely.”

Histoire Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “And going by Shovel Knight’s expansive suits of armor, they can’t really be applied to a DB Scenario since he doesn’t normally keep them on himself at all times, though if he did, they wouldn’t mean anything in the long run. Poor Butt Butt.”

Medaka Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal: “Shovel Knight may have walked away with a few scrapes and bruises, but hey, at least he isn’t a foot in the grave.

Histoire Host Icon by ThatGuyImortal“The Winner is Miriam!”

Image result for bloodstained miriam sitting
WINNER: Miriam!
+FAR Stronger.
+FAR Faster.
+FAR More Durable.
+FAR More Abilities.
+FAR More Varied Arsenal.
+FAR More Equipment.
+FAR Better Hax.
=Roughly Equal Experience.
-Phase Locket could prove troublesome.

Image result for shovel knight meme
Loser: Shovel Knight…
+Phase Locket could let him avoid damage.
=Roughly equal Experience.
-Everything Else really.
-Far Weaker.
-Far Slower.
-Far Less Durable.
-Not as many abilities.
-Not as varied arsenal.
-Far less equipment.
-Little if any hax.

Published by

That Guy Imortal

This is just here if DA Goes to shit so I can move my fights here

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